There was even more panic and anxiety in the crisp drinking voice.

I suddenly looked up at He Zhi, eyes full of irrepressible anger.

He Zhi looked at me anxiously, and tears welled up in his eyes.

In an instant, my feverish brain had a moment of clarity!

The next moment, there was a muffled sound above his head.

Under the heavy blow of the mourning stick, my whole body convulsed like an electric shock, and countless ants-like pain came from the top of my head!

My eyes went dark, and my body fell heavily towards the back...

"Li Yinyang!...I didn't do anything cruel...just scattered the Yin Qi...I..."

Anxious voice echoed in his ears.

The voice gradually blurred and dissipated...

My consciousness was completely plunged into darkness.


I don't know how long it has passed, and I began to vaguely feel that there are countless people talking in my ears.

The sound is so noisy and disordered, it makes me feel like my brain is about to split apart...

There was a continuous "hissing" sound in my ear.

There seemed to be a warm object on my head, ironing my whole body from the top of the head down.

At this point, I felt that my consciousness gradually eased, and I no longer suffered and struggled.

I don't know how long it has passed, and someone is calling my name next to my ear.

That voice was full of self-blame, panic, and deep regret.

Shocked, I opened my eyes with difficulty.

The glare of the sun came into my eyes, and the sting made me raise my hand subconsciously, trying to block the sun.

It's just that as soon as I moved my hand, the pain made me "hiss" again, and I took a breath.

"Li're awake...!" A voice choking with surprise came from beside my ear.

Everything around me just came into my sight.

I'm lying on a slightly flat turf.

He Zhi squatted on my left side, her eyes were red and swollen, and her eyes were full of worry.

After I opened my eyes, she immediately reached out and helped me sit up.

On my right, Liu Huayan was sitting cross-legged.

Her face was as pale as paper, and under the sunlight, she became more and more sick and tired.

"Li Yinyang... are you feeling better?" He Zhi asked cautiously.

I raised my hand to touch the top of my head.

At this time, there was something pressing on Tianling, and there was a faint sense of adsorption.

I took it off with a little effort.

Isn't this thing a fixed compass?

The brain gradually became sober from the chaos of just waking up, and after being sober, more memories emerged in consciousness.

I gradually turned pale.

Recalling my "crazy" before being knocked unconscious by He Zhi, I felt an indescribable strangeness...

It's as if that person wasn't me before...

"Li" He Zhi who was next to him spoke cautiously again, and the anxiety in his tone became a little more serious.

"I'm fine..." I pursed my lips and whispered.

I turned my head and looked at He Zhi in a daze, but it was still difficult for me to calm down.

I glanced at Liu Huayan again from the corner of the eye, I actually wanted to kill her before...

If He Zhi hadn't stopped me, I'm afraid Liu Huayan would have been cut to death by me in that state...

But I can't figure out why I became like that.

"Liu Huayan are the fate of the great yin, and the child of the yin is a dead person. Your yin energy has always been as heavy as a dead person, but you have the yang energy of a living person. It's just that you let her die last night in order to save her. I was absorbed by that corpse, leaving only Yin Qi on my body, and you have too many negative emotions, which have been hidden in your heart, and suddenly became so irritable."

He Zhi cautiously opened his mouth again, but it just explained the doubts in my heart.

I nodded with difficulty, and looked down at the compass again.

Yesterday, the fixed compass also reminded me, but I just threw it away...

But after I passed out, someone obviously picked it up and pressed it on my head.

I squinted my eyes a little, feeling the ironing of the sun, but I was afraid that I still couldn't get rid of that smell.

"I scared you." My heart was so bitter that I couldn't even smile bitterly, and the tone of my conversation with He Zhi was full of guilt.

"I'm afraid that the mourning stick is too heavy and it will hurt you...It's good that you're fine..." At this moment, He Zhi's complexion finally relaxed a lot.

I closed my eyes and made a decision in my heart, that is, I must be careful.

Nothing like this can happen again.

And when I go back to see Master Jiang Yihong, I must tell him about this!

He may have a way to solve my hidden dangers.

When I opened my eyes again, I stood up with He Zhi's support.

Not far from sight is the copper coffin and the deep pit next to it.

Now that the sun was shining on the copper coffin, the copper rust had begun to peel off.

But Zhou Chuanlin and Zhou Chuanshi actually knelt in front of the copper coffin, neither of them dared to get up.

I clearly remember that the two of them were unconscious last night.

"When did they wake up? How did they kneel there?"

I asked He Zhi with a hoarse voice, and at the same time, I glanced a little farther away, and saw Yang Zhushu who was tied up with five flowers, and there were some people guarding him. Aren't those the servants of the Zhou family? !

He Zhi explained to me in a low voice: "Didn't I knock you unconscious when I came here yesterday? Liu Huayan and I managed to lift you aside, and she picked up the compass to calm down the yin on your body." gas."

"She joined me again and carried the two Zhou family heads to your side to help them calm down their Yin energy."

"There are quite a few servants of the Zhou family on your side, haven't they been scared away?"

I nodded without interrupting He Zhi's words.

He Zhi paused for a while before continuing to tell me that while they were saving lives, the servants of the Zhou family came back.

In fact, they didn't dare to run too far. They just hid and peeked. Those people were not stupid. Now they saw the problem and believed us.

They tied up Yang Zhushu and arranged for someone to guard them. They wanted to wait for me to wake up before dealing with it.

Before dawn, Zhou Chuanlin and Zhou Chuanshi, the two Patriarchs of the Zhou family, woke up first. They seemed to know what happened yesterday. They only said a few words to show their ignorance, and then went over and knelt in front of the coffin. with...

After He Zhi finished speaking, he lowered his head and thought for a while, and told me that there was nothing missing.

I squinted my eyes slightly, and walked towards the coffin.

He Zhi supported me and walked forward with me.

I told He Zhi in a low voice: "He is not Yang Zhushu. When I beat him last night, he said that his master is Yang Zhushu, and he is called Mr. One Finger."

"I've always thought that his yin and yang skills were flawed, but any Mr. Yin and Yang wouldn't misread the hexagram of water flowing out, let alone use copper coffins to suppress rotten coffins and wet corpses."

"He is not Mr. Yin Yang at all, he is just a person who has not yet mastered the arts! Using Yang Zhushu's name to bluff!"

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