Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 326 Yin evil, absent minded

I just dodged Yang Zhushu's spit.

What he said after that caught my ears, it was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, it made my head buzz!

Originally, his sharp words just now made me very agitated, I felt unable to control my emotions, and even made me want to hit hard.

Now he actually scolded my master Jiang Yihong again!

Yang Zhushu's ferocious face kept magnifying in my eyes.

The movement of his mouth seemed to slow down.

The only thing left in my ears is his sharp curse echoing:

"Which ignorant teacher is it! He taught you such an unrestrained, nonsense disciple!" "Your ignorant teacher has lived his whole life in vain, and he is not qualified to accept apprentices!"… …

The buzzing in my head became more intense, and the image of Jiang Yihong teaching me carefully flashed before my eyes.

Jiang Yihong's aging face and trembling hands flashed past.

I just feel that my eye sockets are also extremely hot, and the blood in my brain is rushing upwards!

Yang Zhushu's dagger was about to plunge into my heart.

Liu Huayan next to him struggled to prop up his body, trying to block it.

Her eyes were even more frightened, and she seemed to be saying something, which I could no longer hear.

I stared at Yang Zhushu, and in an instant, anger and murderous intent gushed out of my eyes!

With a sudden thrust of my left hand, I firmly grasped Yang Zhushu's wrist holding the dagger, preventing him from stabbing the dagger towards me.

The next moment, I pushed forward with my right hand holding one end of the bamboo stick. Yang Zhushu was at the end of his strength at this time. Where could he stop me? When I fell down, I slammed down even harder, hitting Yang Zhushu's nose directly.

There was a scream, and Yang Zhushu's face looked as if a dyeing workshop had been opened, with blood flowing!

"Little bastard, I will fight with you!"

Yang Zhushu cursed sharply, his right hand tried harder to stab the dagger towards my chest.

I snorted and supported my left hand vigorously, but he couldn't go down half an inch.

The next moment, his other hand hooked his fingers and pierced my eyeballs!

I was still holding the wooden stick in my right hand, and now I drew it without hesitation, and the stick directly hit Yang Zhushu's finger!

Yang Zhushu let out a scream.

At the same time, I snapped my left hand vigorously, almost breaking Yang Zhushu's wrist.

The moment the dagger in his hand landed, I rushed forward, and my shoulder slammed into his chest. He raised his head and fell back heavily.

I also withdrew my strength and directly hit Yang Zhushu's body.

I swung my left arm, and punched Yang Zhushu on the bridge of his nose with one fist!

The warm blood soaked my joints, and I gasped heavily.

Rounding my right arm, I punched Yang Zhushu on the left face again.

With just two fists like this, Yang Zhushu's entire face was deformed.

His eyeballs almost popped out, he didn't know if it was anger or pain.

I breathed more heavily and met his eyes directly.

"You are not qualified to call me Master!"

"His yin and yang skills, how can you, a liar, insult you?!" I punched him on the right side of the face again!

Yang Zhu tilted his head, and with a puff, he spat out a bloody tooth.

He was already dizzy from the beating, his body was trembling, and he murmured intermittent words indistinctly.

"I... teacher... is Mr. One Finger... Yang... Yang Zhushu..."

"You kill...kill me...he will definitely die, you die..."

After "Yang Zhushu" barely uttered these two sentences, I punched him a few more times.

He has long since given up on continuing to speak harshly, all that is left is begging, weak begging, let me stop hitting...

But at this moment, I feel that there is a kind of morbid pleasure in my heart.

The warmth of the blood makes me feel very comfortable.

Even the negative emotions of being humiliated and abused by the villagers back then have been swayed a lot.

That feeling is controlling me, and I want to smash it down!

The fixed compass on his waist hissed frantically.

The sound was so piercing that it hurt my eardrums.

I stopped suddenly, stared down at the fixed compass, and pulled it off my waist.

The pointer rotates crazily, forming a strong spinning needle!

I breathed harder, stared at the compass, and growled hoarsely: "You also think I'm a sneaky one?!"

Anger inexplicably rose from my chest, and I slammed it hard, and directly smashed the compass out!

After the fixed compass was thrown away, I immediately felt relaxed!

It seems that it is an invisible heavy object pressing on me...

The next moment, my arm was suddenly grabbed by a hand!

"Li Yinyang, what's wrong with you?! You're sober!"

I caught sight of Liu Huayan from the corner of my eye. Her strength in her hands was not strong, but I could feel that she was doing her best, and the look on her face was even more anxious.

"What's the matter with me?" I said coldly: "This person is not Yang Zhushu, he said just now, that is his teacher, he is just a charlatan!"

"He still dares to speak out loudly and insult my master! Master has been practicing Yin-Yang Art all his life, and he has waited for 20 years to find me as an apprentice!"

"Who gave him the bear heart and leopard courage!" When I finished speaking, my tone became even more fierce!

"Let go of me! I know, you don't treat me as a human being, and if you stop me, I won't be polite to you!" After saying that, I shook my shoulder violently.

Liu Huayan looked at me blankly as if she had been stunned by fright, a trace of fear flickered in her eyes.

I clenched my fist and wanted to hit Yang Zhushu's face again.

"Li Yinyang...was sucked away by the rotting coffin and wet corpse, your yin energy is too heavy...don't kill anyone, you will lose your heart!"

Liu Huayan's trembling sound could be heard again.

The next moment, there was a fly whisk, tightly wrapped around my neck!

After Liu Huayan threw out the whisk, her legs even kicked towards my waist.

She lifted her body back, her slender waist was stretched into a bow shape, and that force was transmitted to my waist.

They want to throw me out!

I glared at Liu Huayan, and suddenly pulled out the divination knife from my waist, and slashed at Chensi!

The dust whisk broke at the sound.

Liu Huayan let out a muffled snort, the force of the shock made her fall backwards!

At that moment, she looked at me even more panicked.

"He Zhi, Li Yinyang was overwhelmed by Yin Qi, stop her!" Her weak voice came from her mouth.

At this time, He Zhi's figure had become clearer.

She stopped in amazement, and looked at me in amazement, her eyes were full of fear and strangeness, as if she didn't know me.

She glanced at Liu Huayan from the corner of her eye, and a frightened look flashed in her eyes: "You... Li Yinyang... What's wrong with you..." He Zhi's voice was full of confusion and panic.

Liu Huayan panted and propped up her body, and wanted to speak again.

I don't know why, but in my head, I remembered Liu Tianniu's ruthless attack on me at that time!

The scene where Liu Huayan is talking next to him!

I remembered my mother crying in pain and despair beside me!

I even remembered that she put a whole bowl of corpse blood!

I was panting heavily, the anger made me raise the Guillotine Knife and strike at the top of Liu Huayan's head!

He Zhi was even more shocked.

"Li Yinyang, stop, don't kill her!" The mourning stick in her hand hit the top of my head directly!

"A blow to the head!"

[The author has something to say]

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