Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 325 An Inexperienced Teacher!

But I can't care about Liu Huayan, because at this moment, there is a sharp pain in my calf...

It turned out to be the arms of the great ancestor of the Zhou family. At some point, they tightly wrapped around my calf that was stepping on the gossip tiger mirror.

My legs seemed to be pierced with countless blood holes, as if warm blood was flowing out.

And the gossip tiger head mirror under his feet is also shaking and rebounding more violently!

The ancestors of the Zhou family can absorb yang energy from Liu Huayan, let alone me...

I know better... the wound on my leg is not the wound, but the Yang Qi that was sucked out of my body by it.

The coldness spread across my body crazily, that coldness made my whole body chill!

But what surprised me was that I didn't feel weak...

Logically speaking, there are yin and yang in the human body. If the yin and yang of ordinary people are out of balance, they will become extremely weak, just like Liu Huayan at this moment, who doesn't even have the strength to stand up...

But not only was I not weak, but I felt that my whole body was getting stronger.

I lowered my head to stare at the corpse of Zhou Family Gaozu, and I also suppressed the shock on my feet.

It's just that the gossip tiger head mirror is getting hotter and hotter, which makes me feel uncomfortable...

Even this kind of heat gradually became like a soldering iron, making me want to lift my legs to dodge.

The sound of "Zi Zi" became louder, and the blue smoke on the face of the ancestor of the Zhou family even turned black.

It was very fierce just a moment ago, and seemed to be able to bounce off the gossip tiger's head mirror, but at this moment, it became a lot weaker...

This must be the effect of the gossip tiger head mirror to suppress the corpse, it couldn't break free immediately, that's why it happened.

I even endured the severe pain in my legs and the scorching heat on the soles of my feet, and I didn't move away!

Because I can't figure out why all this happened, but this is an opportunity, I can't miss it!

My hands firmly grasped the sides of the copper coffin, and I had to use this to control my body so that I could hold down my legs.

Inside the copper coffin, the body of Zhou Family Gaozu shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The wet corpse that was originally full has shrunk by a third!

It was hot and painful, and sweat was pouring down my forehead.

The next moment, the arms around my calf suddenly loosened...

Inexplicably, I seemed to feel a trace of sadness and begging.

In a daze, it seems that there is an old man kneeling next to the copper coffin, kowtowing to me constantly...

When the cold wind blows, I'm jittery again.

Where is there any old man in that place?Just a few pieces of gravel...

But I was thinking.

The corpse of Zhou Family Gaozu in the copper coffin had shrunk so much that the bones had already begun to be seen, and there was no trace of wetness on the skin surface, and even the muscles and black bloodshot lines began to show.

The pain also pushed me to the limit, I lifted my leg suddenly, and let go of the pressed gossip tiger lens.

But at this time, the ancestor of the Zhou family didn't have the ability to bounce it away.

With a sudden force, I jumped out of the coffin, and then quickly reached out, grabbing out the gossip tiger head mirror.

It was hot when my hand touched it, as if I had directly grabbed a piece of coal.

The burning pain made me grunt, and I instinctively threw the gossip tiger mirror far away.

Quickly shaking my hands, I kept making "hissing" sounds and gasping for air.

After a long while, I felt that the pain eased a little.

Just at this moment, on the way when Liu Huayan and I came, a figure ran quickly!

Relying on the moonlight, I recognized at a glance, wasn't it He Zhi who ran over? !

I gasped heavily, and then looked down at the ancestor of the Zhou family inside the coffin. His face was completely scorched black, as if he had been scalded. He has absolutely no way to make trouble with us right now... …

I glanced at my own palm from the corner of the eye, and my heart trembled suddenly, because my palm was also full of burn marks.

I bowed and quickly opened the pants on my right leg, and took off my shoes

The burns on the soles of my feet were even more severe, even scorched black like the ancestors of the Zhou family.

For a moment, I was even more stunned, and then I thought of a possibility...

The great ancestor of the Zhou family indeed sucked my yang energy.

But I am different from normal people.

However, any normal person who lacks yang qi and loses balance of yin and yang in the body will definitely be extremely weak.

I was born with yin, and I grew up surrounded by yin. Before I was 22 years old, I was even more yin. Even if I passed the yang test and got better, it still can't change that I am the fate of the big yin fact.

It's like the big mastiff raised by He Guipo, who treats me as a sneaky creature and wants to eat me.

Liu Tianniu, who saw me for the first time, shot directly, almost breaking my pulse and killing me.

My yang qi was sucked away, but the yin qi was made deeper and more abundant, making me more in line with my destiny...

In this way, how can I be weak?

Thinking about this clearly, feeling the coolness on my body, I even feel that the night is not dark anymore, but rather intimate...

But my heart is faintly disturbed, I don't know whether this matter is good or bad...

Shaking my head, I wake myself up and put those thoughts aside.

I stood on tiptoe with the injured foot, and managed to get to Liu Huayan's side, and helped her to sit up.

Liu Huayan was still pale and very weak.

Even sitting is extremely difficult.

And at this moment, Liu Huayan looked at me with a bit of indescribable surprise.


Liu Huayan bit her lower lip, hesitated to speak.

But at this moment, I heard the slight sound of footsteps approaching us.

He Zhi is still far away, it is impossible to run so fast.

I suddenly raised my head, only to find that it was Yang Zhushu who walked up to us!

His appearance at this moment is very miserable, with disheveled hair, blood on both sides of his mouth, and blood on his ears and nose. It is clear that he suffered serious internal injuries from the blow to the copper coffin just now.

But Yang Zhushu's hand was actually holding a thick stick.

His face was extremely ferocious, and the stick hit me hard on the head!

"You fledgling bastard! How dare you teach me how to do things! If you hadn't made trouble behind the scenes, how could there have been any accidents!" Yang Zhushu cursed.

His red eye sockets seemed to spew out fire!

I don't know why, but his words were too sharp, as if they were drilling into my brain.

I quickly turned sideways and dodged the stick, but my other foot was burned too badly. When I dodged, my foot exerted force, and the pain made me break out in cold sweat.

What makes me even more angry is that Yang Zhushu still feels that he has done nothing wrong?Is it because we messed up the problem? !

I raised my right hand and directly grabbed Yang Zhushu's still-stretched wooden stick.

At this time, my strength is not weak, but Yang Zhushu doesn't have much strength, he can't move me at all.

But he let out a huff, spit at me, and said bitterly: "I will abolish you today! Your ignorant teacher has lived his whole life in vain! You are not qualified to accept apprentices!"

The next moment, he took out a dagger from his pocket and stabbed it towards my heart!

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