It was obviously a corpse.

I could clearly see that the head and face of the corpse were exceptionally moist, the texture of the skin was as white and greasy as oil, and a pair of opened eyeballs were filled with deep black.

Liu Huayan's back was facing me, and his head and face were facing the corpse's face!

What frightened me even more was that Liu Huayan was about to fall obliquely into the coffin...

This movement is more like entering the arms of the corpse...

My complexion changed drastically.

At this moment, Liu Huayan just stepped on the water seeping out of the copper coffin, and his legs were stained with copper rust, so he couldn't move.

If she directly touched the murderous corpse, or even fell into the coffin, it would definitely be in a fatal danger!

"Miss Liu! Be careful!"

I roared so loud that my voice almost broke!

Liu Huayan struggled with his body, showing signs of returning to action.

The copper-colored utensil in her hand seemed to be smashing towards the head and face of the corpse...

But before she could struggle, her body fell into the arms of the corpse.

Suddenly, the beam of light projected by the moon on the copper coffin seemed to be mixed with a dark green.

Liu Huayan didn't move, the corpse leaned back and lay back in the coffin.

It even poured Liu Huayan into it.

And the utensil in Liu Huayan's hand fell directly outside the coffin.

Coincidentally, the artifact hit the yellow stone directly.

Amidst the clicking sound, the stone shattered into several petals.

As the stone was destroyed, the four-color stones in other directions split almost simultaneously.

At the same time, Zhou Chuanlin and Zhou Chuanshi suddenly stood up from the ground.

They quickly turned around and approached Yang Zhushu quickly!

All this happened so fast, I almost ran to Yang Zhushu.

The wind was blowing, and the whimpering sound was like a ghost crying.

The faces of Zhou Chuanlin and Zhou Chuanshi were even more ferocious, and even their faces were seeping water, like sticky wax.

The thing in the hands of the two of them fell just now, and they didn't pick it up, and now they are fiercely rushing towards me!

"Get lost!" Zhou Chuanlin let out a sharp and vicious curse, which was not his own at all, but rather old and dead.

I suddenly raised the gossip tiger head mirror in my hand, and the mirror was facing Zhou Chuanlin!

Suddenly, Zhou Chuanlin let out a scream, and a lot of blue smoke rose from his head, and his whole body was stiff and twitching in place, foaming at the mouth.

The next moment, he fell straight down!

But the gossip tiger head mirror in my hand was so hot that I almost couldn't hold it.

This thing is comparable to the existence of a fixed compass, and its function is to suppress corpses and destroy evil spirits. In this respect, it is even more "fierce" than a fixed compass!

Dealing with one, I was overjoyed.

But Zhou Chuanshi also rushed to the door in front of me, and grabbed my face with both hands.

I raised my left hand violently, and slapped him on the face, and a Hekui Corpse Slaying Talisman was directly stuck to his forehead.

Zhou Chuanshi screamed with a "hiss" and a soft chirp, and a crack appeared directly in the center of the corpse-killing talisman of He Kui.

Zhou Chuanshi also fell straight to the rear!

In just this instant, I "suppressed" these two quarrelsome people!

My heart was beating too fast, and there was a muffled sound in my chest.

He glanced at Yang Zhushu who was on the ground, he was convulsing slightly at the moment, although the injury was serious, but his life was saved.

Glancing at him, I felt a bit of anger in my heart.

Because of this trouble, it was entirely caused by Yang Zhushu's high self-esteem and the wrong use of Feng Shui. He even used a copper coffin to pretend to be smart!

Otherwise, this matter would not have been so serious.

"You are not Mr. Yin Yang!" I scolded in a hoarse voice.

Immediately afterwards, I didn't dare to pause any longer, I stepped over Zhou Chuanshi and Zhou Chuanlin, and walked quickly towards the copper coffin.

After seven or eight steps, I went directly to the copper coffin.

When I entered the copper coffin, my pupils constricted, and the hairs all over my body stood on end.

The corpse of the Zhou family Gaozu lying at the bottom of the copper coffin was extraordinarily tall.

The nearly two-meter-long copper coffin was almost completely covered by him, and the slender Liu Huayan was lying flat on his body at the moment, with an extremely painful expression on his face.

The arms of the ancestor of the Zhou family were tightly wrapped around Liu Huayan's neck. His eyes were wide open, facing the night sky, but his mouth was slightly opened, as if he was smoking something.

Liu Huayan's originally black and shiny hair now looked dull and gray.

And her skin is getting paler...

Liu Huayan crossed his hands in front of his chest and abdomen, and there was an extremely complicated handprint in his hand.

I had a guess at the time that this should be Liu Huayan using this method to protect himself when he was brought into the coffin.

Looking at her changes at this time, I can already imagine that the ancestor of the Zhou family must be sucking away her yang energy this time.

Jiang Yihong taught me that many corpses have the instinct to absorb yang energy.

He even told me about a kind of corpse that cannibalize corpses when they are alive, and gain yang energy after death!

In my thoughts, I did not hesitate to press the gossip tiger head mirror on the head of Zhou Family Gaozu!

At the same time, my other hand was grabbing Liu Huayan's arm, trying to pull Liu Huayan out of the coffin!

The sound of sizzle echoed in the ears, and the bluish-white smoke quickly emerged from the forehead of the ancestor of the Zhou family!

His white and oily face was also shaking, as if the water was boiling.

Suddenly, Liu Huayan let out a muffled snort.

My complexion changed again...

Because when I pulled her, I accidentally destroyed her handprint.

Her already pale skin looked even darker, and even had a layer of greasy feeling on it...

The next moment, Liu Huayan's hand suddenly trembled again.

This force almost shook my hand away.

The tiger-head gossip mirror on the forehead of the ancestor of the Zhou family actually showed signs of being about to pop up!

I was terrified in my heart, and I realized in an instant that the gossip tiger head mirror was indeed calming him down.

But after destroying Liu Huayan's handprint, he sucked in Yang Qi again, and now he can resist!She even wanted to bump into Liu Huayan!

Once this happens, I'm afraid we won't have the ability to deal with it!

Thinking about this in an instant, I didn't care too much, so I firmly grabbed Liu Huayan's arm and pulled her out even harder.

At the same time, I yelled out loudly, bursting out with greater strength. At the same time, I stepped directly into the copper coffin across my legs, and stepped hard on the back of the gossip tiger mirror!

I only heard a "click", as if something was broken, but the gossip tiger head mirror was firmly stepped on by me, and it did not bounce off.

My other hand firmly grasped Liu Huayan's waist, and with both hands at the same time, I lifted her up vertically and threw her directly out of the coffin!

After Liu Huayan fell to the ground, he let out a muffled snort, apparently waking up, and tremblingly wanted to get up.

But she was obviously out of strength, and just halfway up, she stumbled and fell down again...

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