Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 323 Three swords to kill mulberry, five stones to suppress evil spirits

A shrill scream pierced the night sky!

Yang Zhushu was hit by this "beat", and fell straight forward, his entire face hit the ground...

The cry stopped abruptly.

Yang Zhushu, who was extremely arrogant just a moment ago, is already dead at this moment.

The most terrifying thing is the suddenness of all this!

The coffin lid exploded too fast, without any warning, and without the ability for anyone to react.

In fact, Yang Zhushu's instinctive reaction was already very fast.

If he hadn't leaned forward so quickly to escape, the coffin lid probably hit the back of his head instead of his back.

Such a force was enough to blow his head apart.

At this time, those servants of the Zhou family were also dumbfounded by fright. They all roared in horror, threw off the bamboo poles and wooden sticks on their bodies, and ran away in all directions!

Although Zhou Chuanlin and Zhou Chuanshi were one in front and the other behind, still carrying the bamboo poles for carrying the coffin, with their strength, it was impossible to lift the copper coffin, and the coffin should have fallen directly into the grave.

It's weird, and that's where the weirdness lies.

Zhou Chuanlin and Zhou Chuanshi actually carried the coffin steadily...

The moonlight seemed to condense into a beam of light, swaying on the copper coffin.

The dark green copper rust exudes a faint cold glow.

The next moment, fog suddenly formed around the coffin, and the thick fog quickly enveloped the entire copper coffin.

Zhou Chuanlin and Zhou Chuanshi lifted the bamboo pole with dull expressions, and moved the coffin out of the grave.

Immediately afterwards, there was a muffled "bang", and the coffin fell to the ground!

"He won't want to enter this parent position... I thought he would go in and then cheat the corpse... I didn't expect to cheat the corpse outside. Zhou Chuanlin, Zhou Chuanshi are all in trouble..." My eyelids twitched wildly and whispered muttered.

I quickly put away the fixed compass, and took out the gossip tiger lens from my pocket.

At the same time, in my other hand, I tightly held a Hekui Corpse Severing Talisman!

I was about to call Liu Huayan to take action against the corpse, because in the next moment, the ancestor of the Zhou family would definitely hurt someone.

He was demoted to the position of parents, so the resentment will definitely fall on Zhou Chuanlin and Zhou Chuanshi!

The one who will be killed in the end is the instigator Yang Zhushu!

But before I could speak, Liu Huayan's hand had already moved.I saw her forearm suddenly flicked forward!

"Gai Wen: The sky is round and the earth is round, and there are nine chapters of laws and regulations. I will kill them now, and get rid of all disasters!"

"One cut off the calamity of the sky, the sky will meet the road ghosts, cut off all the devils, and leave home forever!"

The speed of her spells was extremely fast, while the three mahogany swords flew out, the spells echoed in the night sky!

"Second cut to get rid of disasters, the land will bring auspiciousness, male and female evil will return to justice, cut off and perish!" Forgiveness from the imperial law!" Immediately after the second and third paragraphs of the incantations resounded.

What flew out were three black lacquered wooden swords and one bronze sword!

Liu Huayan's movements did not stop, she brushed her hands around her waist, and when she raised her hands, several stones were caught between her fingers.

"The mulberry-cutting curse can't suppress the corpse, Li Yinyang, this wet corpse in a rotten coffin is more ferocious than what you describe. If I can't suppress it, I will do my best to destroy it! You wait for the opportunity to save people!" Liu Huayan's warning sound was sharp and swift .

My heart sank.

If the ancestor of the Zhou family is destroyed, then the water burial still has to be found again...

But life is at stake...

It is impossible for Liu Huayan to watch someone die here.

"Be careful and safe." My thoughts settled down instantly, and I told Liu Huayan in a deep voice.

Liu Huayan didn't answer me, but her figure was even faster, approaching within ten meters of the copper coffin in an instant.

During this period, the swords that Liu Huayan swung out with the Zhansang curse just now had already shot diagonally above the copper coffin!

In the next instant, a total of seven swords were pierced into the copper coffin.

But in the blink of an eye, all the seven swords flew out of the coffin!

Zhou Chuanlin and Zhou Chuanshi on the side were standing blankly at first, but at this moment they took steps almost at the same time, towards Yang Zhushu who was lying on the ground beside him.

Zhou Chuanlin picked up a bamboo pole on the ground, and Zhou Chuanshi also picked up a thick wooden stick.

The expressions of the two were extremely resentful and stern.

Obviously, they wanted to kill Yang Zhushu!

Liu Huayan's crisp and cold scolding sound resounded through the night sky again.

"A bluestone in the northeast, a redstone in the southeast, a whitestone in the southwest, a blackstone in the northwest, and a yellowstone in the cave!"

"The curse says, the gods of the five stars and eight places will bless you, Sui Xing is on the left, Taibai is on the right, Yinghuo is in front, and Chen Xing is behind, guarding the center and avoiding disasters!"

"Fantasy catastrophe, five-star photography! The dead are at peace, the living have a long life! Be as urgent as the law!"

At the same time, Liu Huayan suddenly stopped, her figure circled around in place, and five colored stones shot out of her almost simultaneously!

There are four directions in total, blue, red, white, and black!

The four-colored stones fell to the ground, forming an encircling circle, binding the copper coffin, Zhou Chuanlin, and Zhou Chuanshi within it!

The last yellow stone fell on the edge of the coffin!

The size of this range is just enough to prevent Zhou Chuanlin and Zhou Chuanshi from getting close to the lifeless Yang Zhushu on the ground!

I remember clearly that Liu Tianniu used this spell outside the courtyard waiting for Qian Shu.

At that time, Liu Huayan also said that this is called An Wujing Suppressing Mantra!

Unexpectedly, Liu Huayan actually used this spell at this moment!

Liu Huayan jumped up lightly and quickly approached the copper coffin.

Putting aside the messy thoughts in my heart, I stepped forward quickly, intending to get rid of Yang Zhushu first, so as to prevent him from dying in the hands of Zhou Family Gaozu, and then quickly go to help Liu Huayan!

As long as the ancestors of the Zhou family don't kill anyone, there is still a chance for water burial!

When I was halfway out, Liu Huayan had already arrived at the side of the copper coffin.

Zhou Chuanshi and Zhou Chuanlin were unable to go out due to the An Wujing Suppressing Curse, but after Liu Huayan entered the range of stones.

The two of them rushed towards Liu Huayan fiercely!The bamboo stick in his hand was swiftly drawn towards Liu Huayan's head and face like the wind!

Liu Huayan's scolding sound was even colder and sharper, and the whisk in his hand ruthlessly whipped towards the two of them!

With a crackling sound, the two were pumped backflip almost at the same time!

At this time, Liu Huayan's methods were obviously not as soft as he used to deal with Zhou's servants before!

And her left hand was facing the copper coffin, and something slipped out of her sleeve!

The thing looked like a black mass, but it was somewhat copper-colored.

I couldn't see what it was.

Liu Huayan turned around quickly, facing the inside of the copper coffin.

I thought Liu Huayan was going to start suppressing or exterminating corpses.

But at this moment, Liu Huayan's body suddenly trembled, and she was motionless...

What's even more weird is that under the reflection of the moonlight, I saw that Liu Huayan's legs and trousers were covered with copper rust at some point...

Liu Huayan's face was tense, and the expression in his eyes was obviously struggling.

White mist suddenly rose from the coffin, followed by a stiff body standing upright from the coffin!

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