Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 322 The Copper Coffin Rusted

What's more, they simply can't bury a rotting coffin and a wet corpse!

Between thoughts, I continued to punting forward.

Basically, I kept the boat chasing Zhou's family at the end of the line of sight.

After going deep into the Jiangxinzhou group, the current turned about three times, and the Zhou family's boat stopped in front of a Jiangxinzhou.

This third discount is for parents!

My face is even more serious, and it is even more ridiculous that my parents buried the ancestors!

Fortunately, at this time, there was still time to stop them from digging graves.

I hadn't thought about teaching them a lesson after the corpse fraud, because they were disrespectful to the dead, so I had to stop them now.

Otherwise, it would be too fierce to cheat a corpse!

But as we approached the shore of Jiangxinzhou, Liu Huayan suddenly said: "They have reserved manpower and won't let us go ashore."

I am much more focused.

Sure enough, there were seven or eight servants of the Zhou family standing on the shore, all of them staring at our boat...

And this time, they are holding knives in their hands...

The shiny blade exuded a cold murderous intent.

He Zhi also stood up. Her attire was completely changed at this time, and the bell hanging on her body made a tinkling sound as her body changed.

This appearance actually resembles He Gui Po!

"Liu Huayan, it's better not to make a move, I'm afraid you won't do it when it's time to do it, and it will ruin things." He Zhi still pointed.

Liu Huayan's body trembled slightly, and he lowered his head to caress the whisk at his waist.

What He Zhi said...although it was a bit sharp, it did make some sense.

As long as you promise not to kill anyone, and use a little more ruthless tactics, you can control the situation better.

As the boat approaches the shore.

The servants of the Zhou family became even more aggressive, and some even waved their knives twice.

I looked behind them, and those who carried the coffin, as well as Zhou Chuanlin, Zhou Chuanshi, and Yang Zhushu, were about to disappear from sight.

There were only about two meters left for the boat to touch the shore. I exerted all my strength and propped it into the bottom of the water with a bamboo pole, forming a strong force to push the boat towards the shore.

At the same time, I picked up the bamboo pole and swept towards the shore fiercely.

He Zhi yelled and jumped, and with the sound of jingling bells, she crossed the two-meter-wide water surface.

Her speed was so fast that before the group of people swung their knives, she landed cross-legged on the shoulder of one of them, and her calf even clamped the neck of that person!

The bamboo pole I swung swept across the waist of one of them.

The man screamed in pain, caught the bamboo pole firmly, and chopped it down with a single knife.

The others swung their knives directly and slashed at He Zhi.

He Zhi's movements were extremely fierce, she had already drawn out the Guillotine Knife, and swept it horizontally!

This knife has a bit of momentum from He Guipo!

The servant of the Zhou family whose neck was being ridden by her turned red even more, desperately trying to grab her leg.

It's just that he couldn't break free at all.

He Zhi snorted coldly: "Stand for me well, or I'll break your neck!"

With the whistling sound of the blade, accompanied by her scolding, the man dared not struggle, and his flushed face suddenly turned pale with fright.

The rest were directly forced back by He Zhi.

There was a slightly slower one, who was cut by Guillotine Knife with the blade he swung.

With that huge force, the blade of the slashing blade went backwards, hitting his arm with a single blow, and the blood was soaring immediately!

With just this move, He Zhi has the absolute upper hand!

The next moment, she suddenly borrowed strength from the man's shoulder and jumped up.

At the same time, she slapped the man on the head with her other hand!

The man let out a muffled grunt, and immediately fell to the ground.

Before He Zhi fell to the ground, he slashed at another servant of the Zhou family!

This sharp and decisive action made the man yell in horror: "Killer", and immediately fled in despair!

The rest of the people were obviously more courageous, and they came to besiege He Zhi again.

All this happened so fast that the boat barely hit the shore.

Liu Huayan disembarked quickly.

She obviously hesitated for a moment, glanced at He Zhi, and then at the direction in which the coffin left.

"He Zhi can solve it, let's go after it. Otherwise, people will really die over there!"

With a low shout, I directly stopped Liu Huayan's thoughts.

Liu Huayan then changed direction and chased forward.

I nodded heavily at He Zhi, and said solemnly: "Be careful and safe, deal with them, and come after us!"

He Zhi didn't respond to me, but swept away again, forcing the servants of the Zhou family to retreat. At the same time, she pulled out a mourning stick in her hand and shouted: "A blow to the head!"

The mourning stick was thrown out by her like a flying stick, and it hit the head of a servant of the Zhou family steadily.

The man foamed at the mouth on the spot, fainted and fell to the ground.

I was much more relieved, Liu Huayan had already chased him a long way, so I also pulled up my legs and ran towards the front.

The moonlight became colder, but there was fog on Jiangxinzhou.

The turf on the ground was even more wet, and there was a constant creaking sound under the tread.

There are not too many vegetation here, and more are dwarf trees.

After chasing for a while, Liu Huayan in front of him stopped.

After I followed up, I saw at a glance that there was a depression farther away.

This is only 30 meters away.

Several servants of the Zhou family have already dug out a huge deep pit. Zhou Chuanlin and Zhou Chuanshi are carrying the coffin together with others to put the coffin down.

Yang Zhushu looked in our direction with his hands behind his back, his eyes were extremely cold.

But Liu Huayan's demeanor was extremely dignified.

A bead of sweat appeared on her forehead.

And I saw that both of Liu Huayan's hands were holding the mahogany sword.

It was only at this moment that I realized that she didn't want to stop and wait for me...

It was because she sensed the danger and didn't get close, but was about to make a move...

"Don't go there... Yin Qi has increased, and resentment has also increased, it's very fierce..." Liu Huayan's tone became more vigilant.

At this moment, Yang Zhushu over there suddenly yelled at us in a cold voice: "Li Yinyang, you really linger! I wonder if you are sent by the enemies of the Zhou family, It seems that you are not ignorant, but deliberately trying to make trouble, right?"

"Hehe, the coffin is about to fall into the grave, you have the guts to come over and stop it?!"

"After this matter, there is no place for you in Pingyang City!"

Yang Zhushu's words are not only full of arrogance, but also all his words and deeds directly implicate the Zhou family, and it is clear that he is making me take the blame!

"The rusty, the copper coffin is actually rusty..." Liu Huayan's tone was even more startled.

My heart trembled, and I looked at the coffin that was about to fall into the grave in surprise.

Sure enough, the bottom of the coffin was covered with green patina!

And the next moment, there was a loud bang!

The lid of the coffin exploded directly!

The coffin lid slammed down on Yang Zhushu, who was proud and arrogant!

Yang Zhushu's face turned pale with shock, and when he realized it, he wanted to jump forward and run away.

There was another loud bang, and the lid of the copper coffin almost hit Yang Zhushu's back!

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