He Zhi was silent and said no more.

We have been waiting in front of the city gate, and it took about two quarters of an hour to pass.

I have anxiously started pacing back and forth with my hands behind my back.

During this period, I checked the time on the pocket watch several times.

It was about the first eight o'clock in the night now.

Finally, there was a sound of kicking inside the city gate.

Looking back quickly, it was indeed Xu Baipi who came out, but he only brought out a horse with a carriage behind him.

I was taken aback because the carriage looked familiar.

He Zhi froze for a moment, and said, "Isn't this our carriage?"

Liu Huayan was thoughtful, and she said: "When we arrived in Pingyang, we went directly to Zhou's house, but they drove us out, but the carriage parked at the door disappeared. It seems that his beggar friend has been following us. "

Liu Huayan's words seem to have little connection, but after thinking about it, the logic is clear.

He Zhi snorted, and squeezed his fist with the palm of his hand, making a slight creaking sound.

Soon, Xu Baipi left the city gate.

He looked around cautiously, helped the felt hat on his head, and said: "This horse was lost that afternoon, and Lao Hong picked it up. He told me before that he raised it. There is no one raising horses inside, so you can chase them outside with this carriage."

"I remember that there is an inn not far away." When Xu Baipi said this, he was still a little scared.

I gave He Zhi a look to signal her not to "clean up" Xu Baipi anymore.

Liu Huayan got into the carriage sideways, holding the reins and preparing to drive.

I let Xu Baipi get into the car, and I quickly got into the car with He Zhi.

Xu Baipi hid in the innermost part of the carriage, and before we could sit still, we heard a "crack" of the whip, and Liu Huayan drove again crisply, and the carriage sped on the road.

I supported the carriage to sit firmly, while He Zhi sat directly on the futon with vigorous movements.

At this moment, Xu Baipi suddenly whispered uneasily: "When I led the horse out just now, I saw something again... There seemed to be an old woman following us, and she was also carrying the most beautiful woman from before. woman."

"The weasel who almost hanged you, has been lying on the old woman's shoulder..."

I was shocked.

old woman?We don't know any old women.

As for the woman Xu Baipi mentioned, she must be a fox fairy...

Who is that old woman?

I still had a bad guess in my mind.

Huang Pizi was not brought by the fox fairy, but the fox fairy brought it, it should be this old woman?

Just like Mr. Bai raised a fox fairy, the old woman raised a yellow skin?

Immediately, my heart sank a lot.

If Xu Baipi is right, then this old woman may have a relationship with Mr. Bai that we don't know about.

The fox fairy is looking for her to avenge Mr. Bai...

"She has been following us?" I asked Xu Baipi again.

Xu Baipi nodded quickly and said yes.

"I understand, but now that we're in the carriage, she won't be able to catch up. We'll be careful when we get back," I said.

He Zhi kept her head down, and she touched her neck with one hand.

At this moment, the scar on He Zhi's neck was already a little bruised, and the pain was unbearable.

The carriage continued to gallop on its way.

I opened the car window and looked outside, and the scenery on both sides of the road receded rapidly.

Every now and then I look down at the time.

Fortunately, we came up from the downstream to the provincial capital of Pingyang, and learned about the surrounding environment along the way, and Liu Huayan also knew the way.

It took about half an hour for the journey, the speed of the carriage finally slowed down, and I also heard the sound of the river outside.

"Slightly slower, they are entering the water." Liu Huayan's voice came from outside.

I got up immediately and opened the door of the carriage.

The sparkling water surface of the hanging river makes it impossible to see the opposite bank at all.

The moon is like a big eyeball without whites, staring straight at us.

There are several horses on the shore, and a larger carriage.

The horses were tied to trees and snorted incessantly.

On the ground on the shore, there are many deep footprints and folds that have been pressed out.

It looks like this place should be a simple pier, because there are still a few boats parked with bamboo rafts tied to it.

Liu Huayan, He Zhi, and Xu Baipi also got out of the car.

I scanned the distance along the river, and there were many shadows on the right side!

Those shadows are more like evil ghosts lying on the surface of the hanging river, waiting to devour everyone in the past...

In addition, I also saw a small shadow in a very far direction, approaching the big shadow.

"Get on the boat and see if we can stop them. We have to follow up as soon as possible. Once they land on those Jiangxin Continents and show a clear intention to bury the corpse, the wet corpse in the rotten coffin will be a fraud." I said hastily.

At the same time, I quickly rushed to the water's edge, selected a boat that was about the size of a corpse boat, and quickly untied the rope tied to the post on the shore.

I first dived to the side of the boat, the water almost covered my calf, it was freezing cold.

Grasping the edge of the ship with both hands to make it more stable, I greeted He Zhi and Liu Huayan at the same time.

These two men were not bad at skills, they both raised their breath from the shore and jumped onto the boat directly.

Xu Baipi waded into the boat with his skeletal legs shaking.

After I finally boarded the boat, I quickly supported the bamboo pole and quickly approached the shadows of Zhou's family in the distance.

During this period, I looked extremely solemn.

Liu Huayan stood at the bow of the boat, looking forward all the time.

Xu Baipi curled up under the shed of the cabin, as if he was afraid of the water, he didn't dare to poke his head out.

He Zhi, on the other hand, was checking his belongings, and even hung a string of bells on his waist and a string of bone beads on his wrist.

I froze for a moment.

Because I remember that the things Ghost He gave Grandma He included a similar string of bone beads, which seemed to be some kind of raccoon bone beads?

Unexpectedly, Ghost He still had a string, which was handed over to He Zhi...

My speed of punting is not slow, but we came a little later, even though I tried my best to punting, I still couldn't catch up with Zhou's family and his party.

By the time I got close to a Jiangxin Continent, the Zhou family's boat had already penetrated into it...

In fact, Jiangxinzhou is the part of the river where piles of sand and rocks protrude from the water surface, and with vegetation, it becomes an oasis island.

There is also a part of Jiangxinzhou, which is actually the location where the underwater mountains protrude from the water.

Every Jiangxinzhou is unstable. The sand and rocks may be washed away by the flood, or they may be submerged when the water level moves up.

This is also the reason why I said that the hexagram of water flowing out is unstable.

Let me ask, if these Jiangxin continents are completely submerged in a certain period of time, the water flowing out of the hexagram will become a complete beheading hexagram!What's so good about the Zhou family?

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