In the next moment, among the servants of the Zhou family in the middle of the street, more than a dozen people were separated and rushed towards us!

I growled lowly: "I'll pull them away! He Zhi, don't use the mourning stick to kill people!"

With that said, I was ready to sweep the bamboo bars.

But He Zhi didn't pay attention to me, on the contrary, he moved faster, and in an instant, he was in front of the dozen or so people.

They didn't have the slightest sympathy, and they threw the sticks at He Zhi fiercely!

He Zhi's speed was too fast. With the mourning stick swung, he struck more than ten times in an instant!

Every time, it happened to hit someone on the head!

And it only takes one click, and the person who was hit by the stick suddenly straightened his body, as if he had a sudden cramp, foamed at the mouth and fell down...

I suddenly panicked to the extreme, these people were killed?

Mr. Bai was beaten to death by He Zhi, let alone these ordinary people? !

At this time, He Zhi just glanced sideways at me, and she quickly explained: "I'm not like Liu Huayan and his master, who see "people" who don't like them, and beat them to death!"

My body froze even more, and it was extremely embarrassing for a moment.

However, He Zhi pulled his legs and rushed directly into the crowd, apparently to help Liu Huayan...

I could clearly hear the meaning in He Zhi's voice.

She still has a grudge against Liu Tianniu hurting me back then.

He also directly expressed his dissatisfaction, that is, Liu Tianniu directly hurt me, but now Liu Huayan wanted to hold back.

In an instant, He Zhi raised his stick and dropped it among the crowd.

Every time, there will be screams in response.

Those people on the ground were indeed not dead, but they were all foaming at the mouth and convulsing.

With He Zhi's ruthless attack, the situation in the field was instantly reversed.

About the time for a cup of tea, the dozens of people all collapsed in the middle of the road, and none of them could stand up again.

At this time, He Zhi's forehead was covered with sweat, and he was obviously exhausted.

Liu Huayan looked even more embarrassed, with messy hair and torn clothes.

The dust whisk in her hand also condensed into a ball.

"Afraid of hurting these people, but seeing me and Li Yinyang nearly die, I have learned your 'kindness'."

He Zhi gasped a few times, and blurted out cold words.

"I..." Liu Huayan turned slightly pale, but didn't say anything else.

Indeed, judging from the situation just now, if Liu Huayan was restrained by Huang Pizi, He Zhi or I would immediately deal with that group of people and come to save them...

Immediately afterwards, He Zhi said lightly: "Don't worry, I have never learned to be a good person, and I will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. The mourning stick knocks the dead ghost to calm the soul, and knocking people is a shock, plus the effect of lightning hitting wood , They will be in a coma for a few days at most."

He Zhi's voice was still sharp.

Liu Huayan's body trembled slightly, and he took half a step back.

Seeing that the atmosphere became tense, I changed the subject: "They took the coffin away, there must be a big accident over there, so I have to follow quickly."

After a short pause, I added: "It's not easy for the fox fairy to bring the yellow fairy, and the yellow-skinned boy's methods are weird and cruel... We have to be very careful, they will definitely do things secretly."

He Zhi snorted coldly, waved the mourning stick in his hand, and made a sound of breaking through the air.

At the same time, she said with a slightly ugly face: "When I see that yellow skin again, I will stuff its head into the latrine and drown it. Its farts will make people's brain hurt."

My heart skipped a beat.

Suddenly I remembered the two clusters of yellow smoke that had engulfed me and He Zhi successively.

Immediately I understood that the fox fairy relies on the eyes to confuse people's minds, and the yellow skin is probably relying on the smell.

But that's just my guess.

Subconsciously pressed my hand on my chest, through the clothes, I even touched the book in the inner bag.

Yinsheng Jiushu is to use the fur and bones of five immortals to make utensils.

I feel that I must not have read through it myself, and there must be something about Jiaxian in it...

It's just that now, I don't have time to delve into it carefully.

In a flash of thought, I followed He Zhi's words and said: "Next time, see this yellow skin again. Don't suck the "qi" it releases. Maybe it won't be fixed by it."

He Zhi nodded.

Taking a deep breath, I said in a deep voice, "Go after Yang Zhushu and the others first."

While walking forward, I called Xu Baipi across the street to let him follow us.

Xu Baipi ran over swiftly.

I lead the way, keeping my head down and keeping an eye on the ground.

Sure enough, there was always a trace of wet water droplets on the ground.

This water mark is not heavy, but it still exists all the time.

Obviously, both He Zhi and Liu Huayan saw it, and there was also suspicion in Liu Huayan's eyes.

"There is indeed a problem. The copper coffin shouldn't be leaking..." Liu Huayan murmured solemnly.

"They are disrespectful to the dead, completely ignoring the importance of the dead, and when they get to a burial place that shouldn't be buried, they should cheat the corpse..." I responded to Liu Huayan.

The speed under my feet is even faster. At this moment, I can't restrain my anxiety.

I'm afraid we've been delayed for so long that it's too late.

If the ancestor of the Zhou family cheated the corpse to kill someone, then I would not be able to bury him.

The Zhou family will have to pay the price for their ignorance.

I still need to spend an unknown amount of time to complete the experience...

I'm afraid that after half a year, I won't be able to go back to Tang Town...

Resisting the messy mood, I walked forward quickly.

Not long after, we walked out of the provincial capital of Pingyang along the water trail.

Outside the city gate, the water trail condensed into more lumps in one place, and then broke off.

I frowned, looking at the road outside the city.

Yang Zhushu must have taken the people and the coffin to the Xuanhe River outside the city. After we came out of Xuanhu Town, we have been traveling along the upper reaches of the Xuanhe River. There is also a section of the Xuanhe River outside Pingyang, but it is not too close.

It looks like the water is broken, they should have used the carriage...

As my thoughts raced, He Zhi and Liu Huayan had cast doubtful glances over.

I looked sideways at Xu Baipi, and said in a deep voice, "Do you know where there are horses around here? Go get some horses, hurry up."

While speaking, I took out a Hekui Corpse Slaying Talisman and the woodcut talisman from the previous lightning strike, and handed them directly to Xu Baipi.

"Hold these two things, don't be afraid of any sneakiness, hurry up and help us find them."

Xu Baipi's body was visibly stiff.

After he took the things, he looked down for a moment, and then went into the city without looking back.

He Zhi frowned, and she was also watching Xu Baipi leave. After a while, she didn't understand: "Do you trust him? He can't be trusted..."

"I can't do anything for the time being, or I won't be able to catch up with them... Yang Zhushu must have taken the coffin to hang by the river." I said helplessly.

After hesitating for a while, I said again: "He's being manipulated by you now, and he saved us just now because of it. With his nature, he will be very familiar with the surrounding area, so we can only trust him first."

[The author has something to say]

Thank you for Tranquility and Zhiyuan's masterpiece certification, and for Miss Hua'er's rocket.Today's update is over!

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