When encountering fox fairies before, their method is to confuse people's eyes and guide people's minds.

This Huangxian with yellow skin is completely different.

Smell that stench, this feeling of staying awake but unable to control the body is too depressing.

I desperately wanted to control my body, even wanted to bite the tip of my tongue to wake myself up.

But at this moment, even my teeth and tongue are out of control.

My ears kept buzzing, as if I heard something, but I couldn't hear it clearly.

I could see in the middle of the street, Liu Huayan was already fighting with those servants of the Zhou family.

She moves swiftly in the crowd, and her methods are fierce, those ordinary people are no match for her at all.

But the servants of the Zhou family were indeed too many. Liu Huayan's dust whisk could knock three or two people to the ground directly, but there were more than ten people behind them who waved their bamboo poles and sticks and directly smoked Liu Huayan's body.

She was able to dodge and maneuver around at first, but she always got hit once or twice!

Zhou Chuanlin commanded angrily from the rear, and all the servants of the Zhou family were brave enough to die.

Obviously, Liu Huayan left room for his attacks, not wanting to cause casualties.

This made me even more anxious.

Soon, Liu Huayan was surrounded by a large group of people, some people rushed forward, and some people screamed and fell to the ground.

The voice seemed to be played slowly in my ears, and it tortured my mind even more.

At this moment, suddenly, He Zhi beside me moved...

I was overjoyed, He Zhi broke free?

But the next moment, I knew it wasn't the case.

Because He Zhi's eyes were still so dull, her body moving forward also seemed extraordinarily stiff.

She went straight to the next eaves.

Under the eaves, at unknown times, there were two thick hemp ropes hanging...

Moreover, the hemp rope has a noose, forming a circle, and there are stools on the ground.

He Zhi walked slowly to the front of the stool. Is she going to hang herself?

This scene made me anxious.

But at this moment, I also moved...

It's my body moving forward, my consciousness can't control it at all...

As shown by the gaze, there was a yellow leather child lying on the edge of the eaves, its furry head poked out, and its round eyes were staring at me and He Zhi.

Soon, I walked to the other side of the hemp rope circle, and He Zhi had put his head on, staring blankly at the front, which happened to meet my gaze.

The next moment, the stool under He Zhi's feet was kicked away with a bang, and she was directly hung on the hemp rope!

People will struggle when they hang themselves, even if they commit suicide, they will definitely struggle.

But He Zhi didn't struggle...

After I got into the noose, I also kicked the stool uncontrollably, and my body fell down, and my whole body fell on the rope.

The feeling of suffocation came suddenly, and my instinct was extremely terrified, I wanted to struggle, but I couldn't control it, I couldn't do it...

I can't describe the feeling of being on the verge of despair and dying.

It's just that I don't feel reconciled...

That white-haired fox would actually get such a vicious yellow fairy to punish us.

Moreover, Huang Xian's methods are too vicious, making it impossible for us to resist...

The feeling of suffocation became stronger and stronger, and the lack of oxygen made the head faint.

Before long, He Zhi and I will suffocate to death...

Just at this moment, a terrified roar exploded in my ears!

"Damn weasel! You killed her, and I will be killed by Sneaky too! Get the hell out of here!" Wasn't this roar exactly from Xu Baipi? !

In my blurred vision, the thin Xu Baipi was rushing to the eaves with his two thin legs that looked like sticks.

He even held a bamboo stick in his hand!

His eyes were red, as if he was suppressing the fear in his heart, he waved the bamboo stick with a face full of ferociousness, and smashed it directly towards the eaves!

Suddenly there was a sharp "click" sound in the ear, and it was the yellow-skinned boy screaming, and suddenly rushed away from the eaves.

Immediately afterwards, there was a muffled "bang", and the bamboo pole hit the eaves!

The eaves were already very dilapidated, but with the strength of the bamboo poles and the weight of He Zhi and I being hung, the entire eaves were overwhelmed and collapsed with a bang!

He Zhi and I fell to the ground, and many bricks, tiles and logs fell on us.

I don't know if it's the pain, or the yellow skin was startled away, but I was so shocked that my body trembled and I regained my mobility.

Pushing away the bricks, tiles and wooden beams on my body, I endured the severe pain and quickly went to help He Zhi in front of me.

With a crackling sound, He Zhi also got up from the ground.

She clutched her neck tightly and coughed desperately.

There was a constant burning pain in my neck, and my lungs were even more dull.

He Zhi had to "hang herself" for a while before I did. Her face had already turned the color of a pig's liver, and there was also a blue-purple strangle mark on her neck.

Apparently, she was having a worse time than me.

After confirming that He Zhi was not in danger, I also breathed a sigh of relief.

All this happened too fast.

Xu Baipi next to him showed pain, his hands were shaking constantly.

It can be seen at a glance that the jaws of Xu Baipi's hands are split open, and bright red blood streaks are constantly coming out.

With such a thin body of a young man, but such a great strength erupted, it was obvious that he couldn't bear the load.

"Thank you." I stretched my neck, relieved the pain a bit, and thanked Xu Baipi sincerely.

Xu Baipi's immature face was tense, he didn't say a word, and he didn't show any emotion.

The next moment, my eyes fell to the middle of the street. At this moment, Liu Huayan was still under siege.

What made my heart sink even more was that Yang Zhushu had already completed the process of changing the coffin.

Several servants of the Zhou family were carrying the coffin, and they had already walked away quickly towards the opposite side of the street.

Zhou Chuanlin and Zhou Chuanshi also hurriedly followed beside Yang Zhushu.

I clenched my fists tightly, my forearms trembling slightly.

His eyes swept around again, and the yellow skin had already disappeared without a trace.

Soon I settled my mind, besides being wary of those two beasts, I had to get out of trouble before I could quickly follow the "coffin".

I strode to Xu Baipi's side and picked up the bamboo stick.

The heavy bamboo pole is also more than three meters long.

I pulled my legs and rushed towards the middle of the street!

Under the moonlight, I could see clearly that Liu Huayan was just attacking with his fly whisk to try to protect himself, but he didn't really kill or hurt anyone.

But I am determined, if they don't injure people, it is impossible for them to stop!

Just at this time, a figure as swift as the wind flashed beside him!

He Zhi has recovered and surpassed me!

What made my complexion change suddenly was that what He Zhi held in his hand was the Lightning Strike Wooden Weeping Stick!

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