He Zhi, Liu Huayan turned his head for a moment before me, but both of them looked puzzled.

He Zhi muttered, "What woman? Xu Baipi, don't make trouble."

I immediately followed Xu Baipi's line of sight.

I didn't see any women either.

Instead, in the middle of the road, squatting a big mouse with white fur.

Take a closer look, where is the mouse...

Semicircular ears, a pair of round eyeballs, and a moist nose that is even more pitch black.

The fur is not as white as that of the white fox, but it is a bit beige.

This is clearly a weasel!

In the countryside, weasels are called Huangpizi.

And it was the same as the white-haired fox before, standing there like a person.

What's even weirder is that it is bowing to us...

My heart skipped a beat.

Did I get it wrong?What Xu Baipi saw was this Huangpizi, not the fox fairy? !

But Huangpizi and Huxian have different abilities.

The fox fairy can charm the eyes, making men feel that they have seen a woman with an enchanting figure.

It's even possible for a woman to see a man that makes her swoon.

That's what the old saying goes, vixen.

"Then... that woman... is gone..." Xu Baipi trembled again: "That weasel came with her..."

And under the faint moonlight, the yellow skin is still bowing to us.

The two furry paws are clasped together, which looks extremely devout.

But what kind of good thing is it, the yellow fairy among the five immortals... is not much better than the fox fairy!

As for Xu Baipi, this yellow skin was brought by the fox fairy? !

I already feel that this matter is probably not that simple...

There is another problem, that is, I didn't talk about what Xu Baipi saw before, I was so focused on engraving the talisman all afternoon, and I forgot to tell He Zhi and Liu Huayan that the fox fairy might have followed us.

I hurriedly told the two of them about the condition of the fox fairy in a low voice.

During this period, the yellow-skinned child suddenly crawled down, and the next moment, it jumped towards us!

"That bastard brought an extra bastard here, and he has no good intentions." He Zhi said in a low voice, and at the same time, she quickly raised her hand, and immediately pulled out the Guillotine Knife!

This movement is insignificant.

In addition, Xu Baipi's voice just now was not low.

The Zhou family on the opposite side had already noticed this side.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Zhou Chuanlin was raising his hand to say hello, and five or six servants of the Zhou family were already walking towards us with their business!

My face immediately sank.

Hu Xian and Huang Pizi broke things together!

In a moment, Huang Pizi rushed forward.

He Zhi snorted and chopped down with a single blow.

But the yellow-skinned boy was too nimble, and He Zhi missed the cut, instead he slashed into the stone slab.

The yellow skin jumped onto He Zhi's legs and feet quickly, and climbed onto her neck in two or three strokes.

Liu Huayan suddenly pulled out the dust whisk from his waist, and slammed it at Huang Pizi!

Although she is usually quiet, she is fierce and decisive when she moves her hands!

The yellow-skinned child curled its tail strangely, wrapping itself around He Zhi's neck.

Its body crawled even more tightly on He Zhi's body, Liu Huayan's whisk drew on it, but failed to get it off.

On the contrary, a cloud of turbid gas suddenly emitted from its body, covering He Zhi's head directly.

He Zhi suddenly let out a muffled snort, his whole body froze, and he stood there dumbfounded, motionless...

I was so shocked that I raised my legs and was about to rush over to grab the yellow skin.

At this moment, Zhou's servants across the street also rushed over.

They were all aggressive, and the things they had were the bamboo poles and sticks used to carry the coffin.

A servant of the Zhou family at the head scolded: "Shame on you! I gave you money during the day, you don't want it, and now you are coming to my Zhou family to find bad luck?!" "Beat me! Broken arms and legs , the head of the family pays for soup and medicine, and all of them are sold out of this street!"

As he cursed, he just waved the bamboo stick in his hand and slammed it fiercely at Liu Huayan's shoulder.

In this posture, there is no sympathy at all.

Liu Huayan snorted softly, and swung the dust whisk with his backhand, and the dust strands entangled the bamboo pole.

She pulled her hand to the side, and the bamboo bar was actually taken in the wrong direction.

Another four people stepped forward aggressively, the bamboo pole was pulled horizontally by Liu Huayan, and it just hit the chests of those four people!

The screams of the four people sounded almost simultaneously.

They were immediately sent flying two or three meters away, and landed heavily!

The servant of the Zhou family who was holding the bamboo pole couldn't bear the force of the shock, and with a muffled grunt, the bamboo pole fell out of his hand.

Liu Huayan jumped, and when he fell, he just stepped on the front of the man's chest.

With a cry of pain, he fell back and fell over, rolling on the ground more than a dozen times, until he rolled under the coffin of the ancestor of the Zhou family, and then stopped.

This scene really stunned me for a moment, because I never expected that Liu Huayan was the one who was beaten passively, and she subdued these five people with just two moves.

At this moment, the five servants of the Zhou family were left struggling and crying on the ground...

But my heart suddenly sank.

It seems that we have the upper hand in this matter, but in fact, it can't be worse.

He Zhi lost his mind by Huang Pizi.

The Zhou family even had a direct conflict with us. If I have time to deal with the Zhou family, I have to wake up He Zhi quickly!

At this moment, Zhou Chuanlin was already furious, and he waved to the Zhou family compound.

In an instant, dozens of people rushed out densely!

Those people are all rushing towards us.

At the same time, Na Yang Zhushu is speeding up the action of replacing the coffin...

I was livid.

Liu Huayan said solemnly: "Wake up He Zhi quickly, get that yellow skin down, I will stop these people, we have to avoid the limelight first." The moment he finished speaking, Liu Huayan put one hand behind his back and raised his hand. Whisk, rush towards the middle of the street!

I quickly rushed to He Zhi.

At this moment, He Zhi still had his eyes wide open, staring blankly ahead, without any sense of consciousness.

The yellow fairy's tail drooped down, as if it had become much weaker.

I was afraid of hurting He Zhi, so I didn't dare to take out the Yin dagger, and I didn't dare to use the divination knife. Instead, I reached out and grabbed the yellow fairy directly!

The strange thing is that the yellow fairy didn't dodge, I grabbed the neck and pulled him off He Zhi's body.

I was about to smash it on the ground, or at least knock it out, so it wouldn't go wrong again.

But under it, suddenly there was a puff, and a large cloud of yellow mist enveloped my head and face!

My complexion changed drastically, and I said badly to myself!

The stench rushed into my nostrils crazily, and my head became heavy in an instant, and my ears were buzzing for a while, as if I couldn't hear anything...

The next moment, I felt that I couldn't control my body...

I was top-heavy, my head was clearly awake, but my body was totally out of control, and I stood there blankly...

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