Liu Huayan and He Zhi nodded at the same time.

My eyes fell on Xu Baipi again, and I frowned and said, "Old Hong is gone?"

Xu Baipi looked flustered, and said timidly: "Old Hong can't follow anymore, maybe people will be killed."

His demeanor, on the contrary, made me startled.

Originally, I thought that Xu Baipi's feelings in his heart were weak, and he didn't even care about Huang Qi's life or death. I was afraid that this was his nature and it would be difficult to correct.

But he didn't expect that he didn't have any plans for that beggar old Hong?

"There's no need for that beggar to follow, he can't help much, let's go first." He Zhi said hastily.

Liu Huayan had a thoughtful expression on the other hand.

Xu Baipi didn't wait for me to speak, but lowered his head and walked forward. This time, he led the way without our urging.

I stopped talking and just followed.

A group of four walked quickly towards the street where the Zhou family was located.

On the way, I told Xu Baipi to find a place first when he arrives, so that we can watch from a distance, and we don't need to get close, so as not to cause trouble.

We just followed the Zhou family. They were really in trouble and had no choice, so we took action.

Xu Baipi nodded, expressing his understanding.

About the time of a cup of tea, we returned to the street of Zhou's house before.

As soon as we entered the street, Xu Baipi led us along the wall.

There are some scattered trees on the side of the road, and a lot of debris piled up, just blocking the line of sight.

Walking to a place between the streets, Xu Bai led us to drill in, and probe out from this angle, just facing the gate of Zhou's house diagonally.

We have been careful to cover our tracks, so we have not been discovered by others.

At this time, it had just entered the night, and the vision was still clear.

In front of the gate of the Zhou family, stood Zhou Chuanshi, Zhou Chuanlin, and more than ten servants of the Zhou family.

Those servants carried bamboo poles on their hands or on their shoulders.

Yang Zhushu was holding a thin piece of paper, and he was chanting the confession in a calm manner.

He is halfway through reading it now, and I can hear the general content clearly, it is indeed a prayer for relocation and reburial.

This made me feel more and more that Yang Zhushu's feng shui skills are indeed not weak, it's just that he has a problem with his cognition?

The title of Mr. Yin Yang is probably a little watery.

I focused my attention on the two coffins in front of the gate, one of which was a wooden coffin. The coffin body began to rot from the bottom, and it was still dripping with water.

The air was not filled with the stench of corpses, but a cold aura was constantly spreading.

My heart suddenly became more vigilant, and my eyes fell on the copper coffin next to me.

I roughly understand that the reason why Yang Zhushu was delayed for so long is that it took a lot of time to deliver the copper coffin.

"Master taught me that copper is a thing to ward off evil spirits, surpassing mahogany, Maotao, Taoist swords, the best is copper swords."

Liu Huayan said softly: "Even if there are some problems with Feng Shui, it is still a hidden danger in the future. With the addition of copper coffins to suppress corpses, is it really useless?"

"The corpse in the wooden coffin is extremely dark, almost comparable to the dark energy encountered in Hejia Village, but the fierceness is far worse. The disaster that Zhou's family suffered came from Feng Shui, not from Is it the great ancestor of the Zhou family?" After finishing speaking, Liu Huayan looked at me questioningly.

I shook my head, my expression remained unchanged, and I said solemnly: "The dilapidation and damage do come from Fengshui, but Fengshui has a definite number. The scriptures say: A child breaks a stone and passes alone, giving birth to new evils, and eliminating one's own blessings."

"As long as it is these five evil mountains, the coffin will definitely rot, no matter if it is a copper coffin, or a coffin with a stronger effect of warding off evil, because what makes the coffin rot is not the fierce and resentful energy in the first place, but the life and death energy in Feng Shui .”

"Everything has a lifespan. Plants and trees are like this. Even a bowl is the same. Even if it is a copper coffin, if you put a rotten coffin and a wet corpse, it will definitely rot quickly. There will be no exceptions."

My tone was very firm.

Liu Huayan didn't say much anymore.

At this moment, Yang Zhushu had finished reading all the confession, and began to direct Zhou's servants to open the coffin and remove the corpse.

The night is getting darker, the full moon is quiet, and there is a lonely and depressing atmosphere in the air.

The moonlight shone down, dragging the shadows of Zhou's family to a long distance.

After the wooden coffin was opened, soon, a corpse was pulled out.

Thanks to Xu Baipi's location being close enough, otherwise we wouldn't be able to see these details clearly.

The corpse was dressed in a black funeral garment.

This funeral garment is made of brocade, the material is excellent, and it can be seen clearly, and it is soaked with water stains.

Water was dripping from the hands, feet, and even the waist of the corpse.

Even across a street, the sound of water droplets can be clearly heard...

Liu Huayan's eyes were full of vigilance and solemnity, she held the duster on her waist with her hands, fine beads of sweat secreted from the corners of her forehead.

It was the first time I saw Liu Huayan's expression.

At this moment, Yang Zhushu suddenly took something from his waist.

That is a compass the size of a palm!

I was startled, because Yang Zhushu actually placed the compass directly on top of the corpse of the ancestor of the Zhou family!

At that moment, the air-conditioning around him seemed to disappear.

"The compass pressed the corpse, and the copper coffin suppressed the corpse... He wanted to subdue the soul of the ancestor of the Zhou family before burying him... to make sure nothing would go wrong?" I frowned, and felt that the problem was too deep.

There is a faint throbbing in my heart, as if something big is about to happen...

Although the corpse no longer emits air-conditioning, there is a taboo in moving the grave and changing the burial, that is, the dead are the greatest!

Since it is necessary to properly bury the dead, how can it be possible to suppress the corpse first?

Unless it's a murderous corpse that must be suppressed, it's a last resort!

Although the ancestor of the Zhou family had a heavy yin energy, he was not considered a murderous corpse, because he did not cheat the corpse himself, and did not harm anyone. It was Feng Shui who cut off the Zhou family, not the ancestor of the Zhou family.

And he dreamed that he was just dissatisfied with Feng Shui and wanted to change places...

Yang Zhushu chose the wrong position, and the Zhou family Gaozu will definitely continue to be dissatisfied.

Now that he has used the method of suppressing the corpse first, this matter will become a stalemate!

Or he is so capable that he can really suppress Zhou Family Gaozu!

Either at the time of the burial, or before the place where there is a problem with Feng Shui, the ancestor of the Zhou family will cheat the corpse. At that time, the wet corpse in the rotten coffin may really turn evil into a murderous act!

I just thought of this and felt that this plan might be interrupted...

I have to stop the Zhou family Gaozu from entering the copper coffin immediately!In this way, there is still room for turning things around!

After my thoughts settled down, I was just about to step outside.

But at this moment, Xu Baipi suddenly said tremblingly: "That woman... is here again... What do you see over there?!"

Xu Baipi's male duck voice was too trembling, which made my breath suddenly suffocated!

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