Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 316 Rotten Coffin, Copper Coffin

At this moment, I heard a strange laughter suddenly in my ear.

The voice sounded like a woman's protracted laugh, with a trembling end.

Xu Baipi was so frightened that his legs gave way and he almost collapsed on the ground.

What surprised me was that this laughter seemed somewhat familiar to me.

After thinking about it for a while, I suddenly realized that those white-haired foxes often barked at me when Mr. Bai was tricked.

The familiarity of this laughter, why is it somewhat similar to the cry of a fox?

Mr. Bai must be dead, the wooden thorn pierced directly into the stomach from the lower body, it is impossible to survive, there is no doubt about this.

Could it be that the white-haired fox followed us instead of running away? !

I scanned the courtyard vigilantly, and then looked at the entrance of the courtyard.

But I didn't see half a ghost...

In fact, I slept for a long time, and now that I wake up, I don't feel sleepy at all.

So I didn't go to sleep anymore, but walked out of the room and entered the main room.

Xu Baipi hurriedly followed me and entered the main room together, and he stood behind me cautiously, terrified to the extreme.

I just figured out one thing right now.

It is also something that Professor Jiang Yihong gave me.

Sneaky ghosts are invisible and invisible, most of them are bumpy ghosts, which make people lose their minds. Even if there are people who can see them, they are very few, unless they are very vicious ghosts.

There are only living corpses that can't take a breath if the corpse can move.

The woman Xu Baipi saw just now shouldn't be some kind of vicious ghost.

Otherwise, the fixed compass on my body must have responded, and it is impossible for Liu Huayan not to wake up!

The only possibility is that fox fairy?

At this point in my thoughts, I feel that my guess is almost inseparable!

That fox fairy followed us, although it is a hidden danger, but it is a good thing.

At least, it didn't hibernate in the woods, waiting for an opportunity to harm people in Maojia Village!Maybe they want us to avenge Mr. Bai?

Except for it, that is to cut the weeds and roots!

"Xu Baipi, if you meet that "woman" again, don't get close to her, don't look her in the eyes, just follow me, He Zhi, or Miss Liu, that's no one, when the last master was alive, I like skinning people." I said lightly.

Xu Baipi was shocked immediately, he nodded repeatedly, the speed was as fast as a chicken eating rice.

I took out my pocket watch and glanced at the time. It was already around three o'clock in the morning.

There is no news from the Zhou family...

Could it be that Yang Zhushu didn't intend to bury the ancestor of the Zhou family tonight?

My mind is restless, thinking about the problem.

But I have nothing else to do, now I can only wait.

Xu Baipi was next to me, and I couldn't read the Zhaijing and Yinsheng Nine Techniques, so I took out the Earthly Branch Pen and Tiangan Inkstone, spread out the hemp paper, and ground the ink to draw talismans.

Although there is one more gossip tiger head mirror on hand, it can be regarded as a big talisman.

But that thing also did a lot of damage to me, so I can't use it rashly.

The talisman paper is well prepared, and I can give some to He Zhi!

In the process of drawing symbols, I was extremely focused.

Xu Baipi peeked at the side.

I'm not afraid of being seen by others. The talismans on the house scriptures cannot be read by just looking at them. If you are not a very powerful gentleman, you can't draw talisman paper even if you draw a scoop from a gourd.

Jiang Yihong said, this is called essence.

There is a unique spirit in Mr., only with it can he draw a charm!

In a blink of an eye, the night dissipated, and the sky was pale.

I have drawn at least a dozen talismans, including three Hekui slaying corpse talismans, and the rest are seven-chapter evil-suppressing talismans.

I was even more surprised by this result, because before, I could only draw one Hekui Corpse Slaying Talisman, and I was exhausted.

Obviously, the increase in the number and speed of my drawing symbols has a lot to do with the improvement of my Feng Shui skills.

Xu Baipi stared anxiously at the talisman I drew, with longing in his eyes.

I took another look at him, thinking that he is still young, and if he has been so nervous recently, something might go wrong, so I gave him a talisman against evil spirits, and told him that with this talisman protection, At least bumping into a sneaky or murderous corpse is fine.

After Xu Baipi took it, he carefully put it close to his body as if he had found a treasure.

I have exhausted a lot of energy and feel tired again.

There was no sign of the fox fairy reappearing. It was dawn, and I relaxed a bit, and went back to my room to sleep.

When I woke up again, it was almost noon.

In the courtyard, He Zhi was at the mouth of the well, using a delicate knife to cut the lightning wood, while Liu Huayan was meditating on a futon.

Xu Baipi curled up in the corner of the main room and slept.

Seeing me go out of the house, He Zhi got up immediately, walked briskly to me, and handed a small cloth bag to my hand.

I guessed what was inside, opened it and took a look.

It really is wood chipped by lightning strike wood!

I can't wait to try it out, if I paint symbols on it, what special effect will it have!

But He Zhi pouted, glanced at the table in the main room, and said let me eat something first.

Only then did I notice that there was a lot of food on the table in the main room.

I quickly ate my food and started striking the wooden symbols with lightning.

However, drawing talismans on this is far less useful than hemp paper, because the wood grain is rough, and the ink will soak into it. It was okay when I started drawing, but before I finished drawing a talisman, all the handwriting was blurred together , into ink balls.

This left me helpless for a while.

After thinking hard for a long time, I finally thought of a way, which is to engrave amulets!

I used a Yin-connecting dagger to carefully engrave the talisman seal on a piece of lightning strike wood according to the rune drawing method of the Suppressing Evil Talisman.

It took an extraordinarily long time, and it took me a whole afternoon, and it was almost dark, to barely finish the work.

Blowing off the sawdust on it, I was also a little nervous, wondering if this talisman would be useful...

When I looked up, I realized that He Zhi and Liu Huayan were standing in the main room, watching me engrave the talisman.

Xu Baipi also woke up. He squatted on the threshold of the main room and glanced at me from time to time.

I calmed down a little bit, but felt that something was wrong, what kind of calculations is Yang Zhushu planning, and he still doesn't move yet?

I was about to call Xu Baipi and ask him to go to the beggar to check the situation.

Just at this time, the courtyard door was knocked loudly.

This knock on the door was accompanied by three quick and one dull rhythms!

Xu Baipi on the threshold stood up with a jerk, and hurried towards the courtyard gate.

The three of us, He Zhi and Liu Huayan, also got up alert at the same time.

The gate of the courtyard was pushed open by Xu Baipi, and sure enough, the beggar whom we taught before was standing outside.

The two of them bowed their heads to talk, and after a few words, the beggar ran away in a hurry.

Only then did Xu Baipi turn his head around, and he said under his throat, "Lao Hong said that some servants of the Zhou family brought back a coffin, which looked like it had been soaked in water, and it was rotten and smelly. At the gate of the Zhou family, the Zhou family also brought a brand new coffin, which seemed to be made of copper, and placed it at the gate of the house."

"That gentleman, I don't know what to do in the front, reading a lot of things..."

My face suddenly changed, and I murmured: "Yang Zhushu is about to leave, and he wants to use a copper coffin? The copper coffin holds the corpse, but he can't hold the rotten coffin and the wet corpse, something will happen!"

"Let's go there first and wait and see from a distance!" I said to Liu Huayan and He Zhi in a low voice.

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