He Zhi did not strike lightly. Before she finished speaking, she twisted the fingers around my waist fiercely!

I let out a "hiss" in pain, and subconsciously clenched my fist.

He Zhi still didn't let go, pouted and looked at me, but the color of grievance gradually rose in his eyes...

That look instantly made my heart skip a beat, with a sense of weightlessness and heartache.

I originally wanted to say that it might be wrong, but I blurted out: "I'm afraid it's not appropriate not to punish him..."

After saying this, I feel a little guilty.

Liu Huayan next to me was obviously stunned, looking at me suspiciously.

The grievance in He Zhi's eyes suddenly turned into surprise.

She immediately let go of the hand pinching my waist, and quickly helped me smooth out the folds of my waist.

"Grandpa told me that lightning strike wood can also be used as talisman cards. One mourning stick is enough, and one is used to cut into lightning strike wooden nails. I will cut the rest into talisman cards for you to draw." He Zhi turned his back.

A moment ago, her eyes were flushed with grievance, but at this moment, she was smiling like a flower, and she was obviously in a good mood.

Seeing her like this made me feel a lot more relaxed.

Now I also figured it out, I followed the rules and wanted to give Yang Zhu some face, but after all, he really insulted He Zhi, insulted the corpse hunter, and even insulted my master Jiang Yihong.

I don't need to make He Zhi wronged, but to save something for Yang Zhushu, he himself can't appreciate it.

It's better to let He Zhi vent his grievances.

The doubt in Liu Huayan's eyes didn't last long, she said softly: "You guys rest for a while, I'll go out and buy some food and come back."

After finishing speaking, Liu Huayan walked out of the courtyard gate.

Only then did I realize that I should have told Xu Baipi to do this just now.

He Zhi and I divided the rooms first. There are many rooms in the compound. We lived in the three main rooms near the main room.

When Liu Huayan came back, Xu Baipi also just came back.

A few of us sat around the wooden table in the main room, eating the food bought by Liu Huayan, and listening to Xu Baipi's report on the situation.

According to my request, he asked his friend Lao Hong, a beggar, to stand guard outside Zhou's house, and he would notify me immediately if there was any letter.

Obviously, Xu Baipi is also hungry, he said while looking at the braised pork on our table and swallowing his saliva.

I took a pair of empty bowls and chopsticks, ate rice, meat and vegetables, and pushed them to the table near Xu Baipi.

He reached out quickly, picked up the bowl and started to eat voraciously.

After a few moments, Xu Baipi ate up all the food in the bowl.

His sneaky eyes swept across the table, he quickly stretched out his chopsticks, and was about to put a piece of meat and vegetables in his mouth.

But He Zhi's movements were faster, a chopstick "cracked!", and it was drawn into Xu Baipi's hand.

Xu Baipi groaned in pain, but he didn't let go, he just stuffed the meat dish directly into his mouth, puffed out his cheeks and groaned twice before swallowing it, choking and stretching his neck.

But at this moment, he obviously didn't dare to stretch out his chopsticks...

He Zhi stretched his waist, but didn't speak, got up and walked to his room.

Liu Huayan put down the bowl and chopsticks, smiled politely, signaled her farewell, and went to her room.

Xu Baipi was much bolder now, and sat at the table, but he still looked at me timidly.

In fact, my mood is a little complicated, because after stopping and looking at Xu Baipi more, I can remember Miao Guangyang's despair at that time.

In my heart, I am indeed full of hatred and anger towards this harmful young man.

It's just that seeing him as a boy in his teens, his pitiful appearance made me somewhat less emotional.

"You can eat, but before you eat, return Mr. Miao's life-saving money." I shook my head and said.

Xu Baipi immediately frantically took out a copper coin from his inner pocket, and slapped it on the table.

After I took it, I lowered my head to look carefully at the surface of the copper coin.

This is not an ordinary New Year's coin, and there are some animal patterns on it, all of which are auspicious animals in Fengshui.

A thick and hot feeling came from the copper coin.

I put it away carefully.

When the matter of Miao Guangyang's living corpse is resolved, this thing still has to be returned to him, which is also an explanation to the Miao family.

Standing up, I was going back to my room.

After a pause, I glanced at Xu Baipi again, and said with a feeling in my heart: "In these years, it is very difficult for many people to survive, the human feelings are weak, and the human nature is cold. Did not directly avenge Mr. Miao."

"Because of you, Huang Qi almost jumped into the hanging river. There is a saying that the way of heaven is reincarnation. You stole all his family background, so you were also deceived. You are still young. If you can restrain your temperament, I will sincerely help you." It’s still too late to make amends for doing something wrong. Don’t hurt people who treat you well!”

Xu Baipi didn't pay attention to me, he just gorged on the food without saying a word.

I said no more, and went straight to my room.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and the exhaustion of the body was gradually growing.

After I lay down on the bed, I felt sleepy all the time.

For Xu Baipi, I have no trust at all, but the methods He Zhi used were enough to frighten Xu Baipi so that he would not dare to act recklessly.

Besides, he is just a teenage doll and is not a threat to us.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

It's just that this time, I didn't sleep well.

As if there was another person in the room, I closed my eyes, always feeling that there was a cold gaze staring at me in the dark.

I was a light sleeper, and when the feeling was too strong, I quickly opened my eyes to look.

However, no one saw it.

I looked at the pointer of the fixed compass again, and there was no abnormal change, so I breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that I was the cause of the psychological pressure.

After sleeping again, it took a little longer.

Finally, I was woken up by a knock on the door.

I opened my eyes suddenly, and my head woke up in an instant.

Turning over and getting out of bed, I opened the door, and it turned out that Xu Baipi was standing at the door, and he was staring at me blankly.

"Is there any movement in the Zhou family?" I asked with a frown, and my heart became more alert.

Xu Baipi shook his head.

My brows were even more gloomy, and when I asked what was going on, he suddenly came to wake me up.

"I saw something abnormal just now. There was a woman waving at me outside the courtyard. That woman is pretty, fair and thin, and she looks pretty tight." Xu Baipi's complexion was pale, and his mouth was even tighter. Looking at it, the eyes are full of anxiety.

I was taken aback for a moment, but soon realized that it must be He Zhi's method that worked?

After exhaling, I told Xu Baipi, just don't follow those things, and stay in the yard, there will be no serious problems.

At this moment, Xu Baipi looked at me with a pleading look, and said: "Then can you tell that aunt, don't mess with me, can I listen to you? I will definitely go back to Jiuhe County with you." Can you get that eyeball out?"

I was silent, then shook my head.

Xu Baipi clenched his teeth, and his fists were clenched tightly!

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