Zhou Chuanshi's tone was even more flat.

But it was the certainty in this plainness that kept me silent.

I know that the Zhou family may not be able to make sense this week.

They decided that Yang Zhushu was right, and ignored my words at all. In this case, it is useless for me to say anything.

The servants of the Zhou family around were all gearing up, as if they were waiting for the Patriarch's order to kick them out.

Moreover, someone obviously went to notify more people to come, and there are already quite a few people gathered outside the main room...

Although they are ordinary people, they are definitely not the opponents of He Zhi and Liu Huayan.

But it's meaningless for us to do it... It's even more impossible for the Zhou family to trust us...

Thoughts were racing through my mind, and I thought of a detail about Zhou Chuanshi's narration, and my pupils constricted suddenly.

I no longer looked at Zhou Chuanshi, but took a deep look at Yang Zhushu, and said in a low voice, "Let's go."

He Zhi was out of breath and stomped his feet hard.

Liu Huayan kept a calm expression and didn't say a word.

It's just that Xu Baipi showed a snickering expression.

It seems that he is in a good mood when he sees us deflated.

I took a step to go outside the main room, and when I reached the threshold, I stopped and said calmly: "There is no need to give money, and I don't dare to accept money if I don't do anything for the Zhou family with people's money. "

After speaking, the speed under my feet accelerated a lot.

When our group went out, there were a few servants of the Zhou family following us, who were extremely vigilant against us.

Not long after, we walked out of the Zhou family mansion.

As soon as he went out, there was a "bang" from behind, and the door of Zhou's house was closed!

At the same time, there was a scream of "Ouch".

"Xu Baipi, are you smiling happily?" He Zhi grabbed Xu Baipi's ear and twisted it hard.

Xu Baipi was in so much pain that tears fell down his face, and his whole face twisted together.

He Zhi stomped his feet again, and said to me with obvious reluctance: "Why don't you let me do it. It's obviously that Yang Zhushu made a mistake, and he insulted you... beat him to tell the truth"...

He Zhi didn't finish his sentence.

I smiled wryly, and then said: "No, the Zhou family obviously trusts him more."

"Why didn't you say that you are Mr. Jiang's disciple?" Liu Huayan suddenly said softly: "I see that Yang Zhushu is not really ignorant, it should just be bad in some places, Mr. Yin Yang, he should be good at it." It's hydrated."

"If you say so, maybe..."

Before Liu Huayan finished speaking, I also interrupted his words.

I shook my head and said with a wry smile: "Miss Liu, believe it or not, if I said that my master is Jiang Yihong, he would think I'm bluffing and cheating even more? Besides, he's already getting angry with me. It's okay if he has a good face. If it weren't for this, he would insist even more, no matter what, he would never be subdued."

"He can't afford to lose this face."

Although it was a few words of contact, but I can already see Yang Zhushu's self-restraint and arrogance, otherwise he wouldn't be sloppy.

Liu Huayan frowned, and asked hesitantly: "Then I really don't care? Let him cheat the Zhou family? If there is a trouble, people die..."

I narrowed my eyes slightly, shook my head and said, "No, it's not that simple."

"Let's find a place to stay first, and I'll make it clear to you."

At the same time, I asked He Zhi again, it's not dark, so it shouldn't be a big problem to let Xu Baipi do some errands temporarily, right?

He Zhi had some doubts in his eyes, but he still nodded and said, "It's not a big problem. Even if it's dark, at most it's a thief looking for him, and he won't die for a day or two."

At this moment, He Zhi let go of his hand, Xu Baipi covered his ears, his body was trembling slightly, and his face was pale.

"Well, Xu Baipi, take us to find a place to rest, close to Zhou's house, and then go find your fellow beggar, keep an eye on Zhou's house, see when they leave, and ask him to come and notify you immediately Us." I spoke very quickly and arranged, and I also had some thoughts and plans in my mind.

Both He Zhi and Liu Huayan had doubts in their eyes, but they didn't say much.

Xu Baipi pursed his lips, lowered his head and walked out of the street.

Walking out of the street where Zhou's house is located, Xu Baipi led us, and quickly found a rented yard. Liu Huayan paid a sum of money to rent the yard, and Xu Baipi left in a hurry to do what I told him.

He was obviously nervous and didn't dare to delay.

There is a wooden table in the courtyard, I first signaled He Zhi and Liu Huayan to sit down and rest, and then I started to explain to them.

In fact, Yang Zhushu had another detail, which he didn't notice.

Even I almost ignored it just now.

That's what Zhou Chuanshi said, the coffin of the Zhou family Gaozu was corrupted in the new cemetery.

The interest in He Zhi's eyes obviously increased, Liu Huayan also nodded, his eyes were full of questions.

I bowed my head and thought for a moment, confirmed my deduction, and then continued: "The Five Unburial Mountains, although it is said that the bones will rot and the coffins will rot, but it is said that the bones are rotten and the coffins are broken, but Zhou Chuanshi said that the coffins are rotten."

"This coffin is corrupt and broken, and they are two different concepts."

"If you want to rot the coffin in Wu Bu Burial Mountain, you must meet a special condition, that is, the ancestor of the Zhou family is a wet corpse!"

"After this condition is met, a rotten coffin will be formed, and a special kind of fierce corpse will be formed, called a rotten coffin wet corpse."

"It won't be so easy to bury a wet corpse in a rotten coffin, especially since he has developed resentment and even entrusted Zhou Chuanshi with dreams. It will realize that there will be problems with feng shui when he is buried again."

"In this way, it will definitely cheat the corpse!" Having said this, I looked at it firmly, nodded myself, and gave myself an affirmation.

I added: "If you cheat the corpse, if you can't bury it, something will happen at that time, and the Zhou family will know that there is a problem. Then Yang Zhushu will not be able to continue. Of course, the premise is that he is really wrong. He just doesn't want to be humiliated by me, and will actually find a reason to re-arrange a burial place, and that will depend on the luck of the Zhou family, so we can only leave and find the next household to be buried in water."

After speaking, I let out a long breath.

Liu Huayan nodded thoughtfully, and said, "I see. You asked Xu Baipi to go to the beggar and keep an eye on it, just because you thought it was time to follow, right?"

I nodded, and said something is correct, and I also said that if the time comes to rotten coffins and wet corpses to cheat corpses, Liu Huayan has to take action to suppress the corpses, so as not to hurt the lives of the Zhou family.

However, He Zhi said dissatisfiedly: "These individuals should be taught a lesson. They will not cry until they see the coffin."

I smiled awkwardly and didn't answer.

He Zhi glared at me suddenly, and she muttered: "Li Yinyang, if that Yang Zhushu is really a ignorant person, he first scolded the ghost woman and then called the corpse fisherman, just turn a blind eye Close one eye, throw him into the water to wake up, and vent your anger on me!"

My face froze, and I said unnaturally: "I'm afraid it's not..."

Before I finished speaking, He Zhi's slender fingers directly reached into my waist, pinching a lump of soft flesh, and was about to wring it out.

"I'm afraid it's nothing? Li Yinyang, tell me." He Zhi pouted, and his voice was even more angry!

[The author has something to say]

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