Hearing the three words Xu Baipi.

I was stunned for a moment, and then my heartbeat stopped for half a beat!

Same name and last name?

I still clearly remember Huang Qi's nephew Xu Baipi!

If he hadn't stolen Miao Guangyang's life-saving money, Miao Guangyang wouldn't have been pushed down into the hanging river after his body had been corroded by his corpse aura.

Not only that, he also stole all of Huang Qi's family property, and almost made Huang Qi commit suicide by jumping into the river too!

Huang Qi treated Xu Baipi, a distant relative, like his own son.

His behavior is simply devoid of conscience, just like a white-eyed wolf.

The provincial capital we are now in is quite a distance from Jiuhe County.

It is unlikely to meet Xu Baipi...

Most likely a coincidence?

As soon as I thought of this, a young man walking out of the crack in the street came out.

I saw the young man wearing a Maolan jacket and a black felt hat on his head. He was still playing with two stones, throwing them into the sky and catching them again.

He skipped a few steps forward, looked towards us, and said in a ducky voice characteristic of half-children: "Old Hong, what are you doing?"

My face suddenly changed!

Who is this person if not Xu Baipi? !

Facing his eyes, my pupils instantly contracted into a small dot.

Xu Baipi's complexion also drastically changed, and a pair of yellowed eyeballs revealed surprise and fear.

"It's you!" I yelled angrily.

The next moment, I raised my leg abruptly and rushed towards Xu Baipi!

Xu Baipi's face became even more ruthless, and the stone in his hand was thrown directly at my head!

Immediately afterwards, he overturned the hawker's stall next to him.

Amidst the exclamation and cursing of the stall owner, a pile of fruits and wooden stalls were thrown directly at me.

Xu Baipi slammed "Bah!" at me, turned around and ran towards the other side of the street!

I managed to dodge the pile of objects that were thrown at me, and I was about to go after it with all my strength, when suddenly there was a "squeak" from behind.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that the door of the carriage was pushed open, and a slender figure jumped out of it, quickly overtook me, and chased after Xu Baipi.

It was He Zhi who rushed out!

He Zhi's face was as cold as ice, and her speed was extremely fast.

At that time, He Zhi suffered a lot from Xu Baipi's body.

At that time, her legs were injured, and when Xu Baipi stole money and ran away, she stepped on He Zhi's wound severely, and caused He Zhi to bleed a lot!

In a blink of an eye, both Xu Baipi and He Zhi disappeared from my sight.

At this moment, the beggar who called out Xu Baipi was dumbfounded.

He turned his head and wanted to run.

With quick eyes and quick hands, I stepped forward and grabbed his shoulder directly!

"Don't go!" I scolded in a low voice.

The beggar had a mournful face, saying that he didn't know Xu Baipi well, didn't know that he had stalked us, and begged me to let him go...

I squinted my eyes slightly, and said coldly: "Sneaked on us? I didn't say what Xu Baipi did."

Instantly, the beggar's expression froze even more, beads of sweat dripped from his forehead.

I have roughly guessed this change in expression and his acquaintance with Xu Baipi just now.

I'm afraid that these two people, seven out of ten are working together, and they have done a lot of sneaking and hooking up together.

Immediately, my strength was a lot stronger, and I pressed the beggar to the ground with all my strength!

The beggar's strength was far inferior to mine, and he slumped on the ground.

"What's your relationship with Xu Baipi?" I asked sharply.

The beggar kept his mouth shut and said nothing.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say anything. Xu Baipi killed a friend of mine and stole a lot of money. He can't run away. He pays for his life and pays for his debts. You and his accomplices, you can't escape either." I was indifferent Open your mouth.

This time, the beggar was even more frightened.

"Kill...kill? Me...me and that kid, it really... really doesn't matter."

The beggar immediately told him everything he knew about Xu Baipi, as if pouring beans.

It turned out that he was also Xu Baipi whom he met almost half a month ago.

At that time Xu Baipi just entered the city, his body was dirty, he looked like a little beggar.

But in less than half a day, when Xu Baipi appeared at the entrance of the city again, he had changed into clean clothes and was still carrying a roast chicken.

At that time, Xu Baipi told him that when he asked him to beg for food, he would help him to see if there were any people on the street who had a lot of money, so that he could start, or he could step on it every few days to "earn" enough If you get the money, you will give him [-]%.

After a short pause, the beggar continued to speak cautiously: "I only found out after working with Xu Baipi a few times. He said that he took a lot of money and went to the city to join his relatives, but he was cheated on the way and was almost betrayed." He went to the ravine to carry long jobs for others, and he finally escaped, and he had no choice but to steal things to make a living."

After saying that, the beggar's eyes are full of pleading, saying that he really has nothing to do with Xu Baipi, let us hold our hands high...

I frowned into a pimple.

These words have gone through my mind several times.

In the end, what the beggar said, I actually felt that it should be half-truth and half-false.

It was false that Xu Baipi had defected to his relatives, but in fact he had stolen Huang Qi's family fortune and escaped.

Really, I'm afraid even Xu Baipi also met a liar...

This is indeed tit for tat...

"Mr. Li, this is..." Liu Huayan asked softly from behind.

Out of the corner of my eye I looked back, Liu Huayan also got off the carriage.

I briefly said that I met an "old acquaintance" who had an old grudge with us, and He Zhi had already gone to arrest him.

Liu Huayan was thoughtful, and said, "Old grievances?"

I glanced at the distance, and He Zhi hadn't come back yet, so I briefly told Liu Huayan what Xu Baipi had done.

Liu Huayan's brows were all wrinkled, and his face was not very good-looking.

The beggar sat on the ground and trembled, he was still being detained by me at the moment.

"Let him go, it has nothing to do with him. I almost heard what you just said." Liu Huayan said softly again.

I hesitated for a while, and there was really no need to blame others.

While letting go, I warned the beggar in a cold tone: "Those who steal people will be stolen. After you die, cut off your tongue and put it in a frying pan. You'd better do less evil, or you won't have such good luck next time."

The beggar smiled and said that he didn't dare, and ran towards the other side of the street.

At this time, there were many pedestrians on the road, all looking towards us.

The peddler whose stall was overturned just now was crying and swearing, but he didn't dare to come near me...

Time passed bit by bit, and in the blink of an eye, it was two quarters of an hour.

I was full of confidence at the beginning, but now I was also a little worried, He Zhi didn't catch up?

Or is something wrong?

I was looking anxiously into the distance, when suddenly I saw two figures at the end of the road they ran out just now.

One of them was indeed He Zhi, and the other was Xu Baipi!

To my surprise, He Zhi walked back with his arms crossed.

Xu Baipi actually followed her, with a mournful face, his two slender legs trembling as he walked.

He kept reaching out to scratch his throat, making a retching movement from time to time.

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