When I got closer, I saw that half of Xu Baipi's face was swollen, his left ear was even red, and there was even blood at the corner of his mouth, and his two yellow eyes were full of fear...

What did He Zhi do to make Xu Baipi come back honestly? !

When Xu Baipi ran away before, he was not in such a mess as he is now, but when he yelled at me, he was even more proud and cunning.

Liu Huayan glanced at Xu Baipi, and suddenly said: "He has lost his life, what are you going to do? You just happen to be in the city right now, send him to see the official?"

Xu Baipi's body trembled visibly.

I started to see Xu Baipi, but I was so angry that I really didn't think about what to do.

After thinking for a while, I shook my head and said that I would take him back and hand him over to Huang Qi. Huang Qi has been with me for a long time, and he will deal with it himself.

Obviously, another cunning flashed in Xu Baipi's eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

He didn't open his mouth, let alone begged us for mercy.

This made me not know how to speak for a while.

At this moment, He Zhi said coldly: "I fed a crow's eyeball to this little beast, and there is a special yin energy of the ghost woman's lineage in it. If he doesn't follow me, when it gets dark, any ghosts and monsters will be killed." Or when the vicious corpses see him, they will immediately entangle him."

"By the way, I also drew a talisman of a ghost woman on him. If I don't get rid of this talisman, he will also have a short life." When He Zhi said these words, there was no expression on his face, but what he said was true. creepy.

Xu Baipi shuddered again, obviously frightened.

He Zhi's words startled me a little.

The ghost woman has a lot of tricks, and this thing is really cruel to a living person.

If it weren't for this, I'm afraid Xu Baipi couldn't be restrained.

"After returning to Jiuhe County, I will ask He Zhi to let you go. Huang Qi treats you very well, and you have to give him an explanation. Also, you killed Mr. Miao, and you have to give him this matter. Miao, please explain!" I looked at Xu Baipi coldly.

Xu Baipi's face was tense, but he still didn't say a word.

But He Zhi shook his hand and slapped Xu Baipi on the back of the head.

Xu Baipi groaned, staggered several times, and almost fell to the ground.

He looked at us again, full of hatred and resentment.

This look made me very uncomfortable.

But at that time Huang Qi knelt down and begged me, and I couldn't deal with Xu Baipi now.

Besides, Miao Guangyang is still in the Xuanhe River Basin outside Jiuhe County, I will take Xu Baipi back, and when Miao Guangyang goes ashore, maybe I can send him away properly.

After all, living corpses are difficult to deal with. It is too difficult for him to die, and it is impossible for me to let Miao Guangyang die...

Being able to have Xu Baipi to explain will definitely save a lot of trouble.

At this point in my thoughts, I ignored Xu Baipi's eyes, and said lightly: "Everything is connected by cause and effect. It is the same when you met me today. I am going to Zhou's house. You can lead the way."

Xu Baipi lowered his head and walked towards the other side of the street, which happened to be the direction where the beggar left.

I told Liu Huayan to take He Zhi to drive the carriage, and I followed.

Liu Huayan nodded and got into the carriage, and drove the carriage to catch up with Xu Baipi, while I followed closely behind Xu Baipi.

He Zhi didn't get in the car, instead, he was in a good mood with his hands behind his back, humming a little tune, and walking beside me.

Obviously, she should have vented a lot of temper on Xu Baipi, and she is so happy now.

The streets of this provincial capital are much wider than those of the county town. There are many carriages on the road, and there are more traders and pedestrians on both sides.

From time to time, a few soldiers in green army coats could be seen hurrying through the crowd.

After passing through several streets, there were finally fewer people and the streets were much quieter.

I didn't ask about Xu Baipi's Zhou family.

What he said is unbelievable, and I can't believe it.

After walking for about two quarters of an hour, I arrived at an exceptionally quiet street.

Even though it was broad daylight, the street was deserted.

The houses on one side of the street are almost all with closed doors, and on the other side, there is a huge courtyard.

The gray brick walls are thick and tall, but the vermilion courtyard door has a sense of thinness.

On the black door plaque, there are two big characters in gold, Zhou Fu!

In front of the gate of the mansion, there are still two stone lions.

After arriving here, Xu Baipi suddenly stopped: "This is it."

He raised his hand and pointed to the gate of Zhou Mansion, but he didn't go any further.

He Zhi frowned, kicked directly with the tip of his toe, and kicked Xu Baipi's right knee socket impartially.

Xu Baipi groaned and almost fell to his knees on the ground.

"What are you afraid of? If we wanted your life, you would have died long ago. If we can let you go back, we won't let you die now. Go forward!" He Zhi scolded.

Xu Baipi gritted his teeth, and suddenly said: "If you die here, how can I get out of Pingyang City? A lot of people have died recently, I don't know why you have to go to Zhou's house to find Bad luck, but I advise you, it's best not to go there."

"This place is really evil." Xu Baipi turned his head and looked at us with wide-open eyes, his face was full of fear.

Obviously, this fear is because of the Zhou family.

I frowned slightly, and I was aroused a lot of curiosity about the Zhou family's affairs.

Liu Huayan on the carriage said, "This place is indeed very dark and depressing. In a short period of time, many people have indeed died. Let's go in and have a look."

After finishing the words, Liu Huayan drove towards the gate first.

He Zhi snorted coldly, she didn't want to be outdone, she took a step and followed.

When she got there, she said calmly: "Xu Baipi, it doesn't matter if you don't follow, it's getting dark, and there will naturally be something looking for you."

Obviously, it was this sentence that made Xu Baipi's legs tremble again in fright.

He clutched the corner of his clothes tightly, but still followed He Zhi.

I was at the end.

I took out the fixed compass and looked down at the pointer on it.

Sure enough, the fixed compass formed a rotating needle, and the rotation speed was very fast!Non-stop hissing noises!

In a short while, we arrived at the gate of the mansion.

Liu Huayan got out of the carriage and went to knock on the door.

He Zhi looked up, down, left, and right at the two stone lions.

"Eh... Li Yinyang, why is the stone lion's eyes broken? Is there any explanation for this?" He Zhi asked suddenly.

I was startled, originally I was watching Liu Huayan knock on the door, but my eyes suddenly fell on the stone lion.

Sure enough, the eyeballs of the two stone lions were all cracked...

The stone lion, which is about two meters high, should be extremely majestic, but because of the broken eyes, there is only a gloomy and decadent look left...

"The things inside are indeed terrifyingly fierce. The lion is the fierce beast of the town house, and it is also the town in front of the house."

"The stone lion is broken... The matter of the Zhou family must be more difficult than imagined."

When I just said this, He Zhi's eyes were obviously more curious.

And the door was opened.

Protruding out was a man in servant clothes.

He looked at Liu Huayan suspiciously, then glanced at us outside the door in surprise.

"Who are you?"

Before Liu Huayan could speak, I said to the man in a deep voice: "We are from Maojia Village. Some time ago, Zhou's family went to Maojia Village and asked Mr. Bai to help us. We came here for this matter. Solve the troubles for the Zhou family!"

After hearing my words, the servant's expression became even more bewildered.

The next moment, he slammed the door and closed it directly!

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