Mr. Bai deceived the villagers with the god of the river, killed the innocent girl, and ended up being tortured to death, and his body sank in the river, which was his own fault.

After the sacrifice, Mao Banjin led the village head and many Maojia villagers to express their gratitude to He Zhi and me.

Many villagers looked at us eagerly and asked if we could stay in Maojia Village?

He Zhi and I politely declined.

While these villagers expressed their gratitude, they also wanted to give us rewards and gifts. We didn't take any money, but just told the villagers that we would leave tomorrow morning.

Mao Banjin asked us in a puzzled way, since we were all walking in various villages to eliminate evil, why couldn't we stay in Maojia Village.

I just explained to him that in fact, we traveled such a long way to find a village where there happened to be dead people and help them bury them in water.

Mao Banjin's eyes were full of confusion, so he kept silent.

Some of the villagers stayed on the bank of the hanging river to clean up the mess, while the other part sent us back to the courtyard where we rested before.

The room where Liu Huayan was resting was lit with lights, it was obvious that she had already returned.

When I went back to my room to rest, He Zhi followed me into the room.

Once in the room, she asked me to take off my shirt, applied medicine and treated the wound.

The wound on my shoulder has stuck to the clothes.

During the process of treating the wound, the pain really made me break out in a cold sweat.

The open wound on the neck and the top of the head is too big!

He Zhi quickly helped me clean the wound, and then sewed it up with a special needle and thread.

Most of the night passed, I almost collapsed from the pain, collapsed on the bed and fell asleep.

He Zhi also left the room exhausted...

That night, I slept soundly.

After waking up the next day, I felt that the injury was much better, at least not as painful as before.

When I got up and walked out of the room, I saw the tables in the courtyard full of food, and He Zhi and Liu Huayan were eating.

Mao Banjin was also in the yard, pacing back and forth, his movements very cautious.

As soon as I entered the yard, He Zhi showed joy on his face and beckoned me to eat.

Mao Banjin came to me in a hurry, hesitated for a moment, and then said that he had something to say.

I gestured to Mao Banjin but said it was okay.

Originally, I thought that Mao Banjin might have come to beg us to stay because of the request of the villagers.

But what Mao Banjin said was completely irrelevant.

He said cautiously: "Some time ago, a nobleman came from the provincial capital and wanted to ask Mr. Bai for help. It seems that someone in the family died and wanted to be buried in water. See if Mr. Bai can help. Pay a lot."

"At that time, Mr. Bai didn't agree, because there was another sacrifice in the village."

"Originally, I had forgotten all about this matter. It was only when you told me about it yesterday, Mr. Li, that I remembered it. Everyone pays attention to burying themselves in the ground. It is rare for people to want to be buried in the water. Mr. Li, you really want to go!" , maybe we can find this family.”

It's just that when he said this, there was a bit of fear in Mao Banjin's eyes.

He explained to me that if you really go, you have to be very careful.

The idea of ​​water burial was because the dead in that family were haunted by ghosts, forcing others to do nothing.

It seems that they heard it from a certain corpse collector, saying that the well water does not interfere with the river water, and the dead on the ground cannot enter the water. If they bury the dead in water, the dead will definitely not be able to go ashore, and it will not damage their home. .

Mao Banjin also told us that it would take about two days to get from Maojia Village to the provincial capital. The family name was Zhou, and we would be able to find it if we went to the city to inquire.

He has repeatedly said that it is best if his words are useful, and if they are useless, just listen to them.

My heartbeat accelerated a lot, and it didn't slow down even during the meal.

Because what Mao Banjin said was a surprise to me!

We have spent a long time on this journey, and the matter of water burial is still not settled.

Mao Banjin pointed out a way for me directly!

After eating quickly, I also thought about it, leaving Maojia Village, I went straight to the provincial capital!

At this time Liu Huayan got up and asked Mao Banjin if there was a carriage in the village, and she wanted to spend money to buy one.

I also remembered another thing, that is, He Zhi took out those big yellow croakers.

Before leaving, I must go to Mr. Bai's house to take it out.

At this point in my thoughts, my eyes fell on He Zhi, and I was about to speak.

What surprised me was that the cloth bag wrapped around He Zhi's shoulders was swollen again.

He Zhi seemed to have guessed what I meant, smiled at me, and said, "When Mao Banjin came, he returned the big yellow croaker to me."

I just breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Mao Banjin also left the yard.

Liu Huayan said softly, let's rest for a while, and set off when the carriage arrives.

He Zhi glanced at Liu Huayan indifferently, but still had no good expression.

Originally, He Zhi had some hostility towards Liu Huayan.

After the incident on the mountain, the hostility became even stronger, and it was caused by me, so I couldn't persuade him...

I can only think, maybe after some time, can it be eased?

We waited in the courtyard for about half an hour, and finally Mao Banjin came back with a carriage.

However, the cart was pulled by a thin cow.

Mao Banjin told us in embarrassment that there were no horses in the village, so he brought the cattle from the village chief's house and sent us away first.

He accompanied him to the nearest post station, and he brought the cattle back after we changed into horses.

Simply packed our bags, and the three of us got into the car one by one.

Not long after, the thin cow pulled the carriage and left the entrance of Maojia Village.

Liu Huayan sat on the side of the carriage with her eyes closed and rested.

He Zhi is using lightning strike wood to make another mourning stick.

At that time, we had a total of five lightning strike sticks, and He Zhi only used one.

I also took out the Zhaijing and the Nine Techniques of Yin Sheng from the big black wooden box, and continued to study them carefully.

Along the way, I learned some details that I hadn't noticed before.

In the middle of the journey, I changed horses at the post station. Mao Banjin wanted to return to the village. I told him to raze the woods to the ground after we got back. There are more dogs in the village, which can keep out fox spirits. Mao Banjin thanked him again and again before leaving. leave.

After almost two days, we finally arrived at the provincial capital.

When entering the city, there are many servants and porters around the city.

At this moment, I happened to be driving the car, and Liu Huayan was resting, so I randomly found a boy and asked about a rich family named Zhou in the city.

As a result, when the man heard it, he shuddered, and asked us with a face full of astonishment, why are we looking for the Zhou family?Now the Zhou family is in big trouble!Many lives were lost!

My heart skipped a beat, and I immediately asked him, what is the trouble?

But the man shook his head violently, and ran into the street in a flash, not dealing with us at all...

In desperation, I had no choice but to ask someone else.

As a result, the young servants around all hid away when they heard that I was going to Zhou's house.

It just so happened that there was a beggar on the side of the road, and he suddenly knocked on the broken bowl in front of him, making a tinkling sound.

I look down at him.

He chuckled and said, "They are afraid of death and dare not go to Zhou's house. I know there is a brave baby who dares to take you there. I will call him out if he has a lot of money."

The beggar was dirty from head to toe, but his eyes were glinting, and he looked me up and down.

I was also a little anxious right now, without any hesitation, I took out a big dollar and threw it into the beggar's broken bowl.

The beggar quickly picked up the money, blew on it, put it in his ear and listened carefully for a while, before he squeezed a satisfied smile on his face, revealing a mouthful of big yellow teeth.

Immediately, the beggar pulled his neck and shouted towards the cracks on the side of the street: "Xu Baipi! Come and do the work!"

"Come out to pick up the guests!"

[The author has something to say]

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