I nodded and agreed to He Zhi's proposal.

Immediately, we split into two groups.

He Zhi and Mao Banjin entered the village together, and I hurried back to the back mountain with the villagers.

In the process of going up the mountain, no other accidents occurred.

When I reached the mountainside with the dozen or so villagers, I saw Mao Lin at a glance. She was sitting on a big rock.

Liu Huayan just came out of a mound.

She was also holding a folded floral dress in her hand.

There were a lot of things on the ground outside, but it was Liu Huayan who took out all the things in the mound.

The middle-aged man who ran the fastest before, stared blankly at Liu Huayan's hands, and fell to his knees on the ground with a bang.

Just at this moment, he collapsed...

The howling cry echoed endlessly in the mountains and forests.

When Mao Lin saw me, there was a hint of joy in her eyes.

But Liu Huayan's eyes showed a hint of dodge.

The rest of the villagers looked at each other in blank dismay, anger and fear gradually appeared in their eyes.

Some villagers ran to Mao Lin and asked her what happened.

From Mao Lin's mouth, I also learned some things that I didn't know before.

For example, after Mr. Bai brought her back, he threatened and promised again, but it was always soft and hard to get Mao Lin to commit herself to him.

After Mao Lin refused, Mr. Bai told her directly and indifferently that it was useless to resist, and those girls in the past were all skinned by him to make drums.

When she said this, Mao Lin's eyes were full of fear, and she finally said that if we hadn't arrived suddenly, she might have been ruined by Mr. Bai.

After Mao Lin finished telling the story, the eyes of the villagers were filled with anger, and they all hated Mr. Bai!

The middle-aged man who was crying bitterly on the ground stood up tremblingly, his teeth were bitten, and blood flowed down the corner of his mouth.

"I'll cut that beast into pieces! He's more vicious than the most vicious ghost!"

The villagers also swore that they would never let Mr. Bai go after they went down the mountain.

Afterwards, the villagers entered the mound to take out all Mr. Bai's belongings.

Liu Huayan walked up to me and sincerely apologized to me.

I was silent for a moment, shook my head and said it was all right.

In fact, I know in my heart that at least from Liu Huayan's point of view, and the whole matter, she did nothing wrong.

Yu Qing is indeed difficult to pass, and Yu Li's approach is indeed rational and correct.

Liu Huayan told me that she knew we were leaving and going down the mountain, and probably guessed that we were going to intercept Mr. Bai, and she asked how we caught him.

I briefly explained the process to her.

There was also a hint of joy in Liu Huayan's eyes, and she solemnly said that it was a good thing that Mr. Bai was caught, otherwise, he would have killed more people.

I sighed softly, and said it was a pity that the white-haired fox escaped, and that was also a hidden danger.

Liu Huayan remained silent.

Not long after, Mao Banjin led more villagers up the mountain.

The leader of Maojia Village is also the head of the village.

Unknowingly, the sky has dawned, and the morning glow reflects the red cypresses in the mountains.

Afterwards, the villagers who came up the mountain all had things on hand.

Mr. Bai's three mounds were completely lifted.

What is shocking is that there are more than a dozen corpses buried under the mound in the middle, some of which have become white bones, and some have not completely rotted.

Judging from the remaining corpses, these should be the women killed by Mr. Bai.

Many of the villagers are their family members, and they are all heartbroken, and the sound of crying and howling is even more moving.

Liu Huayan asked me if I could find a suitable place on this mountain to bury these poor women, at least to reduce their grievances and make them reincarnated.

Naturally, I would not refuse, and told Mao Banjin to tell the villagers to carry the bones to the top of the mountain and dig a grave for burial there.

Although the feng shui in that place is not very good, it is far better than that halfway up the mountain, and those women will not resent Maojia Village in the future.

After a series of things were dealt with, it was already past noon when we went down the mountain.

I was already extremely sleepy and exhausted, and Liu Huayan was not much better.

Back in the village, Mao Banjin led us to meet He Zhi and arranged a resting place for the three of us.

Right now the village chief is going to hold a meeting with all the villagers to discuss how to deal with Mr. Bai.

Of course, we are not suitable to participate in this matter.

As for He Zhi, when he saw Liu Huayan again, his face was completely lost, and his attitude could be said to be as cold as ice.

The three of us still take turns to rest, leaving one person to watch over Mr. Bai to avoid mistakes at the last moment.

The next half day passed quickly.

When it was getting dark, Mao Banjin, the village chief, and some armed villagers came to the yard.

They took Mr. Bai away and walked towards the Xuanhe River at the entrance of the village.

At this time, Mr. Bai was already awake.

He looked extremely embarrassed, the fear in his eyes couldn't be concealed, except for the blood on his face, his hair and clothes were messy.

He kept screaming and reasoning, saying that he did these things to better protect the village, and he was willing to spend a lot of money to buy his life and let the villagers let him go!

Not only did the villagers remain indifferent to his begging for mercy, some even slapped him several times when they turned sideways, making him dizzy.

It can be seen from this that the people in Maojia Village hate the evil Mr. Bai to the bone. They are not like Xuanhu Town, where the townspeople listen to the money because of the money.

However, there is a fundamental difference in this matter.

The three of us followed behind the villagers.

No one has mentioned what to do to Mr. Bai, and it's even harder for me to ask.

In this year of war and chaos, the state owns the state law, and the village has village rules.

Mr. Bai murdered and murdered, the village can't do anything to deal with him too much!

Not long after, we followed outside the entrance of the village.

What surprised me was that there were several long black tables between the outside of the village and the edge of the Xuanhe River.

This posture is like offering sacrifices to the river god again.

It's just that what is placed on the table is not the three animal sacrifices, but some remaining human skins, as well as the clothes brought out from the mound.

There is a bamboo raft by the river, but this bamboo raft is not simple, it is full of forearm-length, sharp and sharp bamboo thorns!

In the most central position, there is also a wooden donkey, and there is also a barb in the middle of the wooden donkey.

Surrounded by many villagers, everyone's eyes were filled with hatred of wanting to skin and eat Mr. Bai.

Mr. Bai straightened his body, and was so frightened that he passed out.

At this moment, Liu Huayan stopped, and she whispered that she didn't want to watch it, she was a little tired, and called her when we were about to leave.

I probably guessed a little bit.

But at this moment, He Zhi's eyes became brighter and sharper!

Soon, the village head announced the start of the sacrifice!

But this sacrifice is no longer the river god, but the villagers use Mr. Bai to sacrifice to the women he killed!

In the last part of the sacrifice, the villagers directly put Mr. Bai on the donkey on the bamboo raft!

The barb pierced into Mr. Bai's lower body, and the barb on the bamboo raft directly pierced his legs!

Mr. Bai, who was originally in a coma, woke up abruptly in pain. After screaming a few times, he immediately passed out again.

The bamboo raft was soaked in blood. Mr. Bai couldn't survive with this degree of injury.

Finally, the villagers pushed the bamboo raft into the water and let it drift downstream...

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