I'm not sure if Mr. Bai is still alive...

After all, the wound was too scary, and the bones were almost visible.

I put my finger in the middle of Mr. Bai's body, and a faint breath came.

I was a little relieved, fortunately, he is not dead yet...

He did a lot of evil, if he died like this, there would be no way to give an explanation to the villagers.

I let out a long breath, raised my head and said hoarsely: "After entering the village later, we have to bring some people up the mountain, and then go to meet Liu Huayan. There are definitely a lot of things on the mountain. We have to leave one person to guard Mr. Bai. That white-haired fox is back."

Only then did He Zhi's breathing calm down, he nodded and said a good word.

There was something strange in the way she looked at me.

My eyes quickly fell to the big black wooden box on the ground beside me, and the throbbing in my heart was extremely strong.

Walking over quickly, I straightened it up and opened the lid directly.

When I entered my eyes, I saw the house scriptures, the nine arts of yin!

Even the gossip tiger head mirror and the fixed compass were put into a big black wooden box by Mr. Bai.

I was overjoyed, picked up the house scriptures, and quickly flipped through them to make sure that the house scriptures were not torn.

I also checked the Nine Techniques of Yin Sheng, and there is nothing wrong with it.

As for the other cunts, as well as Father Lu's axe, they are all there.

I was really excited to find the lost big black wooden box.

Just at this time, He Zhi whispered: "You are covered in blood, change your clothes quickly, we have to take Mr. Bai down the mountain."

It was He Zhi's reminder that brought me to my senses.

She turned away from me, and there was no one else around.

I took off the blood-stained clothes, took a clean Tang suit from the big black wooden box, and put it on. The surgery is also close to the body.

Finally I carried the big black wooden box on my back.

Immediately afterwards, I tied up Mr. Bai's hands and feet with a piece of green hemp rope, and then carried him down the mountain with He Zhi.

In fact, when we approached the village, there were quite a few people in the village, and some of them were looking around with torches in the distance.

When we got closer, someone ran towards us.

Isn't the one in charge exactly Mao Banjin?

He held up a torch, and on his thin cheeks, there was consternation and uneasiness.

"What's wrong with Mr. Bai? Is the troublesome thing too fierce?"

After Mao Banjin was behind, many villagers followed.

Seeing Mr. Bai's appearance, everyone's faces were full of fear and uneasiness that could not be concealed.

Everyone is talking about it. It seems that the things that have harmed Mao Lin's parents are so fierce that even Mr. Bai can't clean them up. I'm afraid this life will be difficult...

I sighed in my heart, these people think that Mr. Bai is protecting them, but in fact, Mr. Bai is the source of their harm...

At this point in my thoughts, I even showed a complicated look.

However, I didn't waste much time, and I already had a general idea and rhetoric in my mind.

"Mao Banjin, the things on the mountain have almost been removed."

"Mao Lin is not dead, she is also on the mountain and was rescued by us." I was talking to Mao Banjin in the first half of the sentence, and I said in a low voice while looking around at the villagers.

After hearing my words, the villagers fell silent.

Finally, Mao Banjin was the first to react.

He said in a daze, "Mao Lin is on the mountain? Isn't Mao Lin sacrificed to the river god? Why is she on the mountain..."

As soon as his words fell, the surrounding villagers also started discussing in surprise.

At the beginning of the chatter, someone asked me why Mao Lin was on the mountain.

This is actually my purpose.

I directly said that Mr. Bai had a problem, but the villagers might not believe me.

After all, Mr. Bai has been in the village for so many years.

But in another way, first to stir up the doubts of the villagers, on the contrary, it can achieve the goal.

I took a deep breath and quickly told the villagers what happened on the mountain.

I didn't go into too much detail, but I just talked about chasing the man in black from Mao's house. I thought he was the murderer of Mao Lin's parents. Afterwards, Mr. Bai told me those things, and I told them all.

And I bowed my head down so that everyone could look at the top of my head.

The wound on my head was still hurting, but there were too many things and too urgent, which made me so numb that I almost forgot the existence of the wound on the top of my head.

When I looked up, the eyes of all the villagers were full of fear and consternation.

Mao Banjin was also dumbfounded, and said blankly: "Mr. Li, you mean, Mr. Bai raised a fox fairy, deliberately created a river to make trouble, and wanted to sacrifice to the river god. Those girls were all killed by him." ?”

Many villagers stared at me closely, waiting for my answer.

I took a deep breath, and after a moment of silence, I said: "There is no basis for what you say. After all, Mr. Bai has been in the village for so long, and now he is also unconscious. Mao Lin is still alive. You can ask her what happened to her, and she will be able to help her." The truth is out."

After hesitating for a while, I suddenly remembered something.

I went on to say: "Mr. Bai has a house on a mound full of clothes. Those clothes seem to belong to girls. It is very likely that they are the relics of the girls who sacrificed to the river god at that time. If some villagers can recognize... "

Before I finished speaking, a middle-aged man came out from the crowd tremblingly. His eyes were red, he stared at Mr. Bai, and said tremblingly: "My daughter was sent to sacrifice half a year ago, I still remember The floral dress she wore on the day she went out was sewed by her mother herself, I'll go up and have a look! If Mr. Bai has harmed someone..."

"I'm going to skin him alive! Avenge my daughter!"

The middle-aged man's voice was too sad and painful, and the next moment, he ran straight up the mountain!

The rest of the villagers also became agitated, many of them immediately followed the man and ran towards the back mountain.

Mao Banjin's forehead was covered with sweat. He gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Li, I will take you to a place where I will detain Mr. Bai first, and then I will notify other people in the village to go up the mountain. This is a big deal." Now, I have to call the village chief out!"

I nodded, but the current development of the situation is completely within my inference and plan.

At this moment, He Zhi suddenly said: "Li Yinyang, take these villagers up the mountain to avoid any accidents on the way, and Liu Huayan will take care of things, in case something goes wrong..."

"I'll follow Mao Banjin and watch Mr. Bai."

When he said this, He Zhi's tone was extremely serious.

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