"Go back to the Northeast first, the foxes and grandchildren are gone, you can raise them again, turn around, and settle accounts with them." The voice has always been Mr. Bai's alone.

But obviously, this is Mr. Bai talking to someone again. Who is he talking to?

I tried to stay focused and watched the figure gradually become clear.

Indeed, Mr. Bai is the only one...

As the figure got closer and closer, I realized that there was a white-haired fox lying on Mr. Bai's shoulder. Its head rested on Mr. Bai's left shoulder, and its body was wrapped around his neck and right shoulder. , the huge tail hangs down.

This white-haired fox is the one that disguised itself as the man in black before!

Except for it, the rest of the little white fur foxes have all died under Liu Huayan's sword!

Mr. Bai hugged the big black wooden box to his chest.

Because of his height, Mr. Bai obviously struggled to walk.

I immediately held my breath, and tightly grasped the handle of Guillotine Knife.

His speed is not fast. As he gets closer, I can also see that his movements are very cautious, as if he is always paying attention to every move around him.

His eyes still swept the ground from time to time, and it was obvious that he also noticed the existence of footprints.

About half a cup of tea has passed since his figure appeared and approached, and I can no longer tell whether it is sweat or residual rain on my forehead.

My whole body is tense up, ready to rush out of the ground at any time and give Mr. Bai a knife!

I also thought about it, if I cut off my arms but not my head, I still have a lot to ask him, and I have to give an explanation to the villagers of Maojia Village.

Soon, Mr. Bai was already close to the ground cypress.

Just at this moment, the white-haired fox on his shoulder let out a low howling sound, with a little ending sound.

Mr. Bai's footsteps stopped suddenly, and his expression suddenly became vigilant and suspicious.

The next moment, the white-haired fox jumped off Mr. Bai's shoulder.

The pointed fox face was facing the cypress clump, and a pair of green eyes seemed to pass through the needles of the cypress clump, looking directly into my eyes...

The moment we looked at each other, my heart skipped a beat.

Is it a coincidence?Or did it really see it?

But in the next moment, my heart tightened, because in a moment I felt a little dizzy, as if what I saw was no longer a fox...

I have encountered this situation several times, and I have prepared in advance. I bit the tip of my tongue hard, and the smell of blood and tingling made me wake up instantly.

I no longer take chances, the white-haired fox must have spotted me!

With strength in my calf, I stood up suddenly and rushed out of the cypress bushes!

The Guillotine Knife in hand was raised high, and I slashed at Mr. Bai's shoulder with one blow!

Obviously, Mr. Bai was taken aback by me.

There was astonishment in his eyes, and he dodged backwards suddenly. My knife cut through the air, and the blade cut heavily into the wet soil on the ground.

"Li Yinyang? How could you come down?!" He shouted angrily.

At the same time, his eyes turned hard: "Old Hu, is he the only one? Kill him! Hurry up, those two little girls must be blocking us nearby!"

With a flick of the white-haired fox's tail, a foul smell diffused into my nostrils, and a sense of fainting suddenly hit me.

Immediately afterwards, the white-haired fox jumped up and rushed towards my neck!

I snorted and drew my knife.

At this time, Mr. Bai also moved, he directly threw down the big black wooden box, found a dark yellow copper bell from nowhere, and directly pressed the copper bell towards the top of my head!

I clearly remember that this is the Horror Clock, which he used to restrain Maureen's father.

I stepped back sideways and dodged Mr. Bai's blow.

Seeing that the white-haired fox had jumped up to my front door, I pulled out the saber to block it sideways, and the fox jumped up to my saber, using it to borrow strength, it jumped up with sharp claws towards me shoulders.

That huge tail rolled towards me.

Mr. Bai also turned around and wanted to wave the clock at me again!

At this moment, his ferocious complexion became even more ruthless.

Under their attack, they almost drove me to a dead end.

My eyes were sharp, but I showed no fear.

Because there is He Zhi in the dark!

Now that I was discovered, and I fought with Mr. Bai again, it would be impossible for them to find He Zhi!

He Zhi must be waiting for an opportunity!

Thoughts were racing through my mind, I used to hold the knife with both hands, but suddenly changed it to one hand.

Before I slashed at the front door with a horizontal knife, the white-haired fox was forced back by me again!

My right hand slapped directly towards the frightening clock!

With a bang, the horror clock hit my palm, and I seemed to hear a buzzing sound.

And this sound didn't come from the Horror Clock itself, it seemed to come from inside my head. I groaned, feeling as if my hands and feet were inflexible.

Mr. Bai sneered: "Li Yinyang, don't blame yourself for sending yourself to death..."

With his other hand, he drew out a sharp dagger, and it was about to stab my chest!

At this time, I have just exhausted my strength, and my strength is exhausted. I have no ability to resist at all...

At this moment, a cold scolding sound echoed in the forest from top to bottom.

"A blow to the head!"

Suddenly, Mr. Bai's complexion changed drastically.

His instinctive reaction was to look up!

So do I.

What came into view was the slender figure of He Zhi!

And the swaying branches directly above!

At the same time as He Zhi jumped down, the mourning stick held high in her hand slammed down fiercely!

Mr. Bai suddenly wanted to escape!

But this is already too slow...

The mourning stick hit Mr. Bai hard in the middle of his forehead!

I only heard a muffled sound, and a wound burst open on Mr. Bai's forehead. Under the bruised skin, blood quickly overflowed his entire face!

His eyes widened, and his head drooped downwards because of the forceful blow.

The force of inertia caused his body to slam towards the ground!

With this blow, Mr. Bai didn't know whether he was alive or dead...

All of this happened in the blink of an eye, and the white-haired fox was just forced back by me, and was about to rush forward and continue to attack me.

At this moment, all the hairs on its tail popped up, and it let out an extremely sharp howling sound!

The thin fox face and a pair of dark green eyes are full of hatred.

But at the next moment, it turned its body around, jumped directly on the cypress bushes, then jumped out of the foot of the mountain, and fled towards the woods at high speed.

I tried to chase after him, but was blocked by a cypress bush.

He Zhi also gasped and shouted: "Don't chase that bastard, Mr. Bai can't run away, chase it, if something happens, you will be in trouble."

At this moment, He Zhi's legs were trembling. It was obvious that she didn't feel well after jumping off just now...

He Zhi was right.

I took a few deep breaths to calm down, and walked back to her.

He Zhi took two steps back a little, and hit the ground with a mourning stick, barely supporting his body to stand still.

I stared down at Mr. Bai, squatted down, and quickly turned him over.

The wound on the top of his head was truly terrifying. His eyes were slightly open, leaving a gap, and the exposed whites of the eyes were even more frightening.

My eyelids couldn't help but twitched slightly, and I reached out to test his breath...

[The author has something to say]

Thank you Nini for the certification of the masterpiece, and thank you for the certification of Tranquility and Zhiyuan.Another group of friends are asking, why do some people know that the characters set up the plot? If you like it, if you only read this book, you can read the postscript of this book. See.

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