He Zhi's voice trembled and choked.

Her lips were pursed tighter, her eyes were redder, and more tears welled up.

I could clearly hear the grievance in He Zhi's tone.

I even heard the meaning in her words...

For a while, I was also silent.

No wonder He Zhi reacted so strongly.

Ghost He entrusted He Zhi to me, she has long been homeless.

He Zhi stopped talking, just tore off a piece of cloth from the hem of his clothes, wrapped it around my neck, and bandaged my wound.

After finishing these, He Zhi will turn around and walk towards the Tuqiu gate.

After hesitating for a moment, I said, "Wait a minute!".

He Zhi frowned, his eyes full of doubts.

I just opened my mouth and said that Mr. Bai ran away, no matter what happened to the two mounds outside, Liu Huayan would definitely be able to deal with it, and it was meaningless for us to follow besides to see what happened.

As I said that, I turned around and walked to the hole that Mr. Bai got into just now.

The whole hole is actually not big, because Mr. Bai is thin enough to be able to get in.

If it were me, it would be impossible, even my shoulders would not be able to get through.

I reached out and felt inside, and the cave wall was covered with fox paw prints, it was clearly a hole dug out by a fox fairy.

I lowered my head, looked into the cave, and murmured, "Where will he escape from?"

"I don't know where he drilled the hole..." He Zhi's expression was obviously a little better at the moment.

She looked at me again, but there was a lot of worry.

"If you can't catch up, don't chase. We can't take care of everything. This Mr. Bai is too powerful. You almost died. Let's go down the mountain and go back to Maojia Village. We will leave after explaining the danger clearly. They will also have time to escape. Then Mr. Bai may not come back."

"You also have wounds on your shoulders...you were scratched and pierced..." He Zhi's eyes became more worried after saying this.

I was silent for a moment, thoughts flashing through my mind.

What I think of is nothing else, but the big black wooden box, the fixed compass, and the gossip tiger mirror...

At this moment, I suddenly discovered a detail.

The direction of this hole is towards the northeast...

Suddenly, my heart suddenly lost half a beat, and I murmured: "Ren Gui can be found on Gen, and Yin Shen Si Hai returns to his hometown."

"Li Yinyang, what did you say?" He Zhi obviously couldn't understand, and asked in confusion.

"The hole is in the northeast, and the hexagram of lost things means that my things will be taken away from the northeast, and it will be difficult for me to get them back."

"Mr. Bai probably won't come back. No matter where he exits from this hole, he will go down the mountain from the northeast and head towards the northeast..." I said word by word with my pupils constricted into small dots.

The moment I finished speaking, I turned around and walked quickly to the door.

I leaned forward and got out, and He Zhi followed closely behind me.

After leaving the mound, the night sky outside was actually full of stars.

It was raining cats and dogs before, but now it has become a bright night.

In the other two mounds, one of them was the one I entered first, and the other one had the wooden door open to the outside. I vaguely heard crying.

That cry, is it not Mao Lin's or who?

Similarly, Liu Huayan's comforting voice was mixed with the crying.

I don't dare to pause at all, if I slow down a bit, I'm afraid Mr. Bai will really escape...

After identifying the direction, I quickly went down the mountain in the northeast direction, almost like walking like a wind!

Running at this speed is still going down the mountain. If you don't pay attention, you may roll down the mountain!

It's just that I don't dare to slow down, I must race against time!

He Zhi's speed was much faster than mine, and after three or two strokes, she jumped in front of me!

But she didn't run any faster, she just maintained this speed.

The mountain is not high.

We go downhill even faster!

When we rushed to the foot of the mountain, there was still a piece of cypress on the edge of the foot of the mountain.

The ground cypress is about the same height as the shrub, but it is much denser than it, and the cypress leaves at the top are even more airtight.

At this point, the view from below has also widened a lot, and it can be seen that the direction this place is leaving is not the Maojia Village!

From here, one can vaguely see the lower reaches of the Xuanhe River, and the forest in the distance!

"No one has passed by here yet." He Zhi whispered, she panted slightly, and there were many fine beads of sweat on her forehead.

"How do you know?" I was puzzled. At first, I was worried whether Mr. Bai had already gone down the mountain. After all, we were slow for a while.

He Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly and pointed to the ground with one hand.

"It has been raining for so long, and there is no trace of this location except our footprints. Either you made a mistake, he didn't go this way, or he hasn't arrived yet..." Sure enough, there was only me on the wet ground. And He Zhi's footprints.

"It shouldn't be wrong..." When I said this, I didn't have much confidence.

I have used the gossip method to find people several times, and it is almost always accurate.

It's just that this method of finding objects is the first time I've used it.

"You find a place to hide, and I will hide too. If he comes, don't attack first, don't show off, I will restrain him!" He Zhi whispered.

Her gaze scanned the surroundings sharply, and at the same time, she actually took off the Guillotine Knife from her waist and handed it to me.

I really don't have a guy who takes advantage of me anymore.

Not only is the compass gone, but even the divination knife is gone. I can only vaguely feel that there are heavenly dry inkstone and earthly branch pen inside the inner bag.

He Zhi didn't just have a Guillotine knife at hand, she also picked up a mourning stick when she came out with me.

I didn't refuse, and took the Guillotine Knife in my hand. It was heavy, and the handle of the knife was full of coldness.

The next moment, He Zhi turned sideways and quickly walked towards a tree, her movements were extremely careful.

I noticed that she was walking on tiptoe this time, leaving no footprints.

The next moment, He Zhi lightly tapped the trunk of the tree, and climbed up to the crown of the tree in twos and threes.

I calmed down, but I couldn't hide my footprints.

After hesitating for a while, looking at the dense cypress bushes, I took a deep breath, walked up to it, carefully pushed it aside and got in.

Cramped, cold, dark...

All kinds of feelings came over.

After the rain, there is a lot of rainwater accumulated in the cypress bushes. With my movement, a lot of rainwater poured on me.

Some even flowed into the wounds on my neck and shoulders, and the cold sting made me shiver.

Soon, I adjusted my posture and half squatted in the ground cypress bushes, ensuring that I could rush out at any time.

It's just that from my angle, I can only see the outside through the gaps between the needles and leaves, and I can't see He Zhi at all.

Time passed little by little.

The waiting process is extremely restless and disturbing.

I don't know how long it took, but through the gaps in the needle leaves, a figure finally appeared on the mountain road...

There are a few gusts of wind coming down from the top, and my place is the downwind, and I just heard a faint murmur.

"If it wasn't for the skins of those two girls, we would have already finished skinning that boy Li Yinyang. We can't fight with them now. Li Yinyang's stuff is a treasure."

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