Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 303 Don't touch him!

"I'm not going to die? If I let go of my hand, I'm afraid I'll be stabbed right through by this nun. I'm afraid I'm not going to die, so you should not stop." Mr. Bai said quietly.

His face was even more cold and resentful, his eyes glanced at the ground, and his body trembled suddenly.

I panted and glanced at the ground, those white foxes were dead, the ground was covered in fox blood.

"My patience is very limited." Mr. Bai's tone suddenly became more sinister.

His hand, and a little harder!

But it didn't continue to plunge into my neck, but pulled down half a point diagonally.

I could even clearly feel that the wound was widened and the flesh was cut open.

"Stop!" He Zhi screamed, and all the emotions in her eyes collapsed for a moment, leaving only panic.

"Kneel down!" Mr. Bai shouted sharply!

"Bang!" He Zhi fell to his knees heavily on the ground with a muffled sound.

"The stick in hand, throw it at my feet!" Mr. Bai continued coldly, his eyes narrowed into narrow slits.

He Zhi pursed his lips tightly, trembling as he was about to throw out the mourning stick.

"He Zhi...don't..." As soon as I tried to speak, Mr. Bai grabbed my jaw with his other hand. His strength was so great that I felt that my jawbone would be crushed.

Liu Huayan raised her hand at the same time to stop He Zhi's movement!

She frowned, her face sinking like water.

He Zhi glanced at Liu Huayan resentfully, but her movements became more violent, and she threw the mourning stick directly with a "whoosh".

When the mourning stick fell to Mr. Bai's feet, it flicked twice and rolled further back.

"Hehe, this witch is obedient, but Taoist, it seems that she doesn't want you to survive." Mr. Bai licked his lips, and his knife retreated a little, and it was still pointed at my neck, but it didn't penetrate into the flesh. inside.

"You want us to be captured without a fight, and you won't let us go in the end." Liu Huayan's tone suddenly became calmer.

For a moment, the mound fell into a deathly silence, as if the air froze in an instant.

I know what Liu Huayan did was right.

But He Zhi's appearance and behavior made my heart ruthlessly gripped.

At this time, she knelt down on the ground, slowly rubbed her knees forward a few times, tightly clutched the corners of her clothes with her hands, looked at Mr. Bai and me with red eyes, and water had already flashed in her eyes.

"Women are too calm to please men. I don't even want to use you as a nun." Mr. Bai raised his eyebrows slightly and said in a cold voice.

"You kill Li Yinyang, I kill you. This is the only way to break the situation. Otherwise, after you escape, you will definitely harm the villagers or kill people from other places." When Liu Huayan said this, her brows frown again He frowned once, obviously, a trace of struggle flashed in his eyes.

He Zhi suddenly raised her head, and she looked at Liu Huayan again, her eyes were already burning with anger.

Mr. Bai's eyes suddenly dimmed, and his slightly squinted eyes seemed to be thinking about something quickly.

The next moment, he suddenly grabbed the wooden frame that bound me, and retreated slowly towards the rear.

While he retreated, Liu Huayan also stepped forward.

Mr. Bai's knife was sent towards my neck again!

He no longer threatened, but his expression was stern, and he retreated a little faster.

Suddenly, Mr. Bai let out a muffled snort. He staggered, and his whole body actually leaned forward.

I was staring at Mr. Bai from the corner of my eye, and I realized at a glance that he just stepped on the mourning stick thrown by He Zhi...

It's too late to say it!

He Zhi jumped forward suddenly and pushed Mr. Bai's legs!

When she was kneeling just now, she was moving forward, so the distance is already very close!

The moment he hit Mr. Bai, Mr. Bai couldn't stop his forward movement.

At the same time, Liu Huayan quickly raised his right arm!

With a soft sound of "Chi!", a crossbow bolt shot out from her cuff, and shot directly at Mr. Bai's face!

Mr. Bai hurriedly waved his knife to block the arrow, and at the same time his body leaned back vigorously!

At this moment, he was less than half a meter away from the wall.

The back of his head was about to hit the wall.

The muffled sound did not come as expected!

And the small half of Mr. Bai's body went directly into the wall!

The next moment, there was another "whoosh!", and his whole body was dragged in!

Liu Huayan flew to the base of the wall, and slapped the wall hard.

But she missed it!

With a crackling sound, pieces of cloth were scattered all over the floor.

On the mound wall, a piece of gray cloth was originally hung to block the dirt wall itself.

At this time, the gray cloth was broken, and there was a deep hole behind, and Mr. Bai had long since disappeared.

He Zhi got up quickly, rushed to the wooden frame, and began to quickly untie the rope that bound my hands.

At this moment, she was biting her lower lip tightly, but the tears rolled down like beads with broken threads.

I was breathing heavily, and the pain made me hiss every now and then.

"He's gone... the three caves of the cunning rabbit, this fox fairy is not much different." Liu Huayan frowned and said in a low voice.

She was about to step forward to help me untie the rope with He Zhi.

But He Zhi suddenly raised a palm and slapped Liu Huayan's shoulder directly!

He Zhi's movements were sudden and the distance was too close.

Liu Huayan was completely unprepared and was hit directly.

She snorted, stepped back a few steps, and reached the wall of the mound on the other side.

He Zhi glared at Liu Huayan with ice-cold eyes, and said, "You are as cold-blooded as your master, and you seem to be dignified. Just now you want to eliminate harm for the people, and you don't care about Li Yinyang's life or death. Don't touch him now!"

"I..." Liu Huayan looked embarrassed and wanted to explain.

"There's nothing I don't want. The facts are right in front of my eyes. It's useless to say anything!" He Zhi ignored Liu Huayan and continued to help me untie the rope.

I was in a complicated state of mind right now, and I didn't open my mouth to speak.

He Zhi's hostility towards Liu Huayan is because of me.

And...if I put myself in the same situation... I'm afraid I will make the same decision as He Zhi, and indeed I will not make a rational decision like Liu Huayan.

This is what we perceive differently.

Soon, He Zhi released my hands, and I instinctively raised my hands to cover the wound on my neck.

Fortunately, it was only the flesh that was broken. Although the bleeding was severe, it was not a serious problem.

He Zhi squatted down and helped me untie the binding on my feet, while I continued to cover the wound with one hand, and untied the rope tied around my waist with the other hand.

At this time, Liu Huayan suddenly lowered his head, and said in a slightly embarrassed voice: "I'm going to look at other places, there are two mounds, Mao Lin should be on one of them."

After saying that, Liu Huayan turned around, walked quickly to the door, and leaned forward to get out.

Soon, I was let down from the wooden frame by He Zhi.

She quickly took out a small white porcelain bottle from her pocket, and after opening the lid, she bit her lip and asked me to remove the hand covering my neck.

I did as I did, and she quickly sprinkled the powder on my wound and blew in small mouthfuls, as if trying to ease the pain.

I was so painful that I kept hissing, and tried to keep my voice calm: "Go save people first, save Mao Lin..."

But He Zhi said in a low voice: "Liu Huayan must be more interested in saving others than saving you. Their masters and apprentices are like this. They treat you as a child of yin and look down on your life."

"You have your own neck pierced, how can you care about others?! If you die, you are a liar!"

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