Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 302 You Hurt Him, We Will Never Die!

Obviously the fixed compass has been removed.

The numbness in my head was stronger and my hands were stiffer.

During this period, those figures approached me, surrounded me, and pushed me to the side.

I couldn't resist it at all, and I smelled a special fragrance in my nostrils, which made me dizzy...

They seemed to push me onto the bed on the other side...

More than a dozen hands groped all over my body, stopping at my wrists and more at my ankles.

I feel more and more blurred consciousness.

And suddenly, a sharp pain came from the top of his head!

My body trembled, and I woke up suddenly.

What kind of bed am I on right now!

It was clearly hung on a wooden shelf!

Mr. Bai was in front of me, he was staring at the top of my head, and he was holding a sharp knife in his hand!

Both my hands and feet were stretched apart, showing a large character.

The wrists, ankles, waist, and even the neck were tightly bound by the left and right ropes.

At this time, there were seven or eight white-haired foxes lying on my body.

They scurry around, with their fluffy tails, and sweep across my body from time to time...

Mr. Bai's eyes were wide open, and his hands were exceptionally steady. The tip of the sharp knife had clearly pierced into my scalp.

I can feel the pain of being pierced through the scalp...

And warm blood began to flow down his forehead...

Inside the cramped mound, the smell of blood mixed with the special smell of the fox, made people dizzy even more.

The pain stimulated me to wake up again.

That mixed feeling was simply tormented to the extreme.

What's more, it's the fear in my heart. I can't struggle, only despair.

Mr. Bai was very serious, and suddenly he said: "Do you know what the great gods in the Northeast rely on? The jumping gods who go out on horseback all rely on enshrining the immortals and peeling the skins of the immortals to be the method for you to pick up the yin woman." Qi Qi, your courage is really not small, killing you is tantamount to avenging the Xian family."

"This is your retribution!"

I stared at him hard.

What he said made me feel even colder.

He must have seen the contents of the big black wooden box and the Nine Techniques of Yin Sheng!

The booming muffled thunder still resounded continuously, but when it entered the mound, it had become very small.

Almost my entire face was soaked in blood, the pain made me scream again and again, I felt like my whole body was going to be twisted, but I couldn't move.

The smile on the corner of Mr. Bai's mouth was even more vicious.

He murmured in a low voice: "One drum, two skins, the sound of the drum frightens Baihuxi..."

And right now!

The sharp clanging sound suddenly resounded in my ears!

"Gai Wen: The sky is round and the earth is round, and there are nine chapters in the law! I will kill it now, and get rid of all disasters!"

"One cut to get rid of the calamity of the sky, the ghost of the road will meet in the sky, and you will leave your hometown forever!"

The sound was loud, but not loud. It was already very small when it came into the mound, but the sharp feeling didn't weaken at all!

The next moment, there was a popping sound at the same time.

The wooden door fell apart in an instant!Countless slags were formed and exploded!

Three dark yellow mahogany swords shot into the door.

It actually stabbed directly at Mr. Bai's back!

Mr. Bai's complexion suddenly changed!

He turned around abruptly, and the dagger in his hand slashed towards the three mahogany swords.

But all this is not over.

The sound of smashing did not stop!

"Secondly cut off the ghosts, good fortune will come to the land and households, men and women will return to justice, and when they are cut off, they will perish!"

Three swords were shot from the door again, but these three swords were no longer dark yellow, but black!

These three swords were not aimed at Mr. Bai, but at the white-haired foxes crawling on me!

At this time, those white-haired foxes were also frightened and wanted to flee quickly.

Mr. Bai only blocked one mahogany sword, and the remaining two pierced into his left and right shoulders respectively.

At the same time he screamed, at least three of the white foxes on my body were directly pierced by the black mahogany sword, splashing blood and falling to the ground.

They didn't even scream out loud!

It all happened between the electric light and the flint.

The ecstasy of being rescued from a desperate situation rose in my heart.

That voice belonged to Liu Huayan, so they clearly followed? !

In the past, apart from fearing that I would be killed, I also felt that Liu Huayan and He Zhi would also be killed. They would probably be deceived by Mr. Bai.

But now, that's not the case at all!

Liu Huayan and He Zhi are really smart enough!

"Murder and death are too much for heaven's sake, Mr. Bai, you can't escape." My voice trembled and I gasped and growled.

Mr. Bai stared sideways at me, and suddenly, he stepped forward suddenly, and the dagger in his hand was directly placed on my neck!

"Escape? I will escape?" Mr. Bai's body was trembling extremely, and his tone was even more vicious, "Kill my fox fairy and ruin my mood, you will definitely die!"

"If you dare to release the sword again, you will see Li Yinyang's head get out!" Mr. Bai growled, his eyes turned blood red!

The shouts sounded almost at the same time as Mr. Bai's voice!

"Three cuts to get rid of ghosts, all monsters hide far away, cut off all evil things, and family members will be safe and healthy, I will forgive you by the Jade Emperor's law!" Finally, a bronze sword was shot from the door opening.

This bronze sword came fiercely, stabbing Mr. Bai's head and face straight!

Mr. Bai opened his eyes wide, and suddenly, a scream came out of his mouth!

His scream was almost the same as that of those white-haired foxes!

The next moment, those white-haired foxes crawling on my body all rushed towards Mr. Bai!

The previous sword killed three of them, leaving five white-haired foxes, which rushed to Mr. Bai's door almost at the same time.

The sound of puff puff came at the same time, and the bronze sword directly pierced through all the white-haired foxes.

And its momentum has not diminished, and it still stabs at Mr. Bai's forehead.

It's just that the fox has already filled up the blade, and it was as if a few foxes hit Mr. Bai in the end.

Mr. Bai just snorted.

The dagger in his hand approached a little closer, I only felt a stabbing pain in my neck, and I also groaned in pain.

"What a ruthless Taoist nun, I don't care if this person lives or dies, I'll let him go first!" Mr. Bai growled bitterly.

"Stop!" A sharp shout came from outside the door.

With the sound of wheezing and strong wind, a slender figure rushed into the doorway at an angle.

The moment she stopped, she turned over and stood up, a mourning stick as thick as a baby's forearm was placed across her chest, and her eyebrows and eyes were full of vigilance.

Isn't this exactly He Zhi? !

Immediately afterwards, Liu Huayan also got in from the door opening.

At this moment, Liu Huayan frowned.

But on her face, she had an awe-inspiring righteousness somewhat similar to Liu Tianniu's.

"Mr. Bai, let Li Yinyang go, you have already been discovered, and you won't have another chance." Liu Huayan said, but her tone was still soft, with a hint of persuasion.


"Let him go, I have no chance. I didn't expect you two girls to keep up with us. I shouldn't call Li Yinyang first, maybe I should call you first." Mr. Bai stared straight at Liu Huayan , the voice is hoarse.

It's just that his hand pushed forward more and more, and I felt that the blade was pierced into my neck more...

This kind of pain made me breathe heavily, and I tried my best not to scream.

"Stop!" Panic suddenly appeared in He Zhi's eyes.

A trace of panic also flashed in Liu Huayan's eyes.

"Let Li Yinyang go, everything is discussed, if you harm him, we will never die!" He Zhi gritted his teeth and squeezed out this sentence.

[The author has something to say]

Today's update is over!I got home yesterday, and the flight was early in the morning. It was too long, so I delayed the update this morning.Someone please forgive me.

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