My eyes went dark, tears were about to fall from the pain, and I felt a strong sense of fainting.

Frightened, I only had time to glance sideways.

Mr. Bai standing behind me changed his face at some point!

A completely clean and smooth face, no mouth, no nose, not even ears...

There are only two long and narrow eye slits at the eyelids.

The pair of eyes under the slits were so cold that there was no emotion at all.

My heart completely cooled down at that moment, and fell directly to the bottom of the valley.

Out of the corner of my eye, the huge white-haired fox on the top of the mound jumped straight at me!

The next moment, it just landed on my shoulders.

The sharp claws directly hooked into my shoulder, and the pain was so severe that it was piercing to the bone.

The pain made my eyes go black again.

Mr. Bai didn't stop moving, the hand holding my gossip tiger head mirror, slapped my face hard twice, and I completely lost consciousness.


Painful, cold, dark.

I don't know when I woke up.

Anyway, when I opened my eyes, I found myself strapped to a chair.

The limbs were completely entangled in the rope and could not move.

I'm still in a mound, but it's obviously not the one just now.

There are many bloodstains on the flat ground, they have turned black and completely merged into the soil.

Against the wall, there is a shelf.

This is a well-made wooden frame. There are four bracelet-like existences on the four sides, and there is a stretcher layer in the middle.

There are more bloodstains in the wood grain, and the shelf looks gloomy at first glance, making people feel weak.

In addition, there are some damaged pieces of cloth hanging on the walls here.

But after a few more glances, the texture of those cloth pieces made me shudder.

Where is the piece of cloth, it is clearly human skin!

In the most central place, there is a frame supporting a drum.

The drum surface is extremely smooth, and the texture is just like human skin...

Suddenly, I remembered what I saw before, Mao Lin's father peeled the skin off her mother's face.

It's true that he was fascinated by the fox fairy. The skinning behavior probably didn't just happen suddenly, it was these white-haired foxes...or Mr. Bai's habit?

Who are these human skins from?

I've got a bad idea in my head...

The stabbing pain in my shoulder was still the same, I moved my body a little, struggled a bit, and the piercing pain came from the wound more intensely.

I grunted in pain, and took a deep breath.

Suddenly, there was a burst of cold air in my ear, as if someone was blowing wind in my ear.

I shivered, but my head was still moving, and I turned my head over.

Those who stared at me were still those long and narrow eyes, as well as that extremely smooth face.

Mr. Bai...has been behind me the whole time?

I was breathing heavily, my eyes turned red suddenly, and I stared at him intently.

"Li Yinyang, you are very smart, but you are mistaken by your cleverness."

Mr. Bai raised his hand and took off the skin covering his face, revealing his own pale face.

The smile on the corner of his mouth was even colder and weirder.

"It seems that you really didn't know it was me, but you also made plans to know it was me, so you only talked half of it, and wanted to see my attitude."

"You want to put me in, and I want to put you in."

"However, you are still too young, especially you. Although you are very cautious and unwilling to agree to my first suggestion, you still fall into this second calculation."

I pursed my lips tightly, and immediately understood what Mr. Bai meant.

He said before that me, He Zhi, and Liu Huayan are people in the industry, and he wanted to take us into the mountains to attract white-haired foxes, and that was his first calculation!

At that time, I did not agree, but to be cautious, I asked him if there was a second way.

Then, not long after, Mao Banjin came and said that something had happened...

I pursed my lips tighter and tighter, and my jaw made a creaking sound.

"How did you do it, I didn't agree to the first one, and immediately let Mao Banjin appear? He is also yours?" I almost squeezed this question through my teeth.

Mr. Bai shook his head, and said lightly: "He? An ordinary villager, I'm afraid you will recognize it at a glance. This is just a backup option. Even if you agree, he will appear, but the result is Depends on him passing out in the hospital."

"I will use other reasons to take you into the mountain immediately." When I said this, Mr. Bai's hand suddenly fell on my cheek.

He also slowly walked sideways to me, licked the corner of his mouth, and there was a trace of white air between his lips and teeth.

The long and narrow eyes looked at me carefully.

"As I get older, this skin is rougher. I don't like men's skin very much. It's bulging and not as delicate as a girl's." His fingers slid gently on my cheeks, and his fingernails seemed to pierce into my skin. My meat is average.

The hairs on my body stood on end.

His words made me fear from the bottom of my heart.

Moreover, he almost confirmed my guess...

Sweat protruded from the forehead, seeping into the eyelids from the corners of the eyes, and the soreness grew rapidly.

I asked hoarsely, "Where's Maureen?"

"You guys are too fast. I haven't had time to use her. According to my usual practice, after three months, I will peel her skin to make a drumhead, so don't worry. You will take a step first. When the time comes, you will see her below." her."

"Oh, it's not just her. After sending you on the road, I will take your things back and tell the two little ladies who are traveling with you that you were captured by the fox fairy and trick them into going up the mountain too. Hehe, Polar The ghost woman, the gentle and watery female Taoist priest, I think she is much better than the women in this village."

My eyes are tearing apart, and my heart is full of resentment!

At this moment, Mr. Bai suddenly blew out a sharp whistle.

Directly ahead, the half-meter-high wooden door was suddenly pushed open.

A huge white-haired fox with deep eyes came in, and behind it were seven or eight smaller white-haired foxes.

They are obviously beasts, but they gave me a feeling of enchanting figure.

After they came in, they crawled up to me, squatted and stood upright.

Being stared at by so many pairs of fox eyes, especially the most leading one, my head suddenly went numb and I felt groggy.

It seems that what I see in front of me are no longer foxes, but some charming women.

There was a vague voice beside my ear, urging me to go aside.

At the same time, my wrist and ankle suddenly loosened.

At that moment, my mobility recovered, and I went to my waist to grab the compass immediately.

Life and death are at stake, I don't even care about using the fixed compass as a consumable, I have to wake up and escape immediately!

But the waist is actually empty...

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