Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 300 Stepping through the iron shoes and finding nowhere?

In front of the rightmost mound, the door shakes slightly, as if someone just got in...

My eyes widened uncontrollably, staring at the door.

Did the man in black get in? !

I was gasping for breath, hesitating whether to follow.

I was patted on the shoulder suddenly, and I turned my head abruptly.

My face is almost close to Mr. Bai's pale and bloodless face...

Mr. Bai's hooked nose was about to touch my nose.

"Lost it?" Mr. Bai said quietly.

It just so happened that another bolt of lightning flashed by!

Mr. Bai's eyeballs seemed to be flooded with a hint of green.

My heart almost burst out of my throat!

"Mr. Bai..." My hoarse voice came out of my throat.

Mr. Bai didn't continue to look at me, his deep gaze swept across the three mounds on the other side.

He said abruptly: "There are ten kinds of ghosts and ghosts. Among the five immortals, the fox fairy is the only one who can enter the ghosts and monsters. They actually walked under my nose and used the back mountain of Maojia Village as their nest. Come out of such a big fox den."

My pupils tightened even more.

Do you know Mr. Bai?Is this mound a fox den?

The rain slid down my cheeks, and Mr. Bai also looked very embarrassed, his clothes were almost clinging to his body.

Now that I was a little better, I spoke hoarsely about how I met the man in black. I chased him all the way here, but he disappeared again.

"I know you are chasing someone, I saw it." Mr. Bai answered in a low voice.

What he looked at happened to be the mound I saw.

"You think he got in, right? What are you afraid of that ghost? If you hurt the fox fairy, they will definitely be much weaker. They will take advantage of his illness to kill him," Mr. Bai said in a cold tone.

The moment he finished speaking, Mr. Bai walked directly towards the mound.

I was still vigilant and worried, but Mr. Bai has already taken the lead, so there is no reason not to move...

Lifting my legs forward, I followed closely behind Mr. Bai.

In three or two steps, we reached the front of the rightmost mound.

Mr. Bai bent down, almost lying on the ground, and got into the mound directly.

I held the gossip tiger head mirror in my left hand, and was ready to draw out the divination knife in my right hand. I followed Mr. Bai and climbed down, and also burrowed in.

The soil on the ground was wet, sticky, and the cold breath kept rushing into the body.

We got into the mound one after the other, Mr. Bai got up first, and I was a little later.

The inside of the mound is not small, at least four or five meters in diameter, and two or three meters in height, which makes it very spacious.

And, there is light here.

The light source comes from the innermost corner of the wall.

There is a lampstand with a square pedestal, a cylindrical lamp pole, and a square glass lampshade on the top, in which candles burn faintly.

This kind of lampstand can shelter from the wind, and the light source of the candle is stable. Only rich people can afford it, and it seems that this black robed man stole it.

My eyes quickly scanned the inside of the mound.

On the ground, the white-haired fox that I injured with the gossip tiger head mirror was twitching.

Its originally gloomy and strange eyeballs were now dimmed.

It's like the power of the gossip tiger head mirror, making it completely lose its mind...

My heart beat faster, and I said in a low voice, "He's here! There's nowhere to find him!"

As soon as my voice fell, Mr. Bai suddenly took a few steps back.

I heard a creaking sound and looked sideways.

It was Mr. Bai who closed the door about half a meter away and blocked it.

I nodded secretly, feeling that Mr. Bai really paid attention to details, so that man in black would be hard to fly with his wings!

Just, where is he? !

I already took out the divination knife with one hand, and began to search around vigilantly.

The inside of the mound is only this big, but it is only the size of a small bedroom.

At a glance, I really didn't see the man in black.

On the contrary, I noticed that there are many things hanging on the surrounding walls...

Those were some clothes, and it was obvious at a glance that they were all women's clothes.

My heart suddenly went cold, it was obvious.

These clothes are probably the women who worshiped the river god these years?

"There is no river god in the Xuanhe River Basin outside Mao's Village." I couldn't suppress the indignation in my heart, and explained to Mr. Bai in a hoarse voice.

"Oh?" Mr. Bai snorted lightly.

I took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Bai, there are still many things that we didn't tell you. Now that we have found him, I will tell you in detail after we catch him."

"He must be hiding in this mound, we can't let him escape!"

I said one word at a time, sonorously and forcefully.

At this moment, Mr. Bai suddenly smiled coldly.

"Mr. Li, look up."

I don't know why, but I think Mr. Bai's tone seems to have changed a bit.

It seems to be more cold, and there is no emotion.

Subconsciously, I feel that the man in black is about to be caught now, that's why Mr. Bai has such a tone and demeanor.

Between thoughts, I raised my head and looked upwards.

Immediately, my head buzzed, and the hairs all over my body stood on end!

Because on the dome, there is something lying on its stomach.

The black robe was hanging down a lot.

But not the man in black!

Because "it" has white fluffy claws on its hands, feet, and limbs. The claws have penetrated deeply into the soil layer of the dome, and the hooks are extremely firm.

On the top of the head, the hat of the black robe was still drooping, revealing only half of a fox's face.

It is much bigger than the white fur fox below!

And a pair of eyeballs are actually glowing faintly with green light.

At this time it was staring at me, as if smiling.

The fox laughed, not to mention how scary it was.

What makes my heart chill even more is that it is just a beast!

Could it be that the man in the black robe is not a human being?

Or, am I being fooled?

The man in the black robe didn't know when he would switch positions and run away? !

But in the next moment, the faint stabbing pain in my waist and abdomen made me think clearly, I'm afraid it's not like this...

In itself, the one standing under the window of Mao Lin's house in a black robe is this fox fairy!

"Mr. Bai, be careful, this beast must be more vicious."

The moment the voice fell, I directly raised the gossip tiger head mirror, the side of the tiger head holding the knife, was shining on the fox fairy on the dome.

At the same time, my other hand is about to draw out the divination knife to prevent it from jumping down!

I only had time to make these reactions, and I didn't have time to think about anything else.

But the position of the wrist was suddenly pressed by a hand.

I couldn't draw out the divination knife!

Immediately afterwards, the other hand holding the gossip tiger mirror was pushed upwards vigorously!

The sudden change made me unable to resist.

The gossip tiger head mirror hit me hard on the head and face.

I was shocked and wanted to resist, but there was another sharp pain in my waist, which was obviously hit by Mr. Bai's knee!

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