How could there be a woman in Mao Lin's family?

I was suddenly suspicious, and asked in a deep voice: "Who are you? Mao Lin?!" The moment the voice fell, the woman turned her head quietly.

What I saw was a sharp-mouthed fox face under the cloth, with narrow eyes staring straight at me.

Who is this person? It's a white-haired fox!

The white fluff under the eyes is two bloodstains, including the mouth, nose and ears.

The bleeding from the seven orifices of a white-haired fox is much more eerie and weird than that of a human.

My head suddenly felt dizzy.

In a trance, where is the fox sitting by the bed?Isn't it Maureen? !

There seemed to be ringing in the ears, and the sound was also buzzing, and I heard a sad voice unknowingly: "Mr. Bai harmed my family and killed him."

My head buzzed again, and I wanted to turn around out of nowhere...

What frightened me even more was that I really had an idea in my mind, wanting to stab Mr. Bai to death!

The remaining consciousness told me that I was tricked.

If I really do it, I'm afraid it will kill people just like Mao Lin's father killed her mother.

Biting the tip of my tongue, I wanted to wake myself up.

Just as I was struggling, I discovered something weird again...

The window was half open, and at this time there was a person standing behind the window, showing half of his body.

He was wearing a black robe!

My body trembled, and amidst the fear, anxiety and anger rose even more!

In the middle of the night last night, I was tricked by the pool, and when I turned around, I saw a man in a black robe!

It really is him!

At that moment, I was anxious about the Zhaijing and Yinsheng Nine Techniques, and I relied on my will to forcefully suppress the mournful voice in my ear.

After waking up a little bit, I could hear clearly where Maureen was speaking in that voice.

It was clearly the creaking sound of a fox, with a special rhythm, weird and eerie.

The fainting feeling in the head again, and it was even stronger.

The white-haired fox was bleeding from its seven orifices, its eyeballs were protruding when it stared at me, and the corners of its mouth were grinning, as if it was smiling.

Seeing that I am going to be tricked again.

I snorted and let go of my right hand.

The fixed compass fell to his waist and hung up.

At the same time, I reached into the side pocket with my right hand again, and took out the gossip tiger lens!

Without hesitation, I pointed the front of the tiger-title knife directly at the white-haired fox.

It's not long since I got the gossip tiger head mirror, and I haven't used it like other things on my body.

At this time, it was also something that was taken out in a hurry.

I'm not sure it will work with the white fur fox, it's not dead after all.

The next moment, the white-haired fox froze suddenly.

Without any warning, it fell limply on the bed.

The moment it fell, all the clothes on it collapsed.

I was overjoyed and approached the window with big strides.

Suddenly a piece of black robe was poked into the window, he swiped his arm, and the white fur fox was gone!

With a flick of his hand, his body left the window!

"Want to run?! Impossible!" I yelled, turned directly onto the bed, jumped forward, and got out of the window.

At the same time, I growled, "Mr. Bai, over here!"

The moment I landed, I rolled and rolled out for several meters.

I stood up quickly, and the man in black robe had already ran more than ten meters away.

I didn't wait for Mr. Bai at the same place, but continued to chase after him!

I never expected that I would meet him directly!

There is simply nowhere to find it!

He must have captured Mao Lin, and he was not good enough to let it go. If we hadn't arrived in time, Mao Lin's father would have died without a doubt.

If I let him escape now, I really have no chance to get the book back!

Under a strong consciousness, my running speed almost broke the limit of my body.

At this time, the sky became darker, dark clouds billowed in the sky, and thunder rumbled!

In the direction that the man in black was fleeing, there was a low mountain in the distance.

In a blink of an eye, I chased him to the foot of the mountain, and I was a lot closer to him, only seven or eight meters away.

I was running out of breath, but my feet were faster.

It's just that he approached the bottom of the mountain first.

There is a large cluster of ground cypress, dense and exuberant, and the needles are even more black.

The dark clouds are too heavy, and it is difficult to see the whole mountain clearly. I can't analyze the Feng Shui here for a while.

The man in black suddenly leaned over, and the whole body went straight into the cypress bushes, and the needles trembled for a while.

When I got close, he had disappeared into the cypress bushes.

My face turned livid immediately, and I subconsciously glanced back. Mr. Bai was galloping behind to catch up.

Looking down at the ground cypress bushes, the ground cypress is about one meter at most, and I can hardly move when I get into it.

The man in black was short in stature, but he was not restricted.

My gaze quickly swept around the edge of the cypress, and I stepped directly across the sparse cypress on the other side to the mountain road.

During this period, I stared vigilantly at the bushes of cypresses, without taking my eyes off the ground, for fear that the man in black would run away without noticing.

My breathing became extremely slow, and my eyes became sharper.

Just at this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew up.

The wind was strong, and the cypress bushes shook for a while.

Suddenly, there was another thunderclap, and the thunder accompanied by lightning flashed across the sky.

Bean-sized raindrops poured down, mixed with the wind, and hit the top of the head, causing a burst of pain.

The rain also blurred the vision.

A black shadow suddenly sprang out from the cypress bushes under me!

I didn't expect him to be so close to me, my attention was a little far away!

This time, I was completely unprepared, and he slammed into me hard.

But his impact didn't make me feel how powerful it was.

There is even a feeling of lightness.

The next moment, I felt a sharp pain in my waist, as if a claw had been deeply grabbed into my waist and abdomen!

Under the pain, the strength also became heavier, and I staggered towards the rear a few times, almost falling down.

But after borrowing strength from me, he jumped out quickly, and in the blink of an eye, he ran a long way again.

I tried my best to stabilize my figure and catch up again.

This time, I will have to work harder.

In the mountains and forests, I am obviously not as familiar with him.

I can only make sure that he will not be lost at the farthest point of my sight, but I can't get close.

I don't know how long I have been chasing, but the rain is getting heavier and the wind is blowing so that the trees in the mountains are shaking.

The rain slapped on the trees and fell on my body. The coldness stimulated me to wake up more.

On the contrary, lightning has become a light source from time to time.

At the end of the line of sight, the trees were a little thinner, and the man in black robe disappeared...

I was extremely anxious, and after catching up, I realized that I had already chased halfway up the mountain.

There is a slightly flat turf field here, and the trees are much sparser.

Behind the turf is a large mound on the mountainside.

At a glance, there are three mounds clinging to the mountain wall, and they are all two or three meters high, like a huge cemetery...

What's even more weird is that there is a wooden door about half a meter high at the very front of the mound.

The opening of the graveyard is definitely not a good thing!

[The author has something to say]

Happy Winter Solstice!Today is a big solar term, yin and yang alternate, everyone pay attention to keep warm and maintain the [-]th energy!

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