Mr. Bai frowned. He stopped what he was doing and was about to speak.

But just at this moment, the courtyard door was suddenly pushed open.

Mao Banjin ran in in a panic. With a face full of panic, he said hastily, "Mr. Bai, something serious has happened!"

Mr. Bai's complexion darkened, and his tone suddenly became colder: "What does it look like in a panic? What's the big deal, let's talk about it."

My heart also sank a lot.

What we discussed just now can be regarded as a critical moment.

But this Maojia Village happened impartially...

Mao Banjin froze, apparently overwhelmed by Mr. Bai's words.

He calmed down a bit, and then said palely: "Mao Lin's father, murdered..."

I was taken aback.

Mr. Bai frowned, and he immediately said: "Murder?! Impossible! Although I didn't cure him, I tied him up tightly and locked his soul!"

With a mournful face, Mao Banjin continued: "It's really a murder. He killed his wife, and he..." At this point, more fear appeared in Mao Banjin's eyes.

I have come into contact with a lot of things, and I can see that Mao Banjin's expression is definitely not exaggerated or fake.

"Tell me." I said in a deep voice, motioning Mao Banjin to continue.

At the same time, Mr. Bai and I nodded slightly, asking him to give Mao Banjin a chance to talk.

"He even skinned his wife's head and covered it with a layer of fur. It looked like fox fur... Many people in the village saw it and were frightened. I came here to inform... "

After Mao Banjin finished speaking, he was already sweating profusely.

My face suddenly changed!

Mr. Bai's face was ashen at this moment, and he cursed a beast in a low voice.

The next moment, he walked directly towards the outside of the courtyard, and Mao Banjin followed closely with his legs up to lead the way.

I was in doubt.

At this moment, I didn't have much room to think, so I quickly followed Mr. Bai, and I didn't have time to call He Zhi and Liu Huayan.

In broad daylight, when Mr. Bai was at home, something happened to Mao Lin's house...

This matter really seems to have nothing to do with Mr. Bai?

That man really had a vicious heart. It was not enough to catch Mao Lin, but also to kill her parents!

Mr. Bai and Mao Banjin walked so fast that I almost trotted to keep up.

About the time of a cup of tea, there is a large area of ​​villagers in front of the line of sight.

They were surrounding a courtyard, crowded with people and discussing endlessly.

At this time, it was almost evening, and there were no fire clouds in the sky, but a gloomy sky with dark clouds lingering, as if it would rain cats and dogs at any moment.

As we arrived, the crowd gradually dispersed to make way.

Mr. Bai and I walked ahead and entered the courtyard in two or three steps.

But everything in the courtyard is shocking.

At the door of the main room with the adobe wall, lay a female corpse.

She was wearing an old cloth, her limbs were thin, and her whole body seemed to be malnourished.

But she had a furry hood over her head.

It is said to be a hood, but it is actually the skin of a fox's head!

The narrow mouth, the long and narrow eyes, are creepy and creepy.

Those sneaky fox eyes seemed to be looking at everyone in the arena.

From the position of the female corpse's neck, a bloody mess can be seen. It is obvious that the skin has been peeled too much, and the fox fur is not long enough to cover the entire neck.

There was also a man squatting at the feet of the female corpse.

The man was about 35 to [-] years old, his body was covered with blood, and his hands were scarlet.

Between his brows and eyes, he was indeed very similar to Maureen.

Beside him is a tuft of messy hair, covered with a piece of skin...

I've seen the paper figurine Xu skinning a corpse.

But it's a completely different feeling to really look at the living skin.

I only felt a strong nausea, and the neck and head and face were even more itchy and painful, as if a sharp nail was about to dig into the flesh...

Mr. Bai's eyes were cold, and he stepped towards Mao Lin's father. At some point, he took out a copper bell that was bigger than a fist.

Arriving in front of her, Mao Lin's father suddenly trembled, and when he raised his hand, there was a dagger hidden in his palm, and he stabbed directly at Mr. Bai's chest!

This scene was too sudden, dare Mao Lin's father's sluggishness be fake?

Just for Mr. Bai to approach and kill him?

Mr. Bai released the copper bell without hesitation, and it directly pressed on Mao Lin's father's head.

A muffled buzz came from the bell...

Even this sound is no longer like the sound of a bell, but the sound of a copper bell.

At the same time, Mr. Bai reached forward with his left hand, just in time to grab Mao Lin's father's wrist.

All of this happened in a blink of an eye, and Mao Lin's father's body suddenly convulsed violently, as if he had suffered from epilepsy, and fell straight to the ground, foaming at the mouth.

At this time, I was even more surprised and uncertain.

I understand another detail.

That is to say, ghosts and ghosts like white raccoons and fox fairies don't need to be like dead people, they have to be dark to make trouble.

Even in the daytime, they can be aggressive.

While thinking, Mr. Bai also just opened his mouth, and he said coldly: "I didn't use the shock bell before, because the magic weapon hurts the soul too much, and it is easy to become a fool, but now, he is completely fascinated by the fox fairy. Mind, to the point where he even killed his wretched wife..."

"As soon as the horror clock is used, that bastard who fascinated his mind just now will also suffer. Let alone bleeding from all seven orifices now, it is in the courtyard!"

In the first half of the speech, I heard clearly what happened to Mao Lin's father, but I still couldn't accept it for a while.

But the second half of the sentence made my heart tighten.

The fox fairy is also at Mao Lin's house? !

Mr. Bai has already turned around, and went directly into the main room with adobe brick walls!

I pulled my legs straight and quickly followed in.

Mr. Bai had already slipped into the bedroom on the right side of the wall, but his voice rang in my ears.

"Go to another house to find it. It is bleeding from all seven orifices, so it must not be able to move. After you find it, don't look into its eyes. Put something over its head before you scratch it."

There are several doors on the left, I quickly took out the compass, facing those doors, leaned forward slightly and swayed around.

The third door had a curtain hanging in front of it. When I leaned my body close to it, the reaction of setting the compass was the most obvious!

This is the difference between me and Mr. Bai. With a fixed compass, I can quickly find the place with the heaviest resentment.

I stepped directly through the curtain, and at the same time drew the divination knife from my waist.

The room was dimly lit, so I quickly scanned around vigilantly.

This is a boudoir, and there is a faint fragrance of virginity in the room.

On the bed, there was a woman with her head down sitting...

She was dressed in a patterned cloth, with a piece of cloth on her head, her waist was hunched, and she was looking obliquely at the window.

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