"I see. When we were waiting for the bamboo raft and the coffin on the bank, the white-haired fox also came out. Wasn't it standing by the river?! It was also waiting for the coffin to come!"

Liu Huayan's words were like enlightenment, my head buzzed, but goosebumps crawled all over my body in an instant.

I didn't expect it at first, but under Liu Huayan's reminder, it really is like that!

I chose a suitable place to go into the water, and the white-haired fox also came out by a weird coincidence.

Afterwards, we encountered these strange things, and Mao Lin was snatched away...

There is no corpse in the coffin in the water, and there is no murderous breath underwater.

Without the river god, the woman who was sacrificed could not be seen alive or dead...

These things seem to have no direct connection, but after connecting them in detail, they form a close connection.

There are not so many coincidences in the world. For no reason, how could someone come out to snatch an ordinary village girl?

The only explanation is that he himself was waiting for Mao Lin...

We are the ones who get in the way...

He Zhi asked suddenly: "That Mr. Bai, would he know about this? Does he have any problems?" She held the Guillotine Knife on her waist with one hand, and the murderous intent in her voice remained undiminished.

I took a deep breath, hesitated and said: "I don't know yet. But we have to find Mao Lin quickly. I don't know what that person will do to her. In the past years, so many women who made sacrifices have never returned. , definitely nothing good will happen.”

After saying that, I went straight to the carriage.

The carriage is no longer usable, I have to carry the big black wooden box on my back, and then discuss with He Zhi and Liu Huayan what to do.

When I got to the front of the car door, I leaned over and got in.

There was chaos in the carriage.

What made my head buzz even more was that the big black wooden box... disappeared!

The carriage is not big, but the big black wooden box is not small.

It can be seen clearly at a glance, it is impossible to look under those messy items...

For a moment, the shock and anger in my heart rose, I gritted my teeth tightly, and the eyeballs almost popped out.

The big black wooden box is too important.

It's okay to talk about the guy who takes care of the yin, the two books of Yinsheng Nine Techniques and Zhaijing, one is the only inheritance left by Luo Yinpo, and Zhaijing is even more a feng shui technique of geography!

If these two things are lost, not only will I not be able to explain to Luo Yinpo, but I will also have no face to meet Jiang Yihong!

Originally, I never left the big black wooden box, but I had no choice but to go into the water, the Zhai Jing and the Nine Techniques of Yin Sheng would be soaked, so I would put it in the car...

At this moment, my body was trembling, that person must have taken the big black wooden box while taking Mao Lin away!

He must be found as soon as possible!

Otherwise, if he knew some feng shui himself and saw that the two books were different, he might just leave here...

My thoughts flashed, and I got up quickly.

While turning around, He Zhi and Liu Huayan also approached.

The two girls looked shocked.

At this moment, He Zhi also came to his senses, his face became even paler, and he said anxiously: "I have to find him as soon as possible...your things..." I tried my best to calm my breathing, so as not to appear so impatient.

Because of impatience, it is impossible to do things well... On the contrary, there will be more mistakes.

After spending half a cup of tea, I finally calmed down.

"Go to the village and find Mr. Bai. If that person is him, we will definitely be able to see some problems. If it's not him, we should be able to find some clues from him." I said in a deep voice.

At this time, the night was darker.

I lowered my head and glanced at the time. After all this tossing, before I knew it, it was almost dawn...

The night before dawn is the darkest.

The carriage was abandoned beside the woods, and the three of us walked in the direction of Maojia Village.

Although we came down before, it only took about a quarter of an hour or so.

But the horse-drawn carriage is different from walking. It took almost half an hour to walk all the way back to Maojia Village.

By the time we reached the entrance of the village, the sky was already dark.

Between the entrance of the village and the bank of the Xuanhe River, there is still a mess, full of traces left by yesterday's sacrifice.

We are going into the village.

At this time, many people came out of the village one after another. Some villagers were carrying hoes and farm tools, while others were carrying fishing nets.

These people all looked at us suspiciously, and some had alert eyes.

But at this moment, a tall and thin villager suddenly rushed up from behind, he was extremely fast on his feet, and he came directly in front of us.

His eyes were even worse, staring at us vigilantly.

He beckoned directly: "Don't let them enter the village! Yesterday they sacrificed, and they almost came to make trouble!" Immediately, the surrounding villagers stopped, and they all surrounded us with unfriendly expressions.

The thin and tall villager made a movement to drive him away, and scolded: "You are sneaky, you are going to enter the village at dawn, what are you planning?! Hurry up!"

He Zhi's face was cold, she was holding the ghost knife with one hand, and was about to draw it.

I frowned, and was also thinking quickly about how to communicate peacefully with the villagers.

But Liu Huayan suddenly took two steps forward and walked up to the tall and thin villager.

The tall, thin villager took two steps back vigilantly.

Liu Huayan suddenly took out a few big coins from the purse at his waist, and handed them to the tall and thin villager.

She had a kind smile on her face, and her tone was soft: "After seeing Mr. Bai's way of opening the altar yesterday, we realized that we were short-sighted before, and Mr. Bai is an expert. When we left last night, we passed by the next I took a rest in the woods, but encountered dirty things and lost my luggage.”

"I came back to Maojia Village not to make trouble, but to ask Mr. Bai to help me see if that dirty thing is still haunting us, and help us find something by the way."

"This money is an apology for the big guy, and I ask the big brother to help guide the way."

Liu Huayan's words had an immediate effect.

But I think it's the money she has that is more effective.

The tall and thin villager's eyes were straightened, and the rest of the villagers were also staring at him eagerly.

Of course, some people whispered, saying that Mr. Bai is of course powerful and has protected Maojia Village for many years.

He Zhi was expressionless at the moment, and lowered her head slightly. I knew that she was suppressing the anger in her heart.

At this time, the look of the thin and tall villager also became hesitant.

Soon, he came forward and quickly took the money from Liu Huayan.

Then he cleared his throat, coughed and said, "What are you going to do, this money must also be given to Mr. Bai, who dares to take it?"

Then, there was a smile on his face, and he said to us: "I said it earlier, there is no misunderstanding. Mr. Bai was at Mao Lin's house to see a doctor last night. I don't know if he will go back. I will take you there and wait." .”

[The author has something to say]

Today's update is over, thanks to Ms. Hua'er for her super rocket, and thanks to Tranquility and Zhiyuan's masterpiece certification!

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