And on the shore, there is also a sense of gaze, which makes me have goose bumps all over.

I turned around abruptly, only to find a short and hunchbacked man standing on the bank at some point.

He was wearing a pitch-black robe, covering almost half of his head and face.

The lower half of the face was exposed, but the mouth could not be seen...

Completely smooth skin, no lips at all, is simply terrifying to the extreme.

My whole body is like falling into an ice cellar.

I don't even know when he showed up...

Now that he is standing there, he will definitely not have any kind intentions!

It's just that there are still people in the pool...

I forcibly suppressed my messy thoughts, ignored the man on the shore, sank my head, and dived into the water.

The moonlight is clear, and the sight in the pool is very clear.

It's just that after I sank into the water, I didn't see half a person at all.

On the contrary, there was a slender white figure obliquely below me. It was wriggling its tail, as if forming a flower under the water.

The long and narrow fox eyes like willow leaves and the narrow mouth make people get goosebumps all over their bodies.

Suddenly, I felt a chill in my heart.

These eyes immediately overlapped with the eyes of the woman I saw just now...

I already understood that I was bewitched by the fox fairy.

What I saw just now was neither Mao Lin nor any other woman, but this white-haired fox!

I jerked my head up and swam toward the surface.

After breaking through the water, I swam quickly to the shore.

In the middle of half a cup of tea at most, the hunchbacked man in black robe by the bank disappeared...

I went ashore, and the cold wind made me shiver.

But the chill that ran up my spine was even more.

I reached out to set the compass with one hand, and at the same time scanned around the pool vigilantly.

The middle of the forest is so quiet that even the sound of insects has disappeared.

Not to mention human shadows, I can't even see half a ghost at the moment.

On the other side of the pool, after the white-haired fox jumped onto the bank, it quickly disappeared from my sight and sneaked into the woods.

The needle of the fixed compass also slowed down, but it was still a needle, which meant that there was a vicious atmosphere in this place.

I stood there panting for a while.

His head was in a daze, and there were occasional buzzing in his ears.

I pulled myself together and started looking around the woods from the pool.

The woods are not big, and I can be sure that I have already completed a full circle.

But I didn't find any useful clues...

In the end, I could only choose to go back the same way.

When I got to the edge of the woods, I saw He Zhi and Liu Huayan.

What surprised me was that Liu Huayan and He Zhi were standing under two crooked old trees, motionless...

In front of the branches of the old trees, there is a piece of white fur hanging in the same way.

Pointy ears, pointed muzzle, isn't that just fox fur? !

This leather must have been specially treated.

Where the eye sockets should be empty, there are a pair of sneaky eyeballs!

Immediately I realized that He Zhi and Liu Huayan had indeed chased them out.

They probably saw that I hadn't kept up, so they came back to look for me, but they got tricked here...

That man in black robe just now is with that white-haired fox?

While thinking, I quickly stepped forward to the tree of He Zhi, quickly pulled out the divination knife at my waist, and slashed directly at the hanging fox fur.

The moment the fox fur fell, I shook He Zhi's shoulder, and she woke up with a jerk, looking around blankly.

I hastened to do the same thing again, splitting the fox fur in front of Liu Huayan.

Liu Huayan woke up a little faster.

At this time, her face was tense, and she looked straight at me.

I was about to ask them.

But Liu Huayan passed me directly, and walked quickly towards the outside of the woods.

At this time, He Zhi's expression also changed, she was obviously fully awake, and also ran out with Liu Huayan.

He Zhi's expression showed strong anxiety and uneasiness...

I followed closely behind, and after a while, the three of us ran out of the woods back and forth.

The carriage is right next to the forest, but the carriage looks very messy at this time.

The car door was opened indiscriminately, and a lot of things were scattered inside, as if someone had rummaged through it.

And the horse pulling the carriage fell to the ground, its limbs were still twitching slightly, it was clear that it would not live long...

It was precisely because of this that the carriage almost fell over when it was tilted.

Liu Huayan was stuck in place, her hands were clenched into fists, her body was trembling, blood was spilling from her tightly pursed lips, and her face was even more blue and red.

He Zhi flew over to the carriage, leaned forward and got in.

But after a while, she got out, her complexion became even more ugly, and her eyes were full of killing intent.

The sound of the wind was mixed with the chirping of insects, and the atmosphere in the venue seemed very stagnant.

"She's gone." He Zhi's voice was almost squeezed out of his teeth.

My complexion also changed.

After a little guessing, my heart felt weightless.

After that, I talked with He Zhi and Liu Huayan.

I just found out that when they chased the carriage just now, only the horse was frightened and Mao Lin was inside the carriage.

They thought it was a false alarm.

But I didn't follow behind, they looked back at me and found that I was gone...

At that moment, Mao Lin told them in shock that the horse was not frightened for no reason, but a faceless person suddenly came to the horse.

The man wanted to get in the car and drag her, but the horse ran away in fright.

At that time, He Zhi and Liu Huayan knew that something had happened, so they immediately drove back to find me.

When he said this, Liu Huayan fell silent.

After a while, she said: "I went to the forest to find you, Mr. Li. He Zhi was with Mao Lin outside, but I got caught after I came in. I saw you hanging under a tree... After taking it, I found that my head and body were dull. Although you are in front of me, I can't move."

After saying that, Liu Huayan looked at He Zhi again.

He Zhi's complexion was also pale, she gritted her teeth lightly, and said that she also waited for a long time, but Liu Huayan did not come out.

At that time, she vaguely heard me calling for help, so she ventured into the woods and told Mao Lin to be vigilant and not to get out of the car.

But after she entered the forest, what she saw was similar to Liu Huayan.

At that time, she was also hit, and they didn't wake up until I rescued them just now.

I quickly digested all the things that He Zhi and Liu Huayan said, and I also carefully explained what happened to me.

He Zhi's eyes showed even more murderous intent, and Liu Huayan also frowned.

She suddenly said: "Looks like, it's not that the river god is causing trouble? It's this faceless man in black robe who is leading a white-haired fox to make trouble?"

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