Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 294 Mr. Bai's "Benevolence and Righteousness"

Hearing the word Mao Lin, my heart trembled, and my face immediately changed.

Liu Huayan said softly at the right time: "Mr. Bai still sees a doctor?"

The thin and tall villager nodded solemnly, and explained: "Mao Lin's father" just bumped into something dirty. Mao Lin was a sacrifice chosen by the Goddess of the River. Mr. Bai agreed to Mao Lin regardless of past suspicions. Being sacrificed to the river god, she still helped her father look after her body. "

What he said was not clear.

If we hadn't heard what Mao Lin said, we wouldn't have understood what he was talking about.

Obviously, he didn't intend to make it clear.

I can almost see that the meaning of his words is just to flatter Mr. Bai.

Liu Huayan nodded lightly, and said with a smile: "He is really a good gentleman, I hope he can help us too."

The thin and tall villager patted his chest and said, "Although Mr. Bai has a bad temper, as long as he agrees to do things, he will be fine! As long as you speak sincerely, the reward is enough, and you can do anything!"

The rest of the villagers left somewhat unwillingly.

This thin and tall villager took us into the village.

On the way to Mr. Bai's house, Liu Huayan said a lot.

Including the villager's name, and a series of things encountered in Mao Lin's house from his mouth, basically consistent with what Mao Lin said.

Even the strange things encountered in the village in the past few years, and whether the villagers have seen white-haired foxes.

The villager's name was Mao Banjin, and he spoke in detail.

Back then, strange things happened in Maojia Village. In addition to fishermen missing out of the water, there were also some people who wandered around the village in the middle of the night wet every day, and those people even contracted strange diseases.

As for the white fox, he said that no one saw it.

During the conversation, Mao Banjin stopped in front of a house with green bricks and small tiles, stepped forward to knock on the door, and then listened for a while.

He turned around and whispered, "Mr. Bai hasn't come back yet, so wait here."

Liu Huayan smiled lightly and nodded.

I quietly picked up the compass and glanced at the pointer.

Suddenly, my heart skipped a beat.

The pointer of the fixed compass did not move at all, but it was not pointing to the center line!

I raised my head with my pupils constricted, and looked at the house with green bricks and small tiles.

Among the eight methods of strange acupuncture, if the pointer does not return to the center line, it is called a side needle. The place pointed by the side needle is an ancient temple, and you cannot live in it!

The reason for this is simple, the altars and ancient temples are places for receiving incense and building temples and Taoist temples, not for people to live in. Ordinary people who set up their homes here must not be able to withstand the impact.

Although Mr. Bai is not a simple person, it is impossible for him to withstand the feng shui of the altar and ancient temple...

"Is this house just repaired?" I asked calmly.

Mao Banjin gave me a surprised look, shook his head and said: "Mr. Bai did the first thing for our village after he came. The villagers thanked him, so he named me here to build a house. It must have been five or six years."

My complexion is even more condensed slightly.

At this moment, the vigilance in my heart has grown exponentially!

This Mr. Bai is definitely more difficult than we imagined!

Not afraid of the collision of the altar and ancient temple?

Rao is the master Jiang Yihong, when he taught me, he said that the altars and ancient temples are absolutely uninhabitable.

At least, within his known range, even Mr. Yin Yang would not dare to do this...

At this time, I have already had a thought that I should not easily become an enemy of Mr. Bai.

I can only hope that he has nothing to do with this...

If not, I'm afraid he will be very difficult to deal with...

He Zhi next to me looked at me suspiciously, as if guessing something.

The next moment, she suddenly turned her head to look at the other side of the village road, and said coldly, "He's here."

At the same time, Mao Banjin also looked up, and a smile appeared on his slender cheeks.

"Careful." I lowered my voice and gave He Zhi the same look.

Liu Huayan also had a thoughtful expression.

I turned my gaze to the other side of the village road, and saw Mr. Bai, who was short but straight, walking slowly towards the yard with his hands behind his back.

After getting close, Mao Banjin walked up quickly, talking to Mr. Bai in a low voice.

After a while, Mr. Bai nodded and whispered a few words.

But I couldn't hear what he said.

The next moment, Mr. Bai's eyes fell on us.

I looked at him, and then I took a closer look at his appearance.

His skin was fair, as if he hadn't seen the sun for a long time, his nose was slightly curved and hooked, his lips were thin, and there were two mustaches at the corners of his mouth.

His eyes were completely different from the cloudy eyes of ordinary old people, on the contrary they were bright and sharp.

He was dressed in white, so clean that there was not even a speck of dust.

I just don't know why, but I always feel very uncomfortable.

Is this from his breath?Or his looks?

"I'm Li Yinyang, I've met Mr. Bai." The moment I looked at each other, I slightly clasped my fists and greeted him, breaking the depressing atmosphere.

Liu Huayan and He Zhi also greeted Mr. Bai.

Mr. Bai smiled, and moved his mustache.

It's just that his smile that doesn't reach the bottom of the eyes makes people feel like they are thousands of miles away.

He didn't answer anything, but walked to the gate of the courtyard, took out the key and unlocked the door.

Judging by this posture, does he intend to meet us?

A trace of unkindness flashed in He Zhi's eyes.

I put my hand on her shoulder and shook my head slightly.

Liu Huayan looked contemplative.

Mao Banjin coughed and cleared his throat: "When you came to the village yesterday, Mr. Bai knew that you were disrespectful to him. You can ignore this matter, but Mr. Bai is kind and righteous, so he might not be able to give you a chance. The three of you , you have to follow three things, one person will produce a large yellow croaker, and I can solve any problems for you, if you can’t get these rewards, please leave Mao’s Village and ask someone else.”

I froze for a moment, my brows furrowed.

He even wanted three large yellow croakers in one go!This Mr. Bai has a big appetite!

A gleam of astonishment flashed in He Zhi's eyes, and more of it was hidden anger.

Liu Huayan took two steps forward and stood in front of us.

Her expression was still kind, and she said: "The three big yellow croakers are fine, as long as Mr. Bai can help, after the matter is completed, more rewards will be given."

When he said this, Liu Huayan put one hand behind his back and gestured to us.

Although there was no communication in advance, I feel that I have already guessed what Liu Huayan meant.

Liu Huayan took out a tightly wound piece of cloth from the bag at his waist.

"He Zhi, you should still have big yellow croakers on you. I don't have enough, so I'll borrow some from you first." While speaking, Liu Huayan turned her head, her tone was still kind, but she also gave us a look.

Of course, Mr. Bai and Mao Banjin didn't see this.

"I..." He Zhi's expression became obviously unwilling.

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