The most important thing is that Feng Shui will not change for a while, not to say that if the "things" here are gone, it will become a normal land use.

It takes years and years of Feng Shui influence to be like this...

The only explanation, at least in the past few years, there is absolutely no river god in this place!

In my heart, a haze gradually rose.

I turned around and swam quickly towards the river.

I must immediately discuss this matter with He Zhi and Liu Huayan!

Not long after, I returned to the surface of the water, breathing in fresh air, the pressure on my body disappeared instantly, the river water poured into my ears flowed out with the warmth of my body, and the chilly river wind made my brain instantly sober. few.

At this time, I was at least 300 meters away from He Zhi and the others.

It seems that the distance I judged underwater just now is not accurate.

I quickly swam in the direction of He Zhi.

Under the reflection of the moonlight, the river surface is more shimmering.

I soon reached the shore, and as soon as my body left the water, I was immediately shivered by the river wind.

I quickly wiped the river water on my head.

He Zhi ran to me quickly, and she asked solemnly: "Where is the thing? Didn't bring it?" I gasped twice and shook my head.

"You solved it?!" He Zhi looked suspicious in his eyes.

I shook my head again, looked back at the water surface, and told He Zhi everything I found underwater, the reaction of setting the compass, and my deduction.

During this period, Liu Huayan also got off the carriage, walked up to me, and heard what I said.

After finishing speaking, my complexion was a bit gloomy.

He Zhi frowned, her expression was even more uncertain, she whispered: "There is no river this pretending to be a ghost?"

Liu Huayan's tone became more dignified, and she said, "In this case, someone is pretending to be a ghost? Then Mr. Bai, I'm afraid there is something wrong."

He Zhi quickly said: "Li Yinyang, go up and change your clothes first, Mr. Bai must be playing tricks! Let's go find him and see what kind of medicine he sells in his gourd!"

Liu Huayan also nodded, saying that she called Mao Lin down first so that I could go up and change.

But just at this moment, the carriage not far away moved.

That horse raised its front hooves, snorted, and galloped in one direction to the side!

My face suddenly changed, and I shouted in a low voice: "Chasing!" We can see clearly from this direction, where is there anyone on the horseback.

Was the horse frightened?

Without saying a word, Liu Huayan stepped lightly and quickly chased towards the carriage.

Her skill is really good, it seems that her foot speed is slow, but every time she taps lightly, she chases several meters away.

He Zhi's skills are also not bad, and he is extremely agile and nimble, his running speed is no slower than Liu Huayan's.

Compared with them, my speed is much slower.

Seeing them chasing them out for tens of meters, I managed to run out for about ten meters.

I also took a deep breath and tried to lighten my body as much as possible.

But when I was about to pass by the woods, I vaguely heard a faint female voice, as if calling for help...

Why does this voice sound like Maureen's? !

Startled, I stopped abruptly and listened carefully.

The direction from which the voice came from was in the woods...

Although the moonlight is bright and clear, the woods are too thick and dense, so it doesn't shine much...

The cry for help seemed to be a little clearer.

My heart skipped a beat. Could it be that something got Mao Lin out of the carriage, so that the horse was frightened and ran out with the carriage?

Subconsciously, I took out the fixed compass.

During this delay, Liu Huayan, He Zhi, and the carriage were all at the end of their sight.

I gave up the idea of ​​catching up.

If Mao Lin was really taken away, it would be meaningless for us to chase the carriage.

Lowering my head, I looked at the compass carefully.

Sure enough, the pointer of the fixed compass changed at this moment...

Gradually formed the direction of the needle!

I tentatively took a step into the woods, and the needle turned faster.

Suddenly, I thought of that white-haired fox...

I calmed down and walked into the woods with extra vigilance.

The broken branches and fallen leaves were stepped on under the feet, making a crackling sound.

The light in the woods was even darker.

From time to time, a beam of moonlight falling from the gap shines on the arm, or the head and face, and the beam can be clearly felt.

I did not rely entirely on the fixed compass to guide the direction, but listened to the faint cry for help in my ears, and followed the source of the sound.

As I got deeper and deeper into the woods, the surrounding became more and more quiet.

The voice calling for help gradually became clearer.

The speed under my feet is faster!

I can even hear my own breathing.

But just at this moment, all the voices in my ears disappeared at that moment...

Suddenly quiet, I thought I had a hearing problem, causing deafness.

After a few breaths, I could still hear my own heartbeat, and I realized that it was that thing that stopped Mao Lin from calling for help?

It should find out I'm keeping up?

Relying on the direction from which the last voice came, I moved forward again.

After walking about a dozen steps, the woods came to the center.

There are few trees in this place. This is an open space, and there is even a pool of water in the middle.

The moonlight swayed down and reflected on the pond water. The full moon was like a silver plate, which was really beautiful.

And there was a woman by the water with her back to me...

She was dressed in tulle, with her fragrant shoulders half exposed, beside her, there seemed to be some clothes piled up.

My heart skipped a beat.

"Maolin?" I subconsciously called out.

The woman suddenly turned her head, only showing a little side face, and half of willow-like eyes, looking at me as if begging.

To be honest, at that moment, I felt like I was suffocating my breath.

I can't tell, this woman is very similar to Maureen, but she has a weird attraction that makes me want to get close.

The next moment, she suddenly jumped into the pool, but she didn't know how to swim, she was struggling in the pool, and she was about to sink!

"If you don't know water, don't struggle! I'll pull you up!" I gasped and yelled, and rushed towards the pool.

When I ran to the edge of the pool, I jumped into the pool without hesitation!

But just a moment ago, I clearly saw the woman near the shore.

But now, why is she struggling to the middle of the pool?

Her back was always facing me, and now half of her head is almost submerged...

I took a deep breath and swam towards the center of the pool.

This pool is not big, only about ten meters wide, and I swam to the center of the pool after three or two strokes.

But at this moment, the middle of the pool was quiet. The woman had already sunk...

I suddenly felt a strong palpitation, and a feeling of fear...

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