Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 290 No bones in the coffin, no river god underwater

While talking, I looked at Liu Huayan, and I had already made up my mind.

After listening to my words, Liu Huayan nodded thoughtfully.

At this moment, He Zhi suddenly shouted: "Who?!"

Her eyes suddenly looked into the woods.

Mao Lin was taken aback. She dodged in a panic, but just grabbed my trouser leg and hid behind me.

Liu Huayan and I followed He Zhi's gaze at the same time, and also looked into the forest.

Under an old tree with a crooked neck at the edge of the woods, there is a white fox standing right now, with a pair of long and narrow willow eyes, staring straight at us.

Under the shade of the tree, a ray of moonlight happened to shine on the white-haired fox. The corners of its mouth curled up as if it was smiling, but its eyeballs were slippery.

The fluffy tail is shaking slightly behind it.

At this moment, it suddenly turned around and ran straight up the crooked-neck tree. After shaking its tail twice, it disappeared into the shade of the trees.

"There are a lot of ghosts and ghosts in this Maojia Village." I whispered.I can recognize that the white-haired fox should be the same one that came to the water's edge just now.

"We don't want to stay here for a long time. These things stay in some places for a long time, and that place becomes their territory. It doesn't harm anyone, so one thing more is worse than one thing less." Liu Huayan said softly.

Obviously, her temperament is still different from Liu Tianniu's.

If Liu Tianniu was here, he might be killed with a single sword strike.

I nodded, and asked Liu Huayan to wait for us with Mao Lin in the carriage. He Zhi met me on the bank. I want to go down the river again to see what is causing trouble in the water.

Liu Huayan hummed, and pulled Mao Lin into the carriage.

He Zhi and I looked at each other, and she whispered to me: "No matter what it is, as long as you bring it ashore, we should be able to solve it."

I took a deep breath and said a good word.

It's not that He Zhi is blindly confident, her strength is indeed not weak.

Besides, my skills have improved a lot now, and I also added Liu Huayan.

I think the "river god" in the hanging river basin should not be our opponent.

After checking my belongings again, I went directly into the water from where I had landed just now.

After entering the water, instead of going upstream on the surface of the river, I dived towards the water.

With the whole body submerged in the water, the pressure of the hanging river began to squeeze my body from the limbs.

I held my breath, let my eyes adapt to the underwater environment, and continued to swim downstream...

Although the Hanging River in this section of the basin is narrow, the water is deep.

I estimate that there must be at least a depth of 30 meters.

When I swam to the bottom, I had already used up less than half of my gas.

I took out the pig's belly and took a breath. At this time, the underwater light was extremely dim, and I could barely see the outlines of many things.

And the silhouettes were motionless, there was no living thing to be seen, and I didn't see any dead bodies.

I swam back and forth at the bottom of the river for a while, until I felt that my sight got used to the dimness and I could see more clearly, but still nothing came out...

Are we really not there yet?Isn't this place the "River God"'s entrenched place?

After hesitating for a moment, I changed direction and continued to swim downstream.

I was not fast, and kept looking down at the riverbed at the bottom, for fear that I might miss something.

It took about half an hour, and I estimated that I would only swim about a hundred meters.

I changed my breath with pig belly again, and something under the river bed made me stop...

It was a bamboo raft slanted into the bottom of the river bed.

In addition to the bamboo raft, there is also a coffin...

The appearance of the bamboo raft and the coffin is very similar to the one containing Mao Lin before!

I was slightly startled, and immediately became more cautious.

This is the place?

Carefully borrowing strength from the bamboo raft, I approached the coffin, only to find that the lid of the coffin was partly open.

It was so dark inside the coffin that I couldn't see anything.

After a moment of hesitation, I stretched out a hand and groped into the coffin.

It was a completely subconscious move on my part.

It's just that after I probed in, there was nothing inside, it was empty, and I directly touched the bottom of the coffin.

"River God" pulled people out?

I tried my best to keep calm and continued to search in other directions.

Soon, I found more than a dozen coffins and bamboo rafts at the bottom of this river bed!

It is absolutely certain that this place is the place where the river god ordered the girl, the place where the river god took the woman in the coffin...

I became more vigilant, but the surroundings were still quiet, so quiet that there was no "thing", not even the river fish appeared.

After pausing for a moment, I took out something.

It was a pitch-black jar.

This thing was also left to me by my father. My second uncle took it out and used it at the time, and it contained water ghoul oil.

Everything underwater, including corpses, cannot resist the yin energy of water ghoul oil.

I carefully opened the cap, shook the bottle a little, and immediately a stream of grease came out of the mouth of the bottle.

When the grease was about the length of my forearm, I quickly put the lid on.

As the water ghoul oil spreads in the water.

I waited quietly, and at the same time, I took out a divination knife in my hand.

This is my last resort.

With this method, underwater things must appear!

However, after waiting like this for almost a quarter of an hour, I took a few breaths, and when the air in the pig's stomach was almost running out, there was still no movement under the water...

My heart has completely sunk.

I don't even know what's wrong right now...

The pig's belly was flat, so I had to go ashore first before I could think about what was going on.

When preparing to swim to the surface.

Subconsciously, I took out another thing.

That is the fixed compass on my waist!

I wasn't sure at first whether setting a compass underwater would work.

But seeing its pointer moving, I knew that this treasure of geography has an effect even underwater!

However, as the pointer gradually returned to the center line without deviation or slant, my complexion changed.

There are eight ways to fix the compass!

This last method is for the positive needle!

Under the right needle, it is a normal place, no ghosts, no spirits, no yin and resentment!

At least as far as I know, the gods of the Xuanhe River are all underwater spirits, even the water ghouls. They contain a lot of resentment and Yin Qi, which will definitely make the pointer of the compass change...

At this time, the positive needle appeared, which represented not only the underwater of this section of the river basin, but also nothing...

There's even one more thing...

I raised my head suddenly and looked at the coffin closest to me!

There is no river god in this place, and there are no corpses...

So where did all these women who sacrificed to the river god go? !

Dead body? !

[The author has something to say]

Today's update is over, thank you guys for your monthly pass, let's kill a few!

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