She kowtowed so hard that a bruise appeared on her forehead immediately, and a lot of blood oozes out.

Her face was even more terrified, and her eyes were full of pleading.

He Zhi looked up at me, frowning.

This simple sentence, I also heard a lot of things.

Are the girl's parents in danger?Also, the river god is angry... Could it be that this village has suffered some disasters?

So much so that she was rescued by us, and she didn't dare to escape!

"Girl, what's your name?" Liu Huayan's tone became softer.

She squatted down and stretched out her hand to block the girl from continuing to kowtow.

The girl shed more tears and said in a broken voice: "Mao... Lin...".

"I'm a Taoist priest, she's a witch, and this is a gentleman. I think we are much better than Mr. Bai in your village. We went up the Xuanhe River along the way, just to solve the strange things that happened to the villages along the river. Your troubles, Maybe we can solve it, you are young, you are young, it is a pity to die in the hanging river."

"You lost your life, even if your parents survived, how desperate should they be?"

"Tell my sister, what happened, we will help you." Liu Huayan's tone was very calm.

She gently smoothed Mao Lin's messy hair at the temples.

Mao Lin's body was still trembling, but her eyes were even more dazed.

She bit her lower lip slightly and looked at us blankly, obviously not knowing what to do.

There was a rush in He Zhi's eyes.

Liu Huayan looked up at her, and gave her a calm look.

Indeed, under Liu Huayan's comfort, Mao Lin's expression gradually calmed down a lot.

After a while, she suddenly asked cautiously: "But you are about the same age as me... He is also in his 20s at most... Can you really be better than Mr. Bai?"

Liu Huayan's smile became softer, and she said softly, "You are the sacrifice that the river god wants, if we are not strong, how can we pull you ashore from the hanging river?"

Mao Lin froze for a moment, but still nodded hesitantly.

Obviously, Liu Huayan's persuasion has had more effects.

I was also a little relieved and didn't interrupt their conversation.

After a while, Mao Lin finally opened up, and what she said shocked me beyond compare.

She said that the Xuanhe River has always been haunted by ghosts in the past few years, and fishermen often have to go out of the boat in the middle of the night to catch enough fish.

But every once in a while, someone would die tragically in the river, and even things would come out of the water and enter the doors of every house in the village. Either someone lost their souls in shock, or died at home.

In order to ask the god of the river to bless him, Mr. Bai opened the altar, saying that the god of the river needs to offer sacrifices and get married once every six months before he can bless the village.

Sure enough, after doing what Mr. Bai said, nothing happened in the village.

Although it is said that a girl must be selected for each sacrifice, there are thousands of households in Maojia Village who cannot survive, so everyone can only agree.

When talking about this, Mao Lin pursed her lips, looked at Liu Huayan uneasily, and continued: "Not long ago, Mr. Bai said that I was chosen by the river god, and he wanted me to sacrifice to the river god. My parents are unwilling to send me away, and they want to move out of the village."

"Just when we were about to leave, my father went into the mountain to cut firewood, but he hit something. He was obsessed with ghosts. When he got home, he forced my mother to live in a pigsty and eat dog food, which made her seriously ill. rise."

"Finally, Mr. Bai came and said that my father had offended Xian'er in the mountain. He could find a way to save people, but he would have to pay a very high price."

"He can save my parents only if I make sacrifices with peace of mind." After saying that, Mao Lin fell silent, without saying a word.

She stared blankly at the river, with anxiety and fear in her eyes again.

"You saved me...but my parents will be beaten to death by the villagers..."

Liu Huayan raised his hand, stroked Mao Lin's hair lightly, and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, we will definitely take care of this matter."

After finishing speaking, Liu Huayan raised his head and looked at He Zhi and me with a serious expression.

He Zhi frowned and said, "It's not just that there are river ghosts in the water, there are monsters and ghosts in the mountains that harm people. What is the origin of Mr. Bai? I didn't see what kind of line he is in, Tiaoshen? In the lower nine streams..."

He Zhi paused, and continued to murmur: "Grandpa told me before he was alive that there are first-class people in the lower class, and in the north, the way of doing it is hilarious, but we are in the south. Could it be that Mr. Bai came from somewhere else?" ?”

Speaking of this, He Zhi immediately asked Mao Lin, where did Mr. Bai come from?

Mao Lin thought for a moment, then said cautiously: "It seems that it came from a far away place many years ago. At that time, it was very chaotic and the war was fierce. I don't know the rest."

I took a deep breath and said: "No matter where he came from, it is not advisable to sacrifice a living person. The things in the mountain do not require a living person to be sacrificed. It should be easy to solve, maybe it is Mao. Lin's father bumped into Sneaky. As for the one in the river..."

I frowned and hesitated before saying, "It's a bit weird, I went into the water just now..."

Having said that, I stopped talking immediately, I didn't want to be heard by Maureen, saying that there was actually nothing in the river to stop me.

In fact, this is a very abnormal thing.

Since it's the girl of the river god, why didn't I encounter any trouble when I brought the bamboo raft directly ashore?

Is it because the bamboo raft was intercepted halfway?

He Zhi and Liu Huayan looked at me at the same time, both girls looked thoughtful.

The next moment, He Zhi spoke first and said, "No matter how strange the thing in the river is, just get rid of it! There will be no more accidents in this village."

It just so happened that what she said gave me a step up.

Mao Lin hesitated, and after a long while, she said anxiously: "Can you prevent Mr. Bai from seeing me? Mr. Bai... has a bad temper, I'm afraid... I want to go home secretly and take a look at me." Have parents been cured by him..."

I pondered for a moment, what Mao Lin said was true.

Now we take Mao Lin back, the villagers will definitely fry the pot.

It's okay if Mr. Bai is easy to talk, but if he is not easy to talk, we will cause big trouble.

According to Mao Lin's thinking, it would be safest to let her return to the village after all the troubles were resolved.

I straightened out my thoughts, and immediately told Liu Huayan and He Zhi about my plan.

He Zhi nodded in agreement.

Liu Huayan also said softly: "This is indeed the safest, but it will be troublesome. Mr. Bai should know the things in Xuanhe best. Without his information, it will be much more difficult."

I shook my head: "He may not know the things in the Xuanhe the best, no one knows what's under the Xuanhe better than the corpse hunter."

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