Under the faint moonlight, its pair of sneaky eyes seemed to be examining the three of us.

Things grow old, and the white raccoon in Liulinzi taught me a lot.

And there are also records in the Nine Arts of Yin Sheng, the five immortals of gray, yellow, white, willow and fox.

This fox with white fur is definitely a fox fairy!

A gray fairy bit Miao Guangyang's finger before, and something happened to Miao Guangyang immediately.

This fox fairy is also something not easy to provoke.

I'm thinking about how to drive it away so as not to conflict with it.

But He Zhi suddenly raised his hand, swung his forearm violently, and threw the lightning wooden mourning stick straight at the fox fairy!

With a scream of "Zhi", the fox fairy slid back into the woods!

There was another soft "chi" sound, and the small half of the mourning stick plunged directly into the soil on the bank.

"This..." I hesitated to speak.

He Zhi's tone was slightly cold: "Rats are used to stealing food, yellow skins are used to stealing chickens, and foxes are fools. This thing is more charming than white raccoons. Don't look at its eyeballs, and don't let it get close to us." Obviously. , There is more vigilance in her words.

I knew right away that He Zhi and He Guipo should have come into contact with a fox fairy before.

"Mr. Li, the coffin is here, but there is no one behind it." Liu Huayan's voice pulled me back from my thoughts.

My eyes fell on the surface of the Xuanhe River again, and I noticed that the bamboo raft was only tens of meters away from us.

I adjusted my breathing a little, and told He Zhi and Liu Huayan in a low voice, saying that I will go into the water and bring the coffin to the shore, and let them look around and pay attention to give me signals.

The two girls nodded at the same time.

I walked quickly to the river without hesitation, kicked my legs on the edge of the river bank, and with a sudden force, I jumped into the water!

I haven't been in the water for a long time, and the sudden coldness made my body tense and stiff for a moment.

But after a while, I got used to the temperature in the water, and felt that the river water made my head clearer.

I swam quickly in the direction of the bamboo raft and the coffin.

Not long after, I arrived in the middle of the Xuanhe River, and the bamboo raft was already in sight.

The faintly burning candle was flickering under the blowing of the river wind, as if it would be completely extinguished at any moment.

The big red clothes as a tribute, as well as the heads of pigs, cattle and sheep, gave people an indescribable sense of oppression.

As for the dark coffin, it made people feel even colder.

If it weren't for us coming here, there would be another innocent soul in this hanging river who couldn't be reborn.

Soon I was close to the raft and grabbed a protruding bamboo on its edge with one hand.

The things on it are piled up to the brim, and there is no room for people to stand on them.

There is no bamboo pole for punting on the bamboo raft.

I simply removed the green hemp rope from my shoulders, tied one end between my waist and abdomen, and tied the other end to the bamboo raft.

The moonlight and stars reflected on the water, sparkling, but the oppression around me made me feel that there seemed to be countless pairs of eyes sneaking at me in the dark.

I was extremely careful with the movements of my hands, and my spirit was also on high alert.

The river god is the old animal in the river.

They are used to being enshrined, so I will take them away directly, for fear that they will come out and make trouble.

I'm ready to fight at any time, whether it's a white-haired water ghoul or something else I haven't seen, I'm going to fight it!

Only, until I tied the rope and started swimming towards the shore, nothing came out of the water to stop me.

I didn't dare to waste time, and the speed of swimming while dragging the raft was very slow.

The sweat melted into the river, and my body was hot and cold, which made me very uncomfortable.

After a quarter of an hour, I finally swam back to the shore, and as soon as I climbed onto the shore, I shivered.

Not caring about anything else, I turned around and started pulling on the rope.

He Zhi and Liu Huayan also stepped forward to help.

We dragged the entire bamboo raft onto the grass on the shore!

He Zhi jumped to the coffin lightly.

She fumbled for an iron rod from her body, inserted it along the edge of the coffin, found a suitable angle, and pried it hard.

The lid of the coffin immediately opened a gap.

"Help!" He Zhi shouted in a low voice.

I hurried forward and pushed forward from behind the coffin lid. Liu Huayan also came to the side of the coffin and helped me push it together!

With a "squeak", mixed with a muffled sound, the lid of the entire coffin was pushed out halfway by us.

Suddenly, a person sat upright in the coffin.

The man screamed and turned around abruptly!

I saw that her immature cheeks were full of panic, and her eyes were even more full of fear and despair.

And in the next moment, there was more shock and anxiety in her eyes.

She suddenly supported the right edge of the coffin with both hands, obviously wanting to escape.

With quick eyes and quick hands, He Zhi reached the right side of the coffin in a flash, and pressed her shoulder.

The expression on the girl's face went from panic and despair to collapse.

She was so trembling that she cried out, trembling all over, but she didn't continue to try to escape, she just closed her eyes forcefully, and the crying sound was even more mournful and desperate.

I frowned, and only then did I realize that this girl accepted her fate and regarded us as river gods?

He Zhi next to him took a deep breath, suppressed his emotions, and said calmly: "We are here to save you!"

"Come down first." While speaking, He Zhi stretched out his hands to hold the girl's shoulders and arms, trying to pull her out of the coffin.

It wasn't until the girl's feet hit the ground that she looked at us blankly.

"Aren't you... the River God?" Her voice was very thin and gentle, still full of anxiety and fear.

At this time, Liu Huayan opened his mouth: "Girl, we passed by Maojia Village just now, and happened to meet villagers who gave you as a sacrifice to the River God, so I came downstream to save your life."

Liu Huayan's voice was soft and sincere, which made people feel a little calmer after hearing it.

However, the next moment the girl's eyes were even more flustered, even anxious.

She broke free from He Zhi's hand, and was about to climb back into the coffin. At the same time, she said eagerly, "Push me back into the water, I am the sacrifice chosen by the river god! I must go into the water..." My brows suddenly twitched Wrinkled tighter.

He Zhi grabbed the girl's shoulder again, and her tone was a bit harsh at this time.

"Don't be stupid, what did they say to you?! You are killing your life! What kind of river god, who is clearly a river ghost, wants human life to sacrifice!" Obviously, He Zhi's voice was still full of anger.

But the girl cried even harder, and the two lines of tears on her cheeks were like broken beads.

The next moment, she fell to the ground with a plop, and even kowtowed to us non-stop, begging: "Please let me go back, I must be a sacrifice to the river god, otherwise, Mr. Bai will not Save my parents, the river god is angry, and our village will be destroyed..."

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