She can't see her face clearly from this distance, but her height and appearance, at most fourteen or fifteen years old, will not be older than Liu Huayan and He Zhi.

Mr. Bai's suona played towards her, and he shook his head around her.

The girl took small steps, approached the coffin, climbed up on her own initiative, and got into the coffin...

Then, a group of villagers went up to build the coffin!

With three or two clicks, the coffin was tightly closed.

My face was cloudy and sunny, and beads of sweat appeared on my forehead.

Liu Huayan said softly: "This is a big issue in other people's villages. It has nothing to do with me. Let's go."

The moment her words fell, the faces of the three villagers looked a lot better.

The thin and tall villager even urged: "Hurry up, let's go! Don't meddle in other people's business, Mr. Bai has a bad temper!"

Liu Huayan turned around and got into the carriage directly.

He Zhi and I looked at each other and got into the car.

With a sound of driving, the carriage wobbled and turned around, walking towards the road we came from.

Originally we have been going upstream against the current, but now we are returning to the lower basin.

The reason is simple, and Liu Huayan's meaning just now is also very clear.

It is impossible for the three of us to conflict with the whole village, especially Mr. Bai who has no background.

He dominated the river god point girl, so he was definitely not so easy to deal with.

When the coffin is pushed into the river, it will definitely go downstream. As long as we wait at a certain position downstream, we can retrieve the coffin and save people without anyone noticing.

Not long after, we left a certain distance, which was already far away from the village.

At this time, He Zhi was gasping for breath, and she whispered: "What kind of river god's ordering of women is killing people, and good people are sent to be drowned."

Liu Huayan, who was driving the car, was silent for a while, and then said: "Master and I have encountered some similar things, and sacrificed living people to the mountain gods, but the so-called mountain gods are just mountain spirits, and the villagers are ignorant. , but it’s hard to tell.”

"We once rescued a person who was sacrificed to the mountain god by the villagers. After waiting for a while, we found out that the village used someone else to sacrifice, and he still lost his life."

"If they can't change this kind of thinking in their bones, then it can only be saved for a while, not for a lifetime."

"For example, we are now saving people from the downstream, so that they will not die in vain during this period of time." After saying these words, Liu Huayan's tone became a lot lower, and his expression became even more helpless.

I was stunned, and my thoughts became extraordinarily complicated.

Liu Huayan is right, this custom has become the instinct of most villages and even races.

Natural disasters and man-made disasters all ask for protection.

If the gods and Buddhas in the sky and even the ghosts in the mountains are not killed from the root, then this custom cannot be changed at all.

We can only see one, save one...

So far, I don't know what to say.

He Zhi was also silent.

God, I don't know when it was completely dark.

The moon hadn't come out yet, and the surroundings were terribly silent at the moment, even the Hanging River seemed extraordinarily quiet.

I poked my head out of the car window and looked upstream.

In the distance, the location of the village was still filled with flames.

He Zhi jumped out of the carriage, and she followed the carriage quickly while looking back.

At this moment, He Zhi whispered: "The sacrifice will only start after dark, and the coffin will be put into the water after the process is over. Li Yinyang, you should quickly find a place to see where the coffin is likely to float, so we can stop it?"

I squinted my eyes slightly, and my eyes fell on the river again, and said in a low voice: "With this level of water flow, no matter where I can see the coffin, it won't float away. If we go further, we can't let it go." Those villagers saw us intercept the coffin."

After I finished speaking, I urged Liu Huayan to speed up.

However, He Zhi didn't get in the carriage anymore, and just trotted along with the carriage, looking back from time to time.

It took about a quarter of an hour for us to go out, and we could only vaguely see the fires of the distant village, but we couldn't see clearly anymore.

It happened that there was still a forest here, so I signaled Liu Huayan to stop.

After the carriage came to a complete stop, I motioned for Liu Huayan to get off.

I was the only one left in the car.

I took out the green linen coat from the big black wooden box and changed into it.

I had no green hemp rope before. When I was on the road during this period, I bought hemp rope, steel wire, and a lot of black dog hair and dog blood.

After a few days of rushing, I have used these materials to make a new green hemp rope by myself.

I wrapped it around my waist, checked the fortune-telling knife again, and jumped out of the carriage after taking care of the corpse hunter.

He Zhi was still looking into the distance.

Liu Huayan looked at me with surprise.

"Mr. Li, this is..." Liu Huayan said in astonishment.

"His father is a well-known corpse hunter in Lijia Village. His father is the most vicious in a radius of thirty miles. Before Li Yinyang learned Feng Shui, he was also a corpse hunter." He Zhi turned his head and explained lightly.

She spoke very fast, but let me swallow the words on my lips.

"Mr. Li is so talented." Liu Huayan bowed slightly, as if saluting.

"He still picks up Yin Po." But He Zhi added.

I'm so embarrassed right now that I don't know what to say.

He Zhi's words were obviously tinged with thorns, but Liu Huayan just smiled and said nothing.

In order to break the awkward atmosphere, I raised my legs and walked towards the river.

He Zhi followed closely behind me in small steps, and Liu Huayan seemed to slow down on purpose, arriving at the river a little later.

The moon did not know when it hung in the night sky, a round of bright moon reflected on the sparkling river.

I also looked into the distance.

Subconsciously, I took out my pocket watch and looked down at the time.

It's almost 07:30 now, which is just after Xu time.

After waiting for about ten minutes, a halo came from the distant river...

After looking carefully, I realized that the halo was a bamboo raft!

I don’t know how many candles are lit on the bamboo raft, and it is full of things, but there is a coffin parked in the middle of the bamboo raft!

My heart was beating wildly, and I murmured: "Here we are." He Zhi looked cautiously at the upstream road.

Liu Huayan said softly: "There should be no villagers following. If there are, they can only be rescued by force."

I nodded, and said in a low voice, "That's the only way to go." But just at this moment, a rustling sound came from behind.

My heart skipped a beat, is there someone behind?

I turned around suddenly.

Behind our carriage is a forest.

But I didn't see anyone, instead I saw a fluffy white shadow running towards the river.

It has a pointed beak and pointed ears, narrow and long eyes, and a glint in its pupils.

Isn't this thing a fox?

The strange thing is that when it reached the water's edge, it suddenly stood up like a human being and glanced at us.

All right, a fox stands up and looks at you.

Not to mention how weird that scene was...

I immediately got goosebumps all over my body!

[The author has something to say]

29 old folk books and 30 new books by Mr. Yin Yang.Both are next to each other!All thanks to everyone's support!

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