But after all, this is a custom in every place, and it is also a rule that has lasted for thousands of years.

If you don't send tribute to those things, they will cause chaos again.

I let out a bad breath and said, "Go around, don't go through this village."

There is a saying that what is out of sight is pure. I can't see this matter, so naturally I can only choose not to see it.At this time, He Zhi suddenly said: "There is a coffin, and they want to put the coffin into the water? Li Yinyang, in your experience, isn't there a water burial? If you help them, isn't this the same as being able to complete it?"

When He Zhi just said this, my heart shuddered and my eyes focused a lot.

Liu Huayan was also looking over there.

The carriage was also following the main road, approaching the village.

Unknowingly, it was already twilight, and that danyang was as delicate and beautiful as blood, and even when it was approaching sunset, it had never been half dim.

The overlapping fire clouds covered the entire sky, and the surface of the Xuanhe was glowing orange because of this.

Sure enough, with all my attention, I saw that there was indeed a coffin by the river!

As the distance got closer and closer, I could see more clearly.

The coffin had not been closed and was placed on a bamboo raft.

The bamboo raft was piled full of things, most of which were flower balls and red clothes.

In the center of the circle of villagers, there are several long tables, on which are placed the sacrifices of the big three animals.

The villagers came to the table in twos and threes to worship.

At first I thought that so many people gathered here were offering offerings to the river god.

But when the coffin appeared, it was obviously not like that.

He Zhi said that perhaps the water burial can be completed here, which really made me tempted.

But now I realize that the coffins have already been placed, obviously they are going to put the coffins into the water.

I will intervene, and it is impossible to complete the experience...

Now that they are approaching the entrance of the village, I might as well take a look first, and then ask them if there are any white things in the village.

If not, we will hurry to the next village, there is still time.

Soon, we arrived outside the entrance of the village, which is only 30 meters away from the edge of the Xuanhe River.

The "mourning hall" for the big three animals is placed between the shore and the entrance of the village.

As soon as we stopped, a few villagers stepped forward, their expressions were serious and nervous, telling us not to cross the road now, they are making offerings to the river god, so don't get in the way.

This made my heart skip a beat.

Or make an offering to the river god?Isn't it to send someone to be buried? !

He Zhi and Liu Huayan were also obviously taken aback.

It was He Zhi who spoke first, and she frowned and said, "What kind of offering is this to the river god, using a coffin?"

Among the three villagers surrounding us, one of the leaders was tall and thin, wearing a gray cloth with two patches on his shoulders.

He said in a serious manner: "This was arranged by Mr. Bai. The God of the river will order a daughter, and the coffin is both an official and a fortune. If you give the virgin to the God of the River, our Maojia Village will be developed! How much do you know?" ?”

After the villager spoke, the two villagers next to him nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

My complexion changed again.

The God of the River?

Immediately, I thought of Mrs. He from Miao Village, and Lady Arrowblade from Xuanhu Town!

These two extremely vicious female corpses both died for the priest of the river god!

I don't know how many villages and towns there are on both sides of the Xuanhe River.

I don't know how many times this kind of bad habit will be performed in which village every year.

Good girls, how could they close their eyes when they were drowned and sent to those evil spirits under the water? !

Anger quickly grew in my heart, and I immediately said: "Ridiculous! The river god point girl?! It's really harmful!"

The moment my voice fell, the face of the thin and tall villager changed drastically.

The other two villagers also stared at me angrily!

"Where did you guys come from?! Did you make trouble on purpose?" The slender villager's eyes widened, and it looked like he wanted to slap me on the face.

At this moment, a piercing and sharp suona sound suddenly came from the direction of the village.

The thin and tall villager immediately turned his head to look, and his tone became more urgent: "Don't make trouble, disturb the important affairs of our village, and then you won't be able to leave!"

"Mr. Bai is here to deliver his bride, be careful!" The other two villagers spread their arms and directly blocked the roadside, blocking us behind.

He Zhi's face turned cold all of a sudden, and her hand was already on the ghost knife at her waist.

Liu Huayan also frowned, her expression much uglier.

Since meeting Liu Huayan, she has always been as calm as Liu Tianniu. Even though so many things happened in Xuanhu Town, she rarely showed obvious emotions on her face.

My gaze also looked towards the inner side of the village.

Behind the archway at the head of the village is a spacious village road.

At this time, at the end of the village road, there happened to be a small group of people walking towards the entrance of the village.

The leader was an old man, wearing a white cloth, with a straight back and several gourds hanging around his waist.

He was holding a suona, with his hands raised in front of him, playing with his cheeks puffed out.

The ear-piercing and sharp sound kept lingering on the village road.

While blowing, he was shaking his head.

With that appearance, he looked a little crazy.

Behind him, there are eight people carrying a sedan chair.

This is really a sending off team!

And that person is probably the Mr. Bai in the mouth of the villagers.

The person sitting in the sedan chair is the so-called River God Diannv, a poor woman who is about to be thrown into the coffin!

The thin and tall villager bowed respectfully, clasped his fists with both hands, and his demeanor was extremely devout.

The same goes for the other two villagers.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see the villagers by the river.

They also all fell silent, standing with their hands tied, bowing slightly.

With a soft "chuckle", it was He Zhi who pulled out a small half of the Guillotine Knife.

At the same time, Liu Huayan raised her hand and directly pressed He Zhi's wrist. She moved her lips, but did not make a sound.

I could tell that Liu Huayan's lip language was saying stay safe and don't be impatient, go downstream.

He Zhi's face was thoughtful.

My eyelids suddenly jumped wildly.

At this time, the three villagers beside us had turned their heads and glared at us.

There are even villagers by the river, faintly walking towards us.

He Zhi's hands left his waist immediately, and they didn't touch the Guillotine Knife again, so they ignored us.

After about half a cup of tea, the team on the village road arrived at the entrance of the village.

It can be seen clearly when the distance is close, the sedan chair is sealed all around, without the slightest gap, I don't know what kind of people are sitting inside.

The suona in Mr. Bai's mouth had a weird tone, and when he got close, he felt dizzy after listening too much.

And he glanced at us too, but he didn't stop.

Soon, he led the send-off team, passed us directly, and walked towards the river.

Not long after, he arrived at the coffin by the river.

When he stopped, the sedan chair also stopped in front of the coffin.

The next moment, the sedan chair door was pushed open.

A thin and weak girl stepped out of it.

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