The next moment, Liu Huayan handed me the gossip tiger mirror directly.

I actually wanted to go next, but I still didn't reach out, but took two steps back.

"Master said, this tiger head mirror is not for exchange, but for lending to you. He is afraid that you will not be able to complete the training."

"As for your first hexagram, I will wait for Mr. Jiang to arrange it." Liu Huayan said softly.

I was stunned, and even more surprised.

He turned his head and looked at Liu Tianniu who was riding a big yellow ox in front of him. His body was straight and he didn't even turn his head.

I was still hesitating, but He Zhi suddenly raised his hand, put the gossip tiger mirror into his hand, turned around and stuffed it directly into my arms.

"Borrowing is borrowing. The guy on your body has too few things to do. You can't deal with anything anymore, and you have to draw symbols."

What He Zhi said was crisp and clear, but I couldn't refute it for a while.

Liu Huayan laughed softly: "Miss Pheasant is right."

I hurriedly covered the gossip tiger mirror, and after holding it steady, I lowered my head to look again.

But after watching it for a few more seconds, I felt dizzy, as if the tiger head with a dagger in its mouth was about to jump out of the gossip mirror!

I quickly turned it over, and the bronze mirror was facing me, and I felt much better.

I took a couple of breaths, trying to keep my breath steady.

During the journey, Liu Huayan asked me a lot of things, including the details of what Jiang Yihong wanted me to practice, and my plan.

At this moment, I also smoothed out all my thoughts, but I didn't hide Liu Huayan's words. I just said one burial mountain, two burial waters, and three yang houses.

Now I still have the second burial water left, and the unfinished three o'clock house,

This requires going upstream or downstream along the hanging river to find the person who needs to be buried.

Finally, I went to find another family to help with the Yangzhai.

After hearing my plan, Liu Huayan said: "The burial is easy to handle, but you need to find a rich family to build a house, otherwise you won't have the ability to do things."

I nodded, indicating that Liu Huayan was right.

For the first half of the day, the three of us and Liu Tianniu were on the road together, and the road was along the upper reaches of the Xuanhe River.

After arriving at the nearest county town, they parted ways with Liu Tianniu.

He went to Jiuhe County and left Liu Huayan with me and He Zhi.

The three of us rested in the county town for about an hour. When we left, Liu Huayan bought a carriage.

For the rest of the trip, Liu Huayan and I drove the car alternately, while He Zhi watched the coffin in the car all the time.

I found that Liu Huayan often looked at me with interest, her face was always thoughtful, as if she was analyzing something.

I finally couldn't hold back, when she looked at me again, I also looked back a few times, and asked her suspiciously, is there something on my face?Or is it that my body is too cloudy?

Only then did Liu Huayan explain softly that she was just curious.

She and her master come from the Qiang nationality. They Qiang people have a teacher who knows Feng Shui, but the teacher does not know how to calculate yang, but only Yin magic.

She wanted to know why I was able to be Mr. Yin Yang.

Liu Huayan's words made me a little embarrassed, and I said that I only know how to use feng shui now.

Liu Huayan shook her head, her tone was a little more serious, and she said that the person who can be attracted by Mr. Jiang, a geographer, will never be an ordinary person. In time, I will definitely be proficient in calculation.

And she has discovered some things about me that are different from other Feng Shui masters.

I froze for a moment, and asked Liu Huayan, what's different about me?

Liu Huayan raised her hand, pointed at my heart with her slender fingers.

"You have a compassionate heart. This is different from many Feng Shui masters."

Having said that, Liu Huayan looked into my eyes seriously again, then turned his head to look forward and said nothing.

I bowed my head in silence.

At this time, I noticed that there seemed to be a sight coming from behind.

Turning his head to look, He Zhi, who was watching the coffin in the carriage, raised his head at some point.

I happened to meet her eyes, but He Zhi glanced at me, and then his eyes fell on Liu Huayan.

She frowned slightly, not knowing what to think.

"Li Yinyang, come in." He Zhi suddenly called out to me.

I didn't know why for a moment, but after entering the compartment, He Zhi lowered his head and started reading.

She ignored me for a while.

I asked her what was the matter, and she lowered her head and said, "Not only do you need to practice, you also need to learn more about Feng Shui? Before you rode a bull, you had to read books. Why do you keep driving a cart now?"

He Zhi's words made me smile bitterly. It's not that I don't want to read more about Zhaijing, but because I read too much now. Just words and patterns can't make me improve much. I have to see new Fengshui Only by combining with the actual situation can Feng Shui be improved.

He Zhi and I explained a few words.

He Zhi kept his head down and didn't talk to me.

After a long while, she finally said something, and said, "Then you have learned the nine techniques of Yin Sheng thoroughly? Or do you want to change your family and learn Taoism?"

When he said this, He Zhi's tone was obviously a little cold.

I half understood what I heard, but I could faintly detect a trace of hostility.

Her hostility is aimed at Liu Huayan?

I explained a few words uncomfortably, saying that I didn't mean to learn Taoism.

He Zhi didn't pay attention to my explanation, she still looked down at the coffin technique.

I was in a little hurry, and I couldn't continue to drive the car now, so I could only take out the Nine Techniques of Yin Sheng to study.

Liu Huayan outside didn't say anything or ask anything.

We rushed along the way, and when we encountered post stations or villages and towns, we would stop and rest for a while.

The three of us would also go into the village and town alternately, basically asking if there were any strange things happening in the town, and if there were any funerals that needed to be held.

Along the way, he attracted a lot of supercilious and wary eyes.

The reason is simple, He Zhi looks gloomy in ghost woman's clothes, Liu Huayan is in Taoist robes, and I am in Tang suits, it seems like the three of us, no matter how you look at it, it is difficult to get together.

Asking if there are any dead people when entering the village is even more vigilant.

We walked on the road like this for seven or eight days.

Walking along the upper reaches of the Xuanhe River, the water flow became more and more flat, and the villages became denser.

When we looked into the distance and saw another village, I felt a little weird.

We were about 200 meters away from the village, and we could vaguely see a large number of villagers surrounding the entrance of the village.

The entrance of the village was very close to the Xuanhe River, and they gathered in a big group, and there was a very high bonfire lit, with thick smoke billowing!

You can even see that there are many things floating on the surface of the hanging river, which seem to be released by the villagers.

He Zhi looked out of the car window, and she suddenly said: "They are offering sacrifices to the river god."

My face immediately changed.

I know what the river god is, it's just the villagers' fear of the evil in the river.

I have no sympathy for the River God.

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