Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 284 Liu Huayan Walks Together

Facts have proved that Zhang Quan and I's worries are completely unnecessary.

After he called all the townspeople, when they saw the real gold and silver in Hou Qianshu, their eyeballs seemed to be nailed to death, and they couldn't look away anymore.

Hou Qianshu took out half of the big yellow croakers and distributed them equally to the townspeople.

If someone died in the family, he would give an extra large yellow croaker, and also made a promise that he would take care of the elderly in the family until they died, and raise their children to adulthood.

Moreover, he also promised to spend part of the remaining money every year to repair Xuanhu Town.

With such a simple arrangement, the townspeople's resentment towards him almost disappeared.

In this age of war and chaos, human life is as thin as paper, and the people have passed away. Only real money can keep the remaining people alive.

I also heard some townspeople talking in low voices, probably because they thought that those households whose families had lost their lives were not entitled to so much money at all, because those people back then were all Ge Guang’s henchmen, and they must have committed crimes along with them. It hurt Hou Qianshu's family.

As for these words, I didn't take them to heart.

Ordinary people naturally have a snobbish eye, and if they want to curry favor with Qian Shu, they naturally change their tone.

Hou Qianshu also took out a sum of money to pay the militia team. Immediately, the eyes of those militiamen lit up with excitement.

The militiaman at the head said excitedly that everyone might as well choose Mr. Hou as the mayor.

After all, Feng Pei is still detained here, and this person depends on how Mr. Hou decides how to deal with it. As the mayor of the town, he has justifiably protected Xuanhu Town.

The townspeople all agreed and were extraordinarily excited.

Hou Qianshu said at the right time that he wanted Zhang Quan to be the mayor. He is still the gentleman who advises the town. When the peace is a little bit better, he will still tell fortunes and collect money, which will also make the town more prosperous.

The townspeople were communicating with Hou Qianshu, and I stood by, but had nothing to say.

The townspeople didn't pay much attention to me. Even if some people saw it, they would give me a good smile at most.

At this time, I admired Qian Shu from the bottom of my heart.

In just one night, he was accepted by Xuanhu Town, and he almost took over Xuanhu Town.

He used a lot of mental skills and speaking skills, but he didn't let anyone resist him...

For example, the militia offered him the post of mayor, and he promoted Zhang Quan, which was much better than saying it himself.


It was not until noon that the crowd gradually dispersed.

Many militiamen were ordered to repair the dungeon. It was not only Feng Pei who was going to be imprisoned, but also the big soldiers under his command. None of these people could escape.

Hou Qianshu also asked me to go back and inform Liu Tianniu and the others. In the evening, he will send the head of the Arrow Blade Demon.

With Hou Qianshu's words and seeing the situation in the town clearly, I went back to Father Lu's coffin house with peace of mind.

When I entered the hospital, I found that Liu Tianniu and Liu Huayan were gone.

Also missing is the big yellow ox.

He Zhi was the only one left sitting in the main room, holding the coffin technique and studying it intently.

I hurried into the main room and asked Priest He Zhiliu where they were?

He Zhi slightly raised his head, and said, "He killed a person by mistake, and brought Liu Huayan to deliver the body. He wants to make amends and get the family's forgiveness."

Hearing this, I was taken aback, and my mood was a bit complicated.

During this time, He Zhi has continued to look down at the coffin.

At the end, she read a book and murmured: "I basically know how to make a coffin. After reading this book, I know that the coffin is different. Before we leave, I will make the coffin of Father Lu." He Zhi These words did not surprise me.

The ghost woman also has a five-ghost wooden coffin, and I saw He Zhi make it with my own eyes.

Entrusting this coffin technique to He Zhi really does a lot!

After that, we stayed in Xuanhu Town for three days.

That night, Hou Qianshu sent the head of the Arrow Blade Demon.

Liu Tianniu and Liu Huayan didn't come back until dawn the next day.

They had a lot of luggage, but when they came back, they had shrunk by at least two-thirds.

I didn't ask much, and I probably guessed that those missing things were most likely to compensate the family of the woman who was accidentally killed by him.

There is a saying that murder pays life, and debts are paid back. Liu Tianniu can't hang himself to make amends, so he can only offer enough compensation to satisfy others like Hou Qianshu.

The reason why he stayed for three days was simple.

Liu Tianniu depends on the situation in the town, while Father Lu needs me and He Zhi to be buried.

I originally asked Hou Qianshu how he would deal with the mother and son who carried the Arrow Blade, but Hou Qianshu told me that secrets must not be revealed, and he naturally had a way to eliminate his grievances.

I didn't get involved in this matter, after all, he is also Mr. Yin Yang, much better than the ability to pick up Yin women.

Time flew by, and we left Xuanhu Town in the early morning of the fourth day.

Hou Qianshu asked many villagers and militiamen to send us off.

Before leaving, I noticed that the blackness on the townspeople's faces had all dissipated.

But Hou Qianshu told me that I must learn to calculate quickly.

As for other things, he didn't say much.

I was puzzled, and I probably knew, what might this have to do with his seeing my face?

Far from Xuanhu Town, we didn't go back to Jiemen County, because we were afraid that things would change, and if Feng Pei's affairs were revealed, we would cause trouble.

After roughly discussing the destination with Liu Tianniu, Liu Tianniu told me that he was going back to see Jiang Yihong with his head, and asked me if I would let him fulfill his promise and go to Lijiacun first.

I immediately shook my head, saying that I can't go back to Lijia Village now, I have only completed one of the trainings given to me by Master, and I am short of two.

Liu Tianniu said directly, let me go back to Tang Town with him, just in time for him to discuss matters with Mr. Jiang, and he can also discuss my matters.

I hesitated for a while before telling me about the matter that the master asked me to return to Tang Town in half a year.

Now that I am full of money, I have only stayed outside for a month and a half.

If I go back early and don't finish everything well, I will definitely disappoint Master and maybe ruin his plan.

Pausing for a moment, I took a deep breath and said, even if I want to advance, I still need to complete the experience and rescue the second uncle, after my father is buried.

Liu Tianniu frowned tightly and said nothing.

Liu Huayan walked side by side with him, the two of them seemed to be discussing something, their voices were too low, He Zhi and I couldn't hear clearly.

Not long after, Liu Tianniu's sitting posture straightened up again, still with a high crown on his head.

Liu Huayan walked up to me and He Zhi, and said softly, "Master means that when he goes back to Jiuhe County, he can find a paper figurine to stay for a while. He will wait for you there, and I will practice with you." , when the time comes, we will go to Lijia Village, and after we settle it, we will return to Tang Town together."

Liu Huayan's words made my complexion change slightly.

Liu Tianniu actually wants to compromise time because of me?

I subconsciously turned my head and glanced back.

At this moment, I feel a little regretful, why didn't I ask Hou Qianshu, what does Mr. Yin Yang's first hexagram represent?

If I had asked, I would have known why Liu Tianniu had such an attitude.

At this moment, Liu Huayan suddenly took out something from his waist.

My heart was shocked, this turned out to be the gossip tiger mirror!

Instinctively, I wanted to quickly look away.

It's just that my curiosity and desire for it make it difficult for me to do it...

[The author has something to say]

Today's update is over... I stretched out my hand for the ticket, and then retracted it.

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