Hou Qianshu's eyes suddenly became colder.

But his body didn't struggle anymore.

"I hope you keep your word." Hou Qianshu said hoarsely.

He Zhi looked at me suspiciously, including Liu Tianniu and Liu Huayan, with a somewhat puzzled look on their faces.

"He Zhi, hold the compass for me." I spoke without hesitation, and said to He Zhi.

Then, I swept Liuhuayan and Liutianniu again.

"Liu Daochang, you and Miss Liu are waiting for me outside."

I glanced sideways at the body wrapped in white cloth, and my expression became even more settled.

"Mr. Hou and his daughter always have a few words to say, which is much more real than our explanation."

The vertical lines between Liu Tianniu's eyebrows became deeper, and Liu Huayan's eyes were even more startled.

However, He Zhi's complexion changed suddenly, and he said hurriedly: "Li Yinyang, what do you mean? Are you crazy?!"

Hou Qianshu's eyes widened suddenly, followed by his narrowed eyes.

He didn't say a word, just looked at me coldly.

I took a deep breath and told He Zhi to let her do what I said.

He Zhi frowned, unwillingly, and walked towards me unwillingly.

I handed the compass into her hands.

With the compass on my body, it is difficult for any sneaky people to get close to me. Only by taking it off can I achieve my goal.

He Zhi pursed his lips and looked at me, but didn't go out.

I was about to rush her.

At this moment, Liu Tianniu suddenly said something: "Hou Qianshu, since you can be regarded as Mr. Yin Yang, then you should have heard of Jiang Yihong."

"Li Yinyang is a disciple of Jiang Yihong, a geographer. You'd better not think about it, otherwise you and your daughter will be doomed. If Mr. Jiang gets angry, even if your wife is reincarnated, he might find her. "

I didn't expect that Liu Tianniu would suddenly tell me where I came from.

And the moment he finished speaking, Hou Qianshu's expression also changed, and when he looked at me again, he was stunned.

"Mr. Jiang Yihong's disciple?" His pupils shrank into a small spot.

Liu Tianniu flicked his long sleeves, and walked out of the main room with Liu Huayan.

He Zhi stomped his feet, frowned and glanced at me, then turned and followed.

In the main room, only me, Hou Qianshu, and his daughter's body were left on the ground.

I didn't say anything to Hou Qianshu, and walked straight to the corpse.

I reached out and pressed her chest wound, and the palm was directly soaked with viscous blood.

I don't know how to blunder on my own, but dead people's things are the medium, especially corpse blood.

I raised my hand, and I was about to press the blood between my eyebrows.

But just at this moment, Hou Qian Shu said in a low voice: "Stop." His voice was almost hoarse, and my palm suddenly stiffened.

"Mr. Li, I believe you." Hou Qianshu's tone was no longer cold and resentful as before, but instead revealed a deep sadness and complexity.

My eyelids twitched slightly, and I immediately understood why.

Waiting for Qian to write to me can only be because of Jiang Yihong's statement outside.

I was about to talk.

Because I think that even if Jiang Yihong believed in me, Hou Qianshu couldn't really let go of him in his heart.

But before I could speak, Hou Qianshu closed his eyes and said with a complex expression: "I shouldn't be stubborn, you can't take that talisman off."

"I used Ran'er's heart and soul. Unless you break her soul, the talisman will not fall." My complexion changed again immediately.

"I will not let her kill anyone, and she has never hurt anyone. I just want to avenge her, resolve her grievances, and send her to reincarnation."

Hou Qian's writing was full of bitterness.

He suddenly raised his head, and two muddy tears flowed down his cheeks.

"I can let the townspeople of Xuanhu Town go. Ge Guang is dead, so there is one less enemy, but Feng Pei, you have to leave it to me."

Hou Qianshu's voice was hoarse.

He closed his eyes, no longer crying, but looked straight at me.

"You want to kill him?" I frowned and pursed my lips tightly.

After a moment of silence, I shook my head: "Although it is said that the grievance has its head and the debt has its owner, but Mr. Hou, you also hurt the lives of more than a dozen people in the town, including a pregnant woman."

"Feng Pei kills and kills, there is a place to control him, we can't let you kill him again, this is another murder for you."

Hou Qianshu's expression became calmer, and he said: "I will untie the Feng Shui Bureau here, and bury those townspeople in the Niu Mian Land where there are many children and blessings. If they have children, I will give them money. feed them to grow up."

"If there are elderly people, I will also support them until they grow old."

After a pause, Hou Qianshu suddenly smiled sarcastically and said, "In troubled times, do you want to control Feng Pei? In the political power behind the barrel of a gun, whoever has a gun has the right to speak, even if you general Feng Pei Send Pei to the county magistrate, maybe before you speak, he will arrest you all and hand them over to Feng Pei to deal with."

"Even if you want to do it yourself, it's impossible. Someone under Feng Pei has a gun. Once he dies, Xuanhu Town will also suffer."

"The only option is that you hand over Feng Pei to me, and I will deal with it. I can promise that there will be no problems in Xuanhu Town, and I will not kill innocent people indiscriminately."

After finishing speaking, Hou Qianshu stepped back a little, and sat on a grand teacher's chair against the wall.

He didn't look at me, but kept staring blankly at his daughter's body.

Hou Qianshu's words made me silent, and I couldn't find anything to answer for a while.

This was also Qian Shu's helplessness back then...not because of those guns, he would not have been cornered.

What he said is really true, otherwise I wouldn't have to let the village settle the matter in the Miao Village by the rules.

"What will you do to Feng Pei?" I asked in silence for a moment.

"He can't die. If he dies, people from Jiemen County will come to Xuanhu Town. I will let the townspeople build a dungeon and lock him in. He has the three faces of the prison. Once he enters the cage, he will never come out." It's time."

Hou Qianshu paused for a moment, then continued: "I will always guard him."

I took a deep breath, bowed my head and thought twice.

Hou Qianshu said again: "Mr. Li, you have no better choice. I won't just sit and wait for death. Even if you kill me, my ghost will linger. How can you deal with Chongxinshui and Arrowblade? How did you solve it? Although you are Mr. Jiang's disciple, Mr. Jiang was unable to kill the Arrow Blade Demon, and I was able to bring her out because of fate."

My face immediately changed again, and I murmured: "Sanhe, Liuhe, nobleman Tianyi, are you one of the three lives?"

Hou Qianshu just smiled, but didn't give an exact answer.

I was silent for a while, and finally I could only nod my head.

"I may not be able to convince Daoist Liu, at least he will nod if he sees you solve the feng shui problem here, and then show your sincerity." I added.

Waiting for Qian Shu to agree.

Then, Hou Qianshu suddenly raised his head and looked at my face.

His face changed, and he looked at me intently.

There was a bit of incomprehension in his eyes, and even more surprise and uncertainty!

My heart skipped a beat.

Hou Qianshu, are you looking at my face?

[The author has something to say]

Today's update is over, these two days are a little late, and it is estimated that it will be adjusted to the morning in two days.Then I have to enter a new plot, and the writing is slower.

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