Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 280 Self-immolation Talisman

Hou Qian Shu's eyes widened, they were no longer as ferocious as before, but looked like a woman's eyes.

He was looking sideways at the beam above.

Then, Hou Qianshu suddenly laughed.

That stern voice didn't look like a man at all.

Hou Qianshu's daughter bumped into Hou Qianshu again?

She must have found no chance in us...

But what does she mean by looking at the beams? What's on them?

I became more vigilant, fully alert.

We are in the middle of the courtyard, not far from the main room.

Liu Tianniu, Liu Huayan, and He Zhi all quickly approached the main room.

I didn't go to the front, firstly because I was not skilled enough, and secondly, waiting for Qian Shu to be tied up, even if he was bumped, it wouldn't help much.

I just took a few steps forward and stopped at the door of the main room.

When He Zhi came behind Hou Qianshu, she bent her five fingers, and there was blood dripping between her fingers, and she pressed Hou Qianshu's head.

I could see right away, isn't this exactly the soul pulling technique that He Zhi was going to use on Ge Guang before? !

It's just that at this moment, it's Qian Shu's daughter she's going to pull out?

At the same time, Liu Huayan looked up at the beams of the house.

Liu Tianniu stomped his feet suddenly and jumped up!

From my angle, I can already see things above the beams.

There was a dead body wrapped in a white cloth!

The white cloth is full of fine lines, all of which are drawn runes!

The next moment, Liu Tianniu's big fan-like hand grabbed the shoulder of the corpse and pulled it off.

After Liu Tianniu fell to the ground, his body also fell to the ground at the same time.

There was a wound on the white cloth on the chest of the corpse, from which slightly blue blood overflowed.I immediately thought, this wound was pushed out by the big ox? !

Liu Tianniu frowned, looked down at the corpse, then turned to look at Qian Shu.

I can see that something is wrong, and Liu Tianniu is naturally not stupid!

Waiting for Qian Shu to be bumped into a ghost, but did she show where "her" body is?And it really let Liu Tianniu get the corpse directly, so there was no surprise.

His eyes fell on Hou Qianshu. At this moment, Hou Qianshu's expression was extraordinarily calm.

Even if He Zhi's hand was tightly clutching his Tianling Gai, he didn't show any ferocity or even resentment.

There was even a bit of childishness in the calm eyes.

I suddenly had a guess in my mind.

Muttering: "Do you want us to send you away?" I said this to Hou Qianshu, but I didn't mean it to Hou Qianshu.

"Hou Qianshu" suddenly smiled again, although the smile was still half-hearted, but there was no murderous intent in it.

I was taken aback again, to be honest, I was completely stunned.

Because I never expected that the daughter of Qian Shu would do this?

I thought it would take at least a fight to the death to find the body of Hou Qianshu's daughter.

With the existence of the contract, she can also have the ability to deal with us.

But she didn't fight, and even took the initiative to reveal the location of the corpse...

That's at least one point.

She wasn't like any dead person I'd met before.

It is true that the resentment is deep, but she still retains her reason.

For example, now that she has given up the death fight, the reason is obvious.

She wants to go safely...

At this moment, the wind suddenly blew up in the courtyard again.

The wind whimpered low, like a ghost crying.

Over at the courtyard, a piece of talisman suddenly flew over.

The talisman twisted and twisted in the wind, and it floated into the main room in the blink of an eye!

I saw the rune on it at a glance, isn't this the same rune? !

An even weirder scene happened, the talisman just happened to fall on the flame of the candlestick on the right side of the main room.

With a sound of "huchi", the talisman was ignited, and with the sound of "chichi", the flames engulfed it, and in an instant, it turned into a ball of black ashes and fell to the ground.

Hou Qianshu's body suddenly trembled.

At the same time, He Zhi let out a muffled snort. She stepped back a few steps and hit the wall, a look of pain flashed between her brows.

Hou Qianshu's eyes returned to normal, they were no longer childish round eyes, but his own muddy eyes.

He looked at us in astonishment, then looked down at the corpse wrapped in white cloth...

"You..." Hou Qianshu's whole body trembled, his hoarse voice was full of killing intent.

The next moment, he raised his head violently, and bumped directly towards the corner of the table beside him!

It seems that Hou Qian Shu just woke up after being pulled out of his soul, he still doesn't know what happened!

From this angle, he still hit the corner of the table with his temple!

This time the collision is real, he will definitely die!

Waiting for Qian Shu was so fast that He Zhi and I had no time to stop him.

Seeing that Hou Qianshu was about to die on the spot, he saw Liu Huayan flying towards him, his right hand grabbed Hou Qianshu's shoulder, and his left hand directly grabbed the corner of the table!

Hou Qian Shu's body trembled, and he actually shook off Liu Huayan's right hand. When she clasped his shoulder again, it was obviously too late.

But her prediction was right, Hou Qianshu's temple hit the back of her hand heavily.

Liu Huayan snorted in pain.

Between the palm and the corner of the table, bright red blood clearly overflowed.

When Qian Shu failed to commit suicide, his eyes widened and he wanted to hit another place.

My temples throbbed, and I shouted in a low voice: "Mr. Hou! Can't you understand?! Can you see that there are traces of fighting here?!"

"She doesn't want to fight! She doesn't want you to go further and further down the wrong path!"

"The corpse was sent out by herself! The deed, she has already burned it!"

I was short of breath, my chest heaved up and down, and I pointed to the ashes left after the talisman was burned, signaling to wait for Qian Shu to take a look.

I tensed my face, afraid that Qian Shu would do something radical again.

Hou Qianshu's body trembled again, he turned his head in a daze, and looked at the position I pointed to.

"No...impossible...what did you do to my daughter!"

Hou Qianshu's eyes widened in disbelief.

His face was full of anger and resentment, and he stood up directly, and I realized that the rope on his body was unknowingly opened!

It's just that his limped leg made him unable to stand still, and he staggered and fell to the ground again!

I quickly walked up to Hou Qianshu, quickly reached out, and grabbed his shoulder, preventing him from falling again.

Hou Qian Shu's cloudy eyeballs turned red.

I frowned tightly, my thoughts raced, but Hou Qian Shu's appearance was too stubborn, I was not sure that I could persuade him!

At this moment, I suddenly thought of a way.

The moment my thoughts settled down, I said in a deep voice: "Mr. Hou, give me a moment of incense, and I will give you an explanation."

"If I explain it to your dissatisfaction, I can't control the affairs of Xuanhu Town, so I won't meddle in any of your affairs anymore! How about it?" I spoke in a cautious tone, with sonorous words.

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