Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 282 In troubled times, there is no justice

His expression made me uneasy.

Is there something wrong with my face?

"Mr. Hou, what did you see?" I forcibly suppressed the unnaturalness in my heart, and asked.

Hou Qianshu was about to speak, but he hesitated to speak right after him.

After a long while, he finally asked, "Mr. Jiang, can I do fortune-telling for you?"

I nodded without thinking: "Master has done divination for me, and he has also touched my bones. He once said..." At this point, I froze again and did not continue.

Hou Qianshu took a deep breath, and waved his hand at the same time: "Since Mr. Jiang has already done the calculation, there is no problem. Mr. Li will get the golden abacus sooner or later. Too much talk."

At this time, my inner curiosity was aroused.

I couldn't help it all the time, and asked Hou Qianshu, what does he think of my face?

I will indeed learn Yang arithmetic in the future, but I haven't learned it now after all, so I don't understand what he said at the moment, but I really want to know.

Waiting for Qian Shu to be silent for a moment, he opened his mouth and said: "A relationship is born from the heart, and fate is determined by the sky. If Mr. Li is an ordinary person, I will forget your fate, but Mr. Jiang has already touched the bones for you."

"Tiekoujin, a geographer's fortune teller, is the pinnacle of Yang fortune-telling. Mr. Jiang will determine your fate. I dare not say more."

When he said this, Hou Qianshu actually looked out of the main room with a little respect, as if he was looking in a distant direction.

"This..." I didn't know what to say for a while.

Hou Qianshu limped to his daughter's body, picked it up carefully, and moved it to the other side of the main room, where it was blocked by a screen.

After doing this, he asked me to discuss with Daoist Liu to see if he agreed with what he just said.

I nodded.

When I was about to leave the main room, I suddenly remembered the things that happened in the courtyard of Father Lu's house.

Pausing for a while, I turned around and asked Qian Shu, does he know the coffinmaker's ability to kill with one axe?Will he watch it?

Hou Qianshu was stunned for a moment, then he shook his head and said: "It is true that the coffinmaker used the axe to make the time of death. I don't know how to read it. There used to be a coffinmaker in Xuanhu Town, Father Lu , he should have left Xuanhu Town for many years."

"Why did Mr. Li suddenly ask this?" Hou Qianshu asked again.

I took a deep breath and told about Father Lu being killed.

Suddenly, the color of Hou Qian's writing changed.

His eyelids twitched wildly, and his complexion was even more uncertain.

"Papa Lu... was killed..."

Looking at Qian Shu's expression, I knew that it was impossible for him to know the whole story, so there was no need to ask more questions or waste time.

Walking out of the main room quickly, I walked out of the courtyard.

Liu Tianniu, Liu Huayan, He Zhi, the three of them are outside the courtyard.

After I came out, He Zhi immediately stepped forward and looked me up and down eagerly.

There was even more doubt in her eyes, and she even took out a bell and placed it in front of my door.

The bell didn't budge.

Liu Tianniu's gaze was slightly deep, and he said, "You don't have Yin Qi on your body, and she doesn't have you on your body?"

I nodded.

After a little smoothing out my thoughts, I told Liu Tianniu what I had just communicated with Hou Qianshu.

I especially made the key point clear, that is, it is very difficult for us to get Feng Pei to obey the law, and it is even more impossible to kill Qian Shu.

In the end, I also focused on the price Hou Qianshu was willing to pay, and the way he wanted to detain Feng Pei.

After I finished speaking, Liu Tianniu didn't say a word, he just looked at the end of the night sky, and the whole person became extremely silent.

After an unknown amount of time, Liu Tianniu shook his head, his tone was somewhat sighing and complicated.

"In a chaotic world, there is no justice, and I don't know how long it will take for this chaotic world to calm down."

"Li Yinyang, I can promise him, but if one day, I find out that he breaks his promise, then you tell him, I will kill him with my hands." At the end of the speech, Liu Tianniu's tone was full of With a strong chill!

"Besides, I want to take the head of the Arrow Blade Demoness."

Hearing this, I was overjoyed, and only then did I realize that the purpose of our visit is to fulfill Master's request.

I nodded in agreement, saying that I would go and clarify this matter with Hou Qianshu.

At the same time, I also breathed a sigh of relief.

What I'm most afraid of is getting stuck in Liu Tianniu.

But it seems that Liu Tianniu's mentality has also changed somewhat.

I hurriedly turned around and went back to the main room, waiting for Qian Shu to explain Liu Tianniu's warnings and requirements clearly.

Hou Qianshu did not refute at all, and agreed to all of them.

A game of life and death finally calmed down temporarily.

I want to inform the townspeople of the result, and I have to wait until tomorrow morning.

In fact, I was still a little worried, fearing that the townspeople would not accept it and cause a backlash.

But Hou Qianshu told me that he would take out all his savings and give some compensation to the townspeople.

These days, real gold and silver are just as reasonable as the barrel of a gun.

In the end we went back to Father Lu's house to rest, and Hou Qianshu followed us.

The reason is simple, Father Lu used to be his good friend, and now that his old friend died, he wanted to see the remains.

After entering the courtyard, Liu Tianniu and Liu Huayan entered the room respectively.

He Zhi followed me and took Qian Shu to see Father Lu's body.

When Qian Shu entered the room, he fixed his eyes on the hatchet on the wooden board.

Finally, he looked at Father Lu's body, sighed, and said slowly: "Back then, Father Lu begged for a beautiful woman, and after a short time, the woman's belly grew big, and she gave birth to a son. "

"I've seen Father Lu's face. He also has no children. The seed in that woman's belly is not his."

"But he was obsessed with sex and didn't want to believe me. I also saw that the woman wanted to harm him and take away his skills. I warned him, but he kicked her out."

"I thought at the beginning that when something happened to him, I couldn't stand by and watch."

"I didn't expect that such a disaster would happen to me. This old friend is also separated forever."

Hearing these words, I also sighed in my heart.

Hou Qianshu was used to telling the truth all his life, and he saw his old friend's fate, but he was kicked out by his old friend.

The official came to tell his fortune, which ruined his family.

I suddenly thought of that sentence.

Fortune tellers often say that the secrets of heaven cannot be revealed, so is it really the secrets that cannot be revealed?Or did they also see a man-made disaster at the same time?If you speak nonsense, will you bring disaster to yourself?

While I was thinking, Hou Qian Shu had already limped forward and began to grope around Father Lu's body.

After a while, he shook his head and said that sure enough, there was nothing left, and the coffinmaker's old bottom should have been emptied.

I immediately thought of the gold ingot that fell from Father Lu at that time.

I immediately opened my mouth and waited for Qian Shu to talk about it.

At the same time, He Zhi also took out the gold ingot from his waist.

Hou Qian's expression froze immediately.

He looked at He Zhi with deep eyes, and nodded after a while: "Since I gave it to you, you can keep it well."

It's just that the look in Hou Qianshu's eyes made me feel something profound.

Immediately afterwards, Hou Qianshu turned his head to look at me again, and said, "Since Papa Lu gave you the axe, although no one can give you an answer, you can accept the axe, after all, you took him." His reward, his grave, you come and find it.”

After finishing speaking, Hou Qianshu stretched out his hand to pull out the axe.

But at the moment when he struck, the handle of the ax was taken away by him directly...

The moment the wooden handle fell, I saw that there was a small gap inside the ax body, and an old book was stuffed inside...

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