Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 279 What retribution am I afraid of?

Hou Qianshu stopped laughing, but stared at me coldly.

He shook his head and said, "You are very smart, but so what if you have exhausted all your tricks."

"Whether you kill me or arrest me, the fate of Xuanhu Town cannot be changed. Kill people to pay for their lives, and debts to pay for their debts. When it gets dark, you will all die here too."

My eyelids twitched wildly.

Of course I know, when it gets dark, his daughter might come out to make trouble!

The militiamen here have guns!

Once we get hit, it's Liu Tianniu's ability, and we can't escape!

Even if the whole town does not die today, they will definitely be tortured by the Feng Shui Bureau to this point!

My breathing became heavier, and I looked back at Hou Qianshu, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Hou, one of the culprits has already died, and there is one left, who has also been arrested."

"There is nothing in this world that cannot be discussed. Most people in Xuanhu Town are innocent. There is no need for you to commit murder. You are a Mr. Yin and Yang. You know very well what the consequences will be if you kill again. Can’t escape the wrath of God.”

"Everything is negotiable, if you take one wrong step, you will be lost forever!"

"Retribution? Hehe, I'm alone, so why should I be afraid of retribution?" Hou Qianshu's list suddenly became extremely hideous!

He suddenly raised his hand and pointed at my face, his tone was even more fierce.

"My wife is long gone, but she will be dug out and humiliated! My daughter was harmed by him and died in the end! Now I have so much resentment that I cannot reincarnate!"

"I am not afraid of any retribution! I am only afraid that they will not die, and I will have trouble sleeping and eating every night!"

Hou Qian Shu's resentful and harsh words were almost roared out.

The eyes of the townspeople showed panic, and many of them were scared back a few steps.

A few militiamen who put down their guns raised their guns in an instant.

My heart trembled, fearing that they would misfire.

My gaze suddenly became severe, and I told them to put down their guns.

At this moment, Liu Tianniu's figure suddenly rushed into the crowd!

His speed was extremely fast, at this moment the militiamen were distracted, and in the blink of an eye, all of them were handed over by Liu Tianniu!

The sky became darker.

Hou Qianshu no longer looked at me, but scanned all the townspeople including the militiamen.

He squinted his eyes, raised his head slightly, and said contemptuously: "You are all filled with black air, and you don't have many days to live. Don't worry, there is not a single soul in Xuanhu Town who can go out. You can all be buried with my daughter." .”

The moment he finished speaking, Hou Qianshu didn't care about me, He Zhi, Liu Tianniu and Liu Huayan at all.

He picked up the crutches on the ground and limped into the courtyard gate.

The militiaman stared at Liu Tianniu, dare not speak out.

All the townspeople were panic-stricken.

Zhang Quan looked at me very uneasy, and asked me what should I do now...

Could it be that we are now waiting for the dark, waiting for Mr. Hou's daughter to make trouble, and then kill everyone?

I frowned, and my thoughts became extremely messy, but I was seizing all the time and thinking of countermeasures.

At this time, He Zhi suddenly moved.

Her feet were extremely fast, and she entered the courtyard in three or two steps.

I just realized that I wanted to catch up with her, but obviously my reaction was too slow.

When I chased to the gate of the courtyard, He Zhi had already chased to Qianshu who was waiting in front of the main room.

The mourning stick in her hand hit Hou Qianshu hard on the back of the neck.

Waiting for Qian Shu to fall straight to the ground unconscious...

This scene shocked me so much that I hurriedly said, "He Zhi, it won't help if you knock him out...he doesn't want to..."

He Zhi directly interrupted me, she said calmly: "He is almost driven crazy, how could he agree to your terms and let his "enemy" go?"

"It's already impossible for him to stop and break the Feng Shui bureau."

"Since there is no need to discuss it now, let him not get involved to make trouble, at least it can reduce a small amount of trouble first."

After a pause, He Zhi continued: "His wife's bones are here. His daughter is certainly fierce, but she will not be our opponent. Find her bones too, and use some low-level methods. I'm not afraid to wait for Qian Shu to come back." Submit."

"At that time, he didn't have any hole cards, and in our hands, he couldn't commit suicide and become a ghost."

I was stunned.

He Zhi spoke very quickly, but I could hear her clearly and fully understood what she meant.

For a while, I really felt that this thing is actually feasible...

Although this method has indeed been used a little bit, there is no way to do it.

And we will not burn the corpse like Ge Guang and Feng Pei did, let alone insult the corpse.

I can even promise to wait for Qian Shu to help him have a good burial together...

He said that his daughter couldn't be reincarnated because of deep resentment, maybe it was because of his feng shui problem?

At least in the Zhaijing, there is no example of people being unable to reincarnate because of resentment.

Only after hurting someone's life, if there is fierce resentment haunting the soul, will it be impossible to reincarnate.

I also have the opportunity to help Qian Shu solve this matter.

Even if I can't solve it, I can ask Master to do it.

My thoughts are between lightning and flint.

Abandoning unnecessary distracting thoughts, I nodded quickly and shared my thoughts with He Zhi.

He Zhi also nodded and said yes.

Immediately afterwards, He Zhi began to tie up the waiting money book with ropes, and put the person into the main room.

I used Zhang Quan to tell the townspeople to go back to their homes and not to leave the house after dark.

And also asked the militiamen to knock Feng Pei's big soldiers unconscious, tied them up, and put them under guard.

As for the guns captured by Liu Tianniu, they were all piled up in a corner outside the yard to ensure that no one present could touch them.

After finishing all this, the sunset in the sky is about to end, and the sky is going to be completely dark!

Liu Tianniu quickly placed the Anwujing Town Talisman he had used before around the courtyard!

I also checked the talisman and found it was still on the eaves.

This means that Hou Qianshu's daughter has actually been in the yard all along, and she didn't leave even yesterday.

It's just that Qian Shu disappeared at that time, giving us the illusion that he disappeared with his daughter.

The night is getting darker and darker, squeezing the remaining light.

Finally, when the last light of the sky dissipated, the night fell completely!

There was already no one outside the courtyard.

And in the courtyard were me, Liu Tianniu, He Zhi, Liu Huayan, and Hou Qianshu who passed out and was tied up in the main room.

There was silence in the courtyard, and a needle could be heard.

I was extremely vigilant and aware of every sign of trouble in the courtyard.

However, I want to use a fixed compass to find the body of Hou Qianshu's daughter, so I give up.

The silence lasted for about a quarter of an hour.

Suddenly, Qian Shu, who was unconscious in the main room, raised his head.

At first, He Zhi frowned and said that he shouldn't wake up now, it was too early.

The next moment, I realized something was wrong.

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