I even think that once Hou Qianshu dies, it will definitely affect the Feng Shui Bureau outside and make him even more fierce!

All this happened in the blink of an eye, with a "bang" gunshot!

A big soldier shot the hatchet in Hou Qianshu's hand!

Flames burst, sparks fly!

The hatchet was knocked flying in response, but failed to hit Feng Pei.

"Kick! Don't kill him directly!" Feng Pei shouted angrily, and quickly backed away.

Seeing that those big soldiers raised their guns, they were about to aim and shoot in the next moment.

Suddenly, a cold scolding sound resounded in my ears:

"Show a hundred steps, follow the needle! Hurry up like a law!" This voice is not Liu Tianniu's, but whose is it? !

At the same time, a silver light shot out from behind the courtyard wall on the right side of the open space!

In the sound of chi chi, all the silver lights pierced the arms of those big soldiers with a lightning speed!

The screams continued to rise and fall one after another!

Those big soldiers all folded their arms and screamed, and the guns in their hands fell to the ground without exception!

I can see clearly now, those silver glows are all needles!

Feng Pei was so frightened that he turned pale with fright, and growled, "Who?!"

He suddenly pulled out the gun at his waist and raised it directly towards the courtyard wall on the right side of the open space.

A figure suddenly flew out from behind the courtyard wall!

Feng Pei immediately raised his gun to aim!

But before the gunfire rang out, there was a "snap" first, and a long black whip swung down from the man, hitting Feng Pei's wrist directly.

Feng Pei screamed, the gun was pulled to the ground, and the bullet flew out!

In the next moment, Liu Tianniu's feet landed on the ground, just in front of Feng Pei, and he hit Feng Pei's back of the neck with his sword.

Feng Pei let out a muffled snort, without even uttering a single word, he just passed out and fell to the ground.

But Liu Tianniu was faster, and with a flick of the whisk, the whisk wrapped around Feng Pei's neck.

Feng Pei happened to be grabbed by the neck by Fu Chensi, lifted his upper body, and half knelt on the ground.

Another figure jumped down from the eaves of the courtyard, and it was Liu Huayan who came.

At this time, there were also some big soldiers who were enduring the pain to pick up the guns, but Liu Huayan pulled out a long ruler and waved it out!

No one could pick up the gun, they all stared at Liu Tianniu and Liu Huayan in anger and fear.

"Take them down! When you turn back, the boss will reward you!"

A big soldier let out a low growl. He turned around and quickly greeted the militiamen in the town.

At this moment, the militiamen did not move their guns immediately, but hesitated.

At this time, He Zhi quickly walked out of me. She coldly glanced at the big soldiers, and said coldly: "Just now the mayor helped you, but you got shot in a while, and you still have to use the lives of the whole town to go Waiting for Qian Shu to follow you."

"This meeting will ask the militiamen to help again?! Let you kill donkeys again?!" He Zhi's words were so clear and loud that those big soldiers were speechless.

Immediately, the militiamen hesitated even more, they didn't raise their guns at all!

Immediately afterwards, He Zhi yelled again: "Detain these people first! They killed Ge Guang, and they want to kill the townspeople, none of them can be released!"

She gave this order, but none of the militiamen dared to move. They all looked terrified and did not dare to step forward.

He Zhi frowned.

But at this moment, the voice of the big soldier who spoke before was even worse: "If you dare not save the boss, the troops stationed in Huihui County will come over and wipe you all out! Hou Qianshu doesn't know what to do, he will definitely die, the boss will not It will hurt you! He who understands the current affairs is a hero, and if he helps out now, he will be rewarded in return!"

His voice will fall.

A few more people squeezed out from the crowd. These people were young and old. The one in the front was somewhat similar to Ge Guang. He was about 20 years old, and he could be recognized at a glance. He should be Ge Guang's son.

"Feng Pei killed my father, and even killed the whole town. If he goes out, can he give us a good life?! No one wants to leave today!"

After Ge Guang's son finished speaking, the actions of those militiamen immediately became decisive.

They stepped forward one after another, and took Feng Pei's men away in two or three strokes.

At the same time, some militiamen raised their guns and pointed their guns at Hou Qianshu's head.

Several militiamen recognized He Zhi and me, and they also aimed their guns at our heads.

Even Liu Huayan and Liu Tianniu were pointed at their heads with guns.

The situation has twists and turns and changes one after another.

For a while, the venue was deadlocked again...

My eyelids were beating uncontrollably, and my heart was pounding like a drum.

But Hou Qianshu laughed. He laughed loudly and his voice was even hoarse. This laughter seemed to echo in the courtyard.

The atmosphere in the arena was extremely dull and depressing.

Those militiamen pointed their guns at us, not knowing what to do, and looked at each other.

Ge Guang's son also had an uncertain expression on his face.

The scene became deadlocked for a while...

He Zhi looked angry, and she was about to move forward, but was immediately held in the forehead by a gun.

Beads of sweat also appeared on my forehead. I took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "There must be no more deaths in this town today! Feng Pei, you can't afford to kill him. If you kill him, Jiemen County will definitely kill him." chaos!"

"Mr. Hou, you don't dare to move. He is wearing a big red dress and has runes painted on him. If he dies, he will become a vicious ghost! The Feng Shui situation outside Xuanhu Town can't be broken, and Xuanhu Town will be buried with everyone! "

"Did you forget when you dug the grave today? Someone dug someone else's leg with a hoe! This is the bad luck brought to you by the gradual change of Feng Shui! The longer the time passes, the more unforeseen disasters you will encounter. !” My words immediately caused a commotion in the venue.

Ge Guang's son stared at me even more.

At this moment, Zhang Quan, who was beside me, also stood up, his eyes were bloodshot, and his tired face also showed a bit of sternness.

When he opened his mouth, he explained why Hou Qian Shu couldn't let go of the whole town.

It was because Ge Guang arrested his daughter and gave it to Feng Pei!

Feng Pei killed his daughter again, Ge Guang said it himself!

The moment his words fell, the whole town was even more disturbed. They looked at each other with astonishment in their eyes.

Zhang Quan's breathing became very heavy, and he spoke in a hoarse voice, saying that he was the one who asked us to come back to help the town, that is, because we found out that Ge Guang killed Mr. Hou's daughter, Ge Guang directly Turn your face to find Feng Pei, the official master.

If we hadn't done it just now, Feng Pei might have forced everyone to jump into the river!

Now the people in the town are pointing guns at us, they just don’t want to drop out!

After another gasp, Zhang Quan continued: "Where in our town can solve this matter, we can only leave it to Mr. Li and Daoist Liu, and put down the guns!"

After Zhang Quan finished speaking, the militiamen were not calm anymore...

Several people fired their guns directly.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

But immediately after, the breath hung up again...

Because before you know it, there is only a thin line between twilight and night...

[The author has something to say]

Today's update is over, it's a little late today

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