"Today I heard from Ge Guang that you were back, so I came here directly. He suggested to me to dig up your wife's body and force you to death. I wanted to see if Mr. Hou is a kind and righteous person."

"Mr. Hou did not disappoint me. I want to make peace with you. You are a gentleman with real skills. You are too aggrieved to die under a gun."

"As long as you follow me, you will surely be successful. My gift to Mr. Hou is this Ge Guang's head, how about it?" Feng Pei raised his finger and pointed at Ge Guang's head.

In the next moment, more than a dozen guns aimed directly at Ge Guang's forehead!

Ge Guang was so frightened that he knelt down on the ground...

I've thought a lot about what's going to happen in front of this courtyard.

I thought about Liu Tianniu accidentally killing some big soldiers, and I even thought about the high probability that Hou Qianshu will die here, and our plan will fail completely...

But I didn't expect at all that the official Feng Pei put on a full posture, but he actually said that he would kill Qian Shu? !

He even wanted to make peace!

The firewood has not been completely extinguished, and it keeps making "呲呲" sounds.

Wisps of white smoke rose up, mixed with an unpleasant burnt smell.

The townspeople in the field were silent.

Ge Guang's body was sifting through the chaff at this moment, he screamed in horror: "Captain Feng, have you made a mistake... What we have to deal with is the waiting money book..."

Feng Pei glanced coldly at Ge Guang and snorted coldly.

Immediately, a big soldier stepped forward and slapped Ge Guang on the face.

This slap made Ge Guang almost fall to the ground.

Hou Qianshu didn't move, but still looked straight at Feng Pei, his eyes were filled with hatred and coldness.

Feng Pei cupped his hands with a smile, and said, "Five years ago, I didn't know Taishan with my eyes, and misunderstood Mr. Hou's good intentions. I really have no children these years. I asked many gentlemen, and they made nonsense. I have learned a lot from the big talk, and I have always thought that it would be great if I could find a gentleman who is as daring as Mr. Hou and has real skills."

"Qian and Quan Feng are both missing. If there is one, I only need Mr. Hou to help me, not to mention Ge Guang's head..."

"You killed my daughter."

Suddenly, Hou Qianshu opened his mouth. Although the voice was not loud, the faint voice was full of dead silence and coldness.

Feng Pei's expression didn't change, he pointed to Ge Guang on the ground, his expression became sincere: "The little girl that Ge Guang sent me back then, I listened to the slander, and he made me hurt her by mistake. , and died in the end, the culprit was Ge Guang."

"Mr. Hou, you are a person of affection, you should understand the saying that a man who understands current affairs is a hero, right?" Feng Pei was about to finish his sentence, and he pulled out the gun from his waist and pointed it directly at Ge Guang's forehead.

Ge Guang's eyes were left blank right now, his lips were buzzing, but he couldn't utter a complete sentence.

He could vaguely hear him saying forgiveness.

Only now did I fully understand why Feng Pei didn't kill Qian Shu...

It turned out that it was because the waiting money book was too accurate!

Feng Pei wants to have a queen!

Hou Qianshu suddenly laughed, and his body was twitching as he smiled.

"Kill him." Hou Qianshu squinted his eyes slightly, and a murderous intent shot out from his cloudy eyeballs.

With a bang, Feng Pei fired without hesitation.

Ge Guang jerked his body upright, blood gushed out from the blood hole in his head, and his wide eyes were nothing but ashes.

The townspeople were suddenly terrified.

Feng Pei still smiled and said: "Ge Guang is a dog that can bite people. Mr. Hou helped a lot of people in Xuanhu Town, but he bit me back. I also listened to his nonsense. Today he deserves what he deserves. "

"I heard from him that Mr. Hou wants the lives of everyone in Xuanhu Town, and this matter is easy to handle. Mr. followed me, and I sent a team to make them all jump into the Xuanhe River."

The moment his words fell, the townspeople were also frightened and dumbfounded, and some even wanted to run away.

Feng Pei said coldly: "Whoever runs away will shoot."

He shot into the air, and the townspeople were frightened again.

If my face changes again, this situation... I'm afraid it will be difficult to control...

If Hou Qianshu agrees to Feng Pei...

Just as I thought of this, Hou Qian Shu suddenly laughed too.

He walked forward slowly, as if he was going to come to Feng Pei.

It's just that when he was still a few meters away, he was stopped by the big soldiers.

"You want to take me, but are you still afraid of me?" Hou Qianshu limped, his voice extremely hoarse.

Feng Pei smiled awkwardly, and said with a sincere attitude: "Mr. Hou was joking, and you haven't agreed yet, so I'm naturally afraid."

Hou Qian Shu stretched his neck and looked straight at Feng Pei.

He paused for a long while before he said: "Your traitorous door is black, your mountain roots have moles, and your eyebrows are upside down and messy."

Immediately, Feng Pei's face brightened.

He took two steps forward, but immediately a big soldier stopped Feng Pei.

With that posture, it was obvious that he was worried about waiting for Qian Shu.

Feng Pei coughed, and he stopped, his face still full of uncontrollable joy.

Although I don't know Yang Suan, I can tell now that Qian Shu is showing Feng Pei's face on the spot?

Was he really moved by what Feng Pei said?

I frowned, thinking desperately about countermeasures.

At the same time, Hou Qianshu continued: "If the traitorous family is black, it is a disaster of prison. A mole on the root of a mountain is also a disaster of prison. If the eyebrows are messy, it is also a prison sentence."

Feng Pei's face changed, his eyebrows were frowned, and he looked at Hou Qianshu coldly, with hidden anger in his eyes.

Waiting for Qian Shu to pause for a moment, he licked the corner of his mouth and said, "The three phases of the prison will definitely be punished."

Feng Pei's face immediately turned into shock and anger, but he quickly forcibly suppressed that anger, and asked sincerely: "Mr. Hou, then you can see it, how can I solve this problem? Solve my problem." Misfortune, if you help me change my heir, I will definitely not treat you badly."

Hou Qian Shu smiled again, and he looked down at Ge Guang who was on the ground.

He shook his head and said, "Solution? I can't wait to dig out your bones and eat your flesh. You want me to explain your face?"

"Well, I will solve it for you. Your only end is to die in Xuanhu Town and be buried with my daughter!"

Hou Qianshu suddenly pulled the clothes off his chest!

Under him, he was actually wearing a set of blood-red mortuary clothes!

In the blink of an eye, he pulled out a hatchet from his waist and slashed at Feng Pei's head and face!

His movement is too fast, but how can he be faster than a gun? !

What makes my heart even colder is that there are runes looming on the red dress!

At this time, the sky is already getting dark...

That rune red dress reminded me suddenly.

When Qian Shu came here, he didn't intend to leave alive?

My heart is even colder!Suddenly understood everything!

He didn't want to see his wife burned, and he couldn't solve the current situation.

So he was going to die in front of this yard!

In addition, he prepared with runes in advance, and changed into a big red suit.

He is so resentful and unwilling, he must become a big ghost!

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