Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 274 One Ax Broken Yangshou

It seems that when he was about to die, he kept this appearance, I don't know how many years he kept it...

Suddenly, a thought popped into my mind...

This person is the coffin maker in this house, Father Lu?

He didn't go, but died in the yard? !

There was also a large stove in front of the corpse, and a wooden plank was built on the iron sheet of the stove, making it look like a table.

There is also a plate on it, filled with some peanuts, walnuts and the like.

It's just that it's been too long, and the plate is full of spider silk.There was a wine bottle next to it, which was already empty.

Anyway, this scene is too weird, what's even weirder is the dream I just had...

Is he calling me here in a dream?

As soon as I thought of this, He Zhi said in a low voice: "This man died so badly, he was roasted to death..."

My face suddenly changed.

After He Zhi finished speaking, he walked into the house and did not stop until he reached the big stove.

I followed quickly, and the corpse was in front of the stove.

Now that he was closer, he could see more clearly, the clothes on his body were curled to varying degrees, and the hair on his head was all curled after being roasted by the fire.

Including his skin, it's not normal dehydration.

What He Zhi said is correct, he did not die normally, he was obviously roasted to death by the stove...

I stared at his waist and the iron chain around his neck, and felt even more palpitating.

"The people in Xuanhu Town thought that Father Lu left after waiting for the money book, but they didn't expect that he was killed here... The people who did it were very vicious."

My voice was hoarse, and I said with a frown: "He wasn't covered, but if someone comes here a few times, he should be able to hear him calling for help. It's a pity that the coffin shop is too unlucky."

He Zhi nodded slightly.

She took two steps forward, approaching the corpse.

"A good coffin maker should have a lot of things on his body." He Zhi told me in a low voice.

I immediately reached out and pressed He Zhi's shoulder.

"Don't touch the relics on his body, he died a terrible death..." I looked at the face of the corpse and said with complicated emotions.

"There may not be anything good left on him, and the person who killed him was so vicious, so there shouldn't be anything left behind."

It's true that I don't want to move the body rashly, and I hope He Zhi can see what I mean.

After a short pause, I added another sentence, saying that we had borrowed his place after all, and it would be better to let him down.

He died for at least five or six years, and the corpse stood like this for five or six years, which is too pitiful.

If the matter in Xuanhu Town is settled safely, help him find a hole for burial by the way.

He Zhi looked surprised, she frowned and looked at me with incomprehension in her eyes.

Just at this moment, the arm of the corpse moved!

Originally, his raised thin arm was completely against the wall.

With this movement, the ax it was holding slashed towards me and He Zhi fiercely!

My head buzzed, and instinctively, I raised my hand suddenly, grabbed He Zhi's shoulder and pushed her away, and quickly dodged backward!

"Crack" sound!The ax just hit the wooden board on the stove!

Chips of the wooden boards were flying, and the ax was deeply embedded in it...

I just feel terrified.

coincide?Or is he haunted and trying to kill?

But it's daytime, even if this is a haunted house, he shouldn't be able to do much...

He Zhi pulled out the mourning stick with a vigilant face, stepped forward, and was about to smash it on the head of the corpse!

With a bang, something suddenly fell from the corpse.

It was a gold ingot, and it rolled directly to He Zhi's feet...

He Zhi immediately stopped in her tracks, her face was even more cloudy and uncertain, there was murderous intent in her eyes as she stared at the corpse, as well as surprise.

My heart was beating wildly and my forehead was sweating.

Was it really a coincidence that the ax fell just now and the gold ingot fell now?

And the ax obviously wanted to chop someone to death. What was this gold ingot trying to please?

Just at this time, suddenly a stunned voice came from the door.

"Papa Lu?" He Zhi and I turned our heads almost at the same time. Isn't it Zhang Quan standing at the door? !

Sure enough, my guess just now was correct, this corpse is Papa Lu!

It's not dark now, but Zhang Quan is back. What's going on in the town?

I was about to speak, but Zhang Quan stared blankly at the ax on the wooden board, his eyes were even more shocked.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes fell on the corpse again, and panic flashed in his eyes.

"Papa Lu... didn't leave... he was killed by someone..." The next moment, he said something trembling.

But soon, his eyes glanced at the top of the ax again. He obviously thought of something, and there was more anxiety in his eyes.

Suddenly, He Zhi asked, "Zhang Quan, look at this axe, do you know what it means?"

At the same time, He Zhi bent down and picked up the gold ingot, holding it in his hand.

My eyes were more on Zhang Quanquan, which I didn't expect just now.

At the same time that He Zhi's words fell, Zhang Quan's body became visibly stiff again.

The next moment, Zhang Quan seemed to have just recovered, and he carefully lowered his voice and said, "Father Lu is going to make a coffin for people, and he must make people alive. He will take an ax and strike the wood in front of him, and then He will talk about when people will die, and he will prepare the coffin in advance and let people come to pick it up."

"Actually, my father-in-law asked Father Lu to make the coffin. At that time, I looked at the ax that Father Lu swung, and he chopped it just once, saying that my father-in-law had three days to die."

"Sure enough, when three days came, my father-in-law didn't catch his breath, and went away with a push of his legs..."

What Zhang Quan said made my complexion change.

I think I seem to have guessed what Father Lu meant...

He entrusted me with a dream and let me enter the house, didn't he just want me to bury him?

The ax that hit me in the dream, and the ax just now, is this when he asked me to die?

I have a lot of goosebumps on my body, it's not that Father Lu wants our lives...

Instead, he was paid for burying him first?

It's just that the more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I feel. I can't understand when the ax smashed across the table.

But the gold ingot was real gold.

Taking a deep breath, He Zhi and I said, "I've got the reward, and I'll bury him later." He Zhi nodded and put away the gold ingot with his backhand.

I immediately asked Zhang Quan again, what happened in the town?he comes back?

Zhang Quan also came back to his senses, he nodded quickly, sweat appeared on his forehead again, and said: "At first, the mayor came back with the official, and there was nothing else, just a large number of people entered Mr. Hou The house, the coffin was also carried in."

"But just now, they suddenly set up a bonfire frame in front of the house. I hid aside and eavesdropped. They said that this frame was used to burn corpses."

"Now they have arranged a lot of people to shout back and forth in the town, telling Mr. Hou to come out honestly, otherwise before it gets dark, the bonfire will be set up and her wife's body will be burned!"

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