"Li Yinyang, you are so sleepy and stupid, go to sleep for a while."

The moment I turned around suddenly, He Zhi's crisp and sweet voice came from my ear.

In sight, He Zhi's slightly haggard face, with a sleep mark on her cheek.

I took a couple of heavy breaths before I came back to my senses.

I was really tired, I was so lost in thinking about things, I didn't even know that He Zhi woke up, she thought I was in a daze from sleepiness.

Holding my forehead with one hand, my thoughts were interrupted, and I felt a mess in my head again for a while.

I think this must have something to do with my life experience, but at this juncture, I don't have the energy to keep thinking about it.

At least the hidden dangers of Xuanhu Town must be solved.

When I return to Jiuhe County, I will rescue my second uncle and bury my father properly.

The old watchman said that he knew the secret of my life experience, and the second uncle may not know it. I can ask some information from him.

If the second uncle doesn't know at all...

I glanced at He Zhi from the corner of my eye, and a plan came to my mind.

As a last resort, I can only find the old watchman again... But, not now.

While thinking, I got up and responded to He Zhi with a smile, and then entered the main room.

I didn't look for a chair. There was a long plank on the floor, which seemed to be used as a coffin floor.

I didn't care about that much either. After lying down in the past, I put my hands on my head and fell into a deep sleep in maybe half a minute.

This time I slept soundly, but I still have a consciousness that I can't sleep for too long, and I have to take turns with He Zhi.

But when I fell asleep, I had another dream in a daze.

In the dream, I was still in this room, but I was sitting on a chair.

In front of me was a small man with exceptionally strong limbs who was intently grinding a board on a planer.

The ground is full of wood flower debris, and there are many things hanging on his waist, including a hatchet, and other gadgets that I don't know.

I stared blankly at him, and saw God for a moment.

I don't know how long it took, he suddenly stopped, turned his head and glanced at me, waved to me, then turned around and walked out of the main room.

Although I knew it was a dream, I still followed it in a strange way.

Because the things in the dream are so weird, basically I have no guiding power and can only watch it happen.

After leaving the main room, the man turned right and led me to the third door and stopped.

I thought he was going to open the door and enter the house.

But he turned his head back and stared at me blankly for a long time.

Suddenly, he pulled out the ax from his waist, and slashed at my face!

He moved so fast that it shocked me out of my wits!

Even in a dream, if someone throws an ax in your face, no one can bear it!

When I was frightened, I roared in fright, and stretched out my hand suddenly to block it.

But my hand blocked a hole!

Everything in the dream was instantly shattered.

When I came back to my senses, there was still the lingering sound of my roaring in my ears, and I was no longer lying on the plank, but sat up and tried to block the front with both hands, but the front was empty and there was nothing.

The blue veins on my forehead were throbbing wildly, and there was bean-sized sweat sliding down my cheeks. I was panting heavily, my heart was pounding, and my chest was heaving up and down.

The wooden boards beneath me were astonishingly cold, and in broad daylight I felt like I was sitting on ice.

Subconsciously, I looked down.

The wood grain is rough, and there is a spiral above the horizontal pattern, which seems to form an eyeball.

Suddenly, I shivered.

Why is this wooden board the same as the one planed by the man in the dream?

At this moment, both Liu Tianniu and Liu Huayan were awakened by me.

Liu Tianniu turned his head to look at me, his brows were furrowed, and there was some doubt in his eyes.

On the other hand, Liu Huayan looked tired and a little sleepy.

"What's the matter?" He Zhi hurried into the main room, her expression was quite alert.

I took another two breaths before looking up, and explained a little apologetically, saying that I had a nightmare, so I let Liu Tianniu and Liu Huayan continue to rest, it doesn't matter.

Liu Tianniu continued to rest with his eyes closed, and Liu Huayan also fell asleep.

He Zhi frowned and looked at me, but she didn't ask any more questions.

"You can sleep a little longer." After He Zhi finished speaking, he turned around and went into the yard again.

I took a deep breath and stood up straight away.

He Zhi stopped in surprise.

She turned her head and looked at me with a frown, but a trace of dissatisfaction flashed on her immature and delicate cheeks.

"Don't be brave, just rest for a while, Daoist Liu is the one to do it, Fengshui depends on you, I can't help you much." He Zhi's voice was very low.

I shook my head, and made a booing gesture to signal her not to disturb Liu Huayan and Liu Tianniu again.

Then, I looked down at the board on the ground again.

I turned around and walked out of the main room.

Follow the memory in the dream just now and turn right until you reach the third door.

But the third door was actually locked...

I subconsciously raised my hand and grabbed the lock.

He Zhi has been following me, with a bit of doubt in her eyes.

"Li Yinyang, what's wrong with you?" He Zhi asked in a low voice, "What's the problem with this door?"

After hesitating for a while, I told He Zhi about the dream I had just now.

And I also explained that when I was learning Feng Shui, my master told me that Mr.'s dream carries a foretelling.

The look in He Zhi's eyes turned into surprise.

I stared at the lock for a long while before making a decision to ask He Zhi to help me break the lock.

He Zhi swiftly drew out the Guillotine Knife, the tip of the knife penetrated into the lock and turned, and the lock fell to the ground with a click.

She had a questioning look in her eyes.

I whispered to let her follow me.

Then I reached out and opened the door...

When I pushed the door, I was extra careful and vigilant, because the scene in the dream still made me a little terrified.

The light in the room was very dim, and there was an unpleasant musty smell.

There is also a special smell mixed with the musty smell, and also mixed with a little strange fragrance.

The combination of these kinds of smells is very pungent and makes people's nose itchy.

I looked up and saw a "person" standing upright in front of the wall facing the room.

I was taken aback at the time, because the man stood so straight, almost clinging to the wall, staring at us expressionlessly.

In the next moment, I calmed down.

That "person" is a corpse...

His cheeks were sunken, and although his eyes were open, the eyeballs were sunken.

Because of dehydration, his figure is as thin as a wooden frame.

He was bound around his neck and waist with chains that protruded from the wall.

And he raised one hand and stuck it against the wall, holding an ax in his hand.

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