My heart suddenly sank.

He Zhi's face was also covered with frost.

Zhang Quan's expression became even more uneasy, and he couldn't help glancing at Father Lu's corpse.

"I'll put the body down first, you wake up Daoist Liu and the others."

After I finished speaking, I took out the divination knife and quickly walked to the front of Father Lu's body, just about to use the divination knife to pry open the iron chain.

But He Zhi's movements were even faster, and the ghost knife directly slashed towards the wall!

With two clicks, she actually just cut off two iron chains.

Papa Lu's body fell straight to the ground.

He Zhi turned sideways and left the room first.

I immediately stepped forward and straightened Father Lu's body, laying it flat on the ground.

When it was time to arrive, I glanced at the hatchet on the table, and without moving it, I quickly walked out of the room, with Zhang Quan following closely behind me.

As soon as I arrived in the courtyard, I saw Liu Tianniu and Liu Huayan at the entrance of the main room.

He Zhi was about to walk over, and it was obvious that the two of them had woken up a long time ago.

I'm not surprised either, just now the ax dropped by Lu's dead body made a lot of noise, and Zhang Quan also came back, making the noise even louder.

When he got close, he looked at Liu Tianniu's rigid face.

Before he could ask, I repeated what Zhang Quan had said, and briefly mentioned Father Lu's body.

Liu Tianniu didn't care about the latter, his eyes were narrowed, and he said, "They want to use this to kill Qian Shu." , Hou Qianshu's daughter is very fierce."

My heart sank even more, and sweat broke out on my forehead.

In fact, the dark is also good for us, at least it will be much easier to do it...

Now at dawn, they are using this method to force Hou Qianshu, plus they have more people and more guns.

It is impossible for Liu Tianniu to save people...

"What should I do?" I couldn't think of a solution for a while, so I could only ask Liu Tianniu.

Liu Tianniu didn't speak anymore.

Zhang Quan was also like an ant on a hot pot, pacing back and forth anxiously.

Suddenly Liu Tianniu lowered his head and took out a piece of cloth from his waist.

Or cloth, but in fact it is a piece of cloth, which is full of silver needles.

These needles vary in thickness, and without exception, they are at least as long as the middle finger.

The next moment, Liu Tianniu put the cloth belt away with his backhand. He shook his head and said, "I'm not sure that I won't kill them. If I don't let them shoot, they will definitely have a lot of manpower."

Pausing for a while, Liu Tianniu continued: "But there is a way, capture the thief first and capture the king."

My heart pounded.

Liu Tianniu's eyes became sharper, and he continued: "After arresting the officer in charge, will anyone dare to shoot?"

I nodded vigorously and said that this must be a good way!

As long as we can succeed, maybe there will be an opportunity to negotiate!

If you really want to talk about it, the official is the chief culprit who caused this entanglement in the first place.

He broke Hou Qianshu's leg, it wasn't that serious, but he killed Hou Qianshu's daughter, this is a deep hatred, and the people in Xuanhu Town are actually scapegoating him!

Liu Tianniu hummed, his expression calmed down a lot, and he said, "It's not too difficult to catch him."

I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Before I could speak, Liu Tianniu said again: "Hua Yan and I will rush to that mansion first. No one will be able to discover our skills. As for you and He Zhi, we need to think of something. To scare the snake away. But the best thing is, you can wait here."

I hesitated for a while before saying, I am afraid that something will happen, and we will find a way to get over it so that he doesn't have to worry.

Liu Tianniu nodded, he glanced at Liu Huayan, and then walked directly towards the gate of the courtyard.

Liu Huayan followed closely behind, and soon, both master and apprentice left the courtyard.

He Zhi said in a low voice: "It's broad daylight, if there are people outside all the time, it's not easy for us to cover people's eyes and ears."

I looked down at the clothes on my body, then at Zhang Quan's, especially at the cloth cap on his head, and immediately asked Zhang Quan to find two local clothes for He Zhi and me.

After Zhang Quan left in a hurry, I told He Zhi that our exchange was almost the same as that of the townspeople, and if we pay more attention, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Moreover, not many people in the town have actually met me, and even fewer have seen He Zhi.

He Zhi frowned and said no more.

Not long after, Zhang Quan came back with two old clothes of the townspeople.

Zhang Quan's serious expression was still somewhat happy. He told us that many townspeople are going out to watch the excitement right now. There are many people outside, but they have never seen us before. It is easier for us to get in. .

Moreover, the militiamen and townspeople who shouted to Qian Shu outside did not look like they were looking for us.

Zhang Quan paused for another moment, and then said seriously, maybe the mayor is also smart, he thinks one more thing is worse than one less thing, and he doesn't want to provoke us.

And when he was on the road just now, he bumped into one or two militiamen, who ignored him.

I calmed down even more, shook my head, and said that it wasn't whether he provoked us or not, but the lives of the entire Xuanhu Town, and we couldn't let them mess around.

At this time, He Zhi had already put the clothes brought by Zhang Quan on his body.

Even so, the dress was still too big for her slender figure.

She did not know where she found a rope and wrapped it around her waist. Although it was just a coarse cloth, it still had a girlish beauty.

Soon, He Zhi put on the cloth hat again, covering most of her face, and only then did she hide her outstanding appearance.

I also imitated her and put on my clothes and wrapped my cloth hat. At this moment, the two of them are no different from the townspeople of Xuanhu Town.

Zhang Quan walked towards the gate of the courtyard.

I glanced at the big ox over the courtyard wall.

It happened to be looking at me too, and it snorted and moved its front hooves.

Knowing that it was psychic, I whispered, "Wait for us to come back." Then I followed Zhang Quan.

Leaving from the courtyard of Father Lu's house, Zhang Quan walked ahead with his head bowed and his hands clasped, while He Zhi and I imitated similar movements and followed behind.

When we entered the town, there were quite a lot of people on the road. Everyone moved in the same way, and no one looked at us.

On the contrary, they are in twos and threes, talking in whispers.

After walking for another distance, militiamen began to appear on the road. They held guns, and after a few steps, they pulled their necks and shouted.

"Waiting for Qian Shu! You have done a lot of harm! Hurry up and confess! Otherwise, your mother-in-law will be crushed!"

These words are still the most benevolent, and there are many more words that are even more difficult to hear, which made my heart feel angry for no reason.

Finally, we arrived outside the courtyard of Hou Qian's home.

At this time, a wooden shelf more than one meter high was piled up outside the courtyard, and firewood was piled under it.

And the wooden shelf is not a coffin, but a vertical log with a rope hanging from it, hanging a corpse...

The corpse had already rotted to the point that it was almost skinny and mummified, and it was barely recognizable as a woman.

Many of the surrounding townspeople have dug graves...

They walked up and down the campfire.

And at the gate of the courtyard, there are big-headed soldiers wearing military coats, holding polished guns, their strength is much stronger than that of the militiamen.

The eyes are really fierce, it's the breath of a knife licking blood!

It's just that my heart is more like being hammered twice.

They are simply sinners!

The corpse of Hou Qianshu's wife didn't turn evil, it was just an ordinary was still hung up...

Insulting people to the bone, this method is simply killing people and killing people, it is devoid of conscience!

[The author has something to say]

The update is over, friends... Thank you Miss Hua'er for her super rocket, thank you for the certification of Ning Jing Zhiyuan's masterpiece, and thank you everyone who still voted for me.I lifted Luo Sangeng's hat by myself and put it on for myself.Since then, I am no longer a mortal.

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