If this knife is called Hou Qian Shu hit the target, the big ox might die on the spot!

I managed to stand firm, and swung my knife again in fright and anger, trying to stop Waiting Qianshu.

With a clang, the Jieyin dagger collided with the divination knife in Hou Qianshu's hand, and sparks shot out!

I blocked this, and the big yellow ox rushed out a few meters without any hindrance, and its figure was hidden in the mist.

"Bastard! Dare!" Hou Qianshu roared ferociously, almost breaking his voice.

At the same time, he suddenly let go of the divination knife.

Originally, our two knives were against each other, and no one would let the other go. As soon as he let go, the dagger was directly slashed towards his neck!

The force of that inertia was too great, my body immediately lost its balance, and I couldn't withdraw the knife at all!

I was shocked, and saw that my knife was about to cut Hou Qianshu's neck.

I think Hou Qianshu is crazy, isn't he? !Did he send himself to death on purpose? !

But the next moment, I don't think so.

Because of the position of the soles of my feet, I suddenly felt a sharp pain, my calf seemed to be cramping, and my whole body fell heavily towards the ground next to me!

The Yin Yin dagger also clanged and pierced into a crack in the ground.

The next moment, a muffled sound came from the fog.

At the same time, there was a deafening cow moo!

There was pain in the mooing of the cow, as if it had endured great pain.

And Hou Qianshu, at this moment, has rushed into the mist and disappeared from my sight.

I wanted to prop up my body, but my calves were still twisting, and the soles of my feet were still burning with pain.

I forced myself to sit up sideways, turned my calf, and looked at the bottom of my foot. There was a sharp tile stuck there, and the sharp part pierced through the sole of my shoe.

The cramps and the sharp pain in the soles of my feet made my forehead sweat.

He Zhi stood up reluctantly at this time, and she quickly came to help me, staring vigilantly at the place where Qian Shu disappeared.

I was anxious and wanted to call He Zhi to check the situation quickly.

Just at this moment, I heard a cock crowing in my ear...

The sound was not loud, but it was exceptionally clear, as if dispelling all the haze in an instant...

The originally cold and dead silence in the courtyard was suppressed in an instant.

The mist, like melting ice and snow, dispersed quickly.

In a blink of an eye, all the fog in the courtyard disappeared.

There is a fish belly white hanging on the sky.

In the courtyard with a clear view, Hou Qianshu could no longer be seen.

The big ox kicked its hooves in front of the courtyard wall more than ten meters away, mooing from time to time.

The ox hair on the top of its head was actually scorched black at this time, with bluish red blood still sticking to it.

My heart skipped a beat.

Liu Tianniu beheaded the wrong "person", big old scalper, hit the right one?

I pursed my lips tightly and scanned the courtyard quickly, trying to find the trace of Hou Qianshu.

But I looked around and found nothing.

"He relied on the dead people in this courtyard to fight us. They ran away just before dawn."

He Zhi helped me up from the ground, her tone was extremely unwilling.

My heart is very depressed.

Is it really Hou Qianshu's daughter, what role does Hou Qian play?

The moment before I hurt Hou Qianshu, Liu Tianniu stumbled, He Zhi slipped his waist, my calf cramped, and I was even pierced through the sole of my foot...

What kind of dead body is she, so weird?

His eyes fell to the west side of the courtyard.

Liu Tianniu knelt on one knee and squatted on the ground, his hands were pressing between the chest and abdomen of a person.

It looks like Liu Tianniu is saving people...

Liu Huayan next to him was pale, with panic in his eyes.

Liu Tianniu's face was ugly, the anger in his eyes was almost overwhelming, and his shoulders were trembling slightly.

I have a very bad feeling in my heart.

With the support of He Zhi, we walked closer.

Lying on the ground was a woman about 27 or [-] years old. She was small and thin, and she was dressed in the clothes of ordinary townspeople.

On her chest, there were three mahogany swords pierced horizontally.

Liu Tianniu not only pressed her chest and abdomen, but also pierced the woman's wound with a silver needle.

At this moment, the woman was barely breathing, and her chest rose and fell slightly.

But this breath is already very weak, so weak that it will dissipate at any time.

In addition, there was a slit in the woman's half-opened eyes, and there was also a dead gray, it was clear that her mind was lost...

"Daoist Liu..." I just opened my mouth, but my chest seemed to be blocked, and I couldn't speak.

Liu Tianniu's face was tense, but he still didn't say a word.

"Master...it's hopeless..." Liu Huayan who was beside him spoke with difficulty.

Liu Tianniu's complexion suddenly turned blue and red, and the next moment, he spit out a ball of black and red blood.

I was even more shocked.

But I vaguely understand why Liu Tianniu looks like this...

The Taoist priest saved the dying, healed the wounded, and acted on behalf of the heavens. Now that he has been contaminated with human life, this may not only break his rules, but also affect his state of mind...

After vomiting blood, Liu Tianniu was quite depressed.

I hesitated for a moment, and said, "Daoist Liu, I can't blame you for this, you can't see..."

Originally, I wanted to persuade Liu Tianniu.

But before the words finished, Liu Tianniu interrupted me in a low voice: "Murder and murder? Don't blame me?"

"This..." I couldn't answer for a while...

The next moment, the woman's body suddenly twitched, her limbs tensed up, and the breath in her chest completely disappeared.

Liu Tianniu's demeanor was even more sluggish, and Liu Huayan was obviously at a loss.

"He escaped?" Liu Tianniu's lips moved slightly, and he looked up at me, the sharpness in his eyes lost a lot.

I nodded, "Hmm!"

Immediately afterwards, I told him that in the end the big ox should hit Hou Qianshu's daughter Hou Qian.

And I cautiously persuaded Liu Tianniu again, saying that his current behavior would not only do no good, but would actually make it harder for us to deal with the waiting money book.

Hou Qianshu is too weird...

Liu Huayan said anxiously in a low voice: "It's really weird...Master has never missed a hand before, but just now he made a mistake, and even..."

Liu Tianniu closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes were full of exhaustion.

"It's really weird, as if someone pulled me out of nowhere. You can't let him escape, Li Yinyang, you have to use all your strength to find him!"

Liu Tianniu gave me a deep look and spoke at the same time.

I nodded solemnly, and told Liu Tianniu what happened with He Zhi just now.

Liu Tianniu frowned even tighter, he was silent for a long time before he said: "It's not because of a dead person, if it's a dead person, it's impossible to stop me."

What he said naturally overturned my guess.

Liu Tianniu's gaze fell on the corpse on the ground again, and he said, "But that daughter of his is indeed quite strange. I clearly sensed the aura of a vicious ghost, and I didn't think it was a living person at all..."

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