Waiting for Qian Shu to speak, he suddenly smiled.

His eyes fell on me more, and his tone calmed down a lot.

"Well water doesn't interfere with river water. Now that you know who I am and have seen the deed, you must also know why I am in Xuanhu Town."

"If you leave now, we have never met and have nothing to do with each other."

Before I could speak, it was Liu Tianniu who spoke first. He said in a cold voice, "Leave? After you leave, are you going to kill people recklessly?"

"Murder to pay for life, debt to pay back money, I come to collect the debt, do you want to take care of me?" Hou Qianshu's calm tone at the beginning has now become murderous.

The moment his voice fell, the fog in the courtyard became thicker.

The faint cry suddenly rang in his ears.

The crying made people feel depressed.

What surprised me even more was that at this moment, Qian Shu didn't agree with each other, so he wanted to do something?

If the husband fights, he will never die, but as far as I know, there is no way for the husband to fight openly, it is a game in secret, which will cause great consequences.

But Hou Qianshu's attitude is very direct and obvious!

Even if there is a deed in this courtyard, there are murderous corpses in the deed.

Hou Qianshu is a gentleman after all, even though he has yin and yang skills, but he is one against three after all, even his body is not perfect.

Mr.'s skills are not good at all, he lacks a leg, where does he have the confidence to challenge us directly? !

What's more, there are powerful Taoist priests and ghost wives among us!

Hou Qianshu is not a fool, since he did this, he must have something to rely on!

My thoughts just flashed in an instant, but at this moment Liu Tianniu suddenly moved!

He rushed forward a few steps, and grabbed Hou Qianshu's shoulder with one hand!

At the same time, Liu Tianniu scolded in a cold voice: "Using feng shui to harm ordinary people, even if you have a reason, you shouldn't! You need to give an explanation for this matter."

In the blink of an eye, Liu Tianniu had already reached the threshold of the main room, and his hand seemed to be grabbing Hou Qianshu's shoulder!

Waiting for Qian Shu, but he didn't dodge or dodge.

Just at this moment, with a muffled creak, Liu Tianniu staggered, and his body suddenly fell forward!

I was shocked.

Because Liu Tianniu stepped on the threshold just now, the threshold actually broke from it at this moment, which also made Liu Tianniu's footsteps unstable.

He didn't grab the middle-ranking Qian Shu!

But Liu Tianniu was so powerful, how could he stumble because the threshold was broken?

I think this one is too weird.

And in the mist, there seemed to be another shadow, this shadow was much smaller, and it was quickly approaching Liu Tianniu!

I felt a chill in my heart, and shouted in a low voice: "Daoist Liu, be careful!"

At this moment, Liu Tianniu suddenly stopped and stood firm.

"Gai Wen!"

A loud shout burst out from Liu Tianniu's mouth.

"The sky is round and the land is nine chapters in the law! I will kill it now, and get rid of all disasters!" "Once I cut off the sky's disasters, I will meet road ghosts in the sky, kill all the devils, and leave my hometown forever!"

There was an indescribable feeling in this drinking sound, that breath, like the gushing out of evil spirits?

Or, is this the upright spirit unique to Taoist priests?

In short, when Liu Tianniu drank this spell, he grabbed his hand around his waist, and suddenly three mahogany swords flew out, shooting towards the shadow in the mist!

Before Liu Tianniu stopped moving, he was about to grab Qian Shu's neck with his backhand.

But Qian Shu still didn't dodge, he suddenly said quietly: "It's the first time I saw such a fierce Taoist priest, and he didn't want me to kill people, but he would use his sword to kill the person who bumped into him. If that's the case, wait another two days , I let everyone in Xuanhu Town run amok, you kill them, how about avenging me?"

Hou Qianshu's smoky voice was very low and hoarse, but his speech was fast and ironic.

Liu Tianniu's face changed, and he said in surprise, "Impossible!"

The moment his voice fell, there was a scream!

This scream reveals extremely intense pain, where is the fierce corpse and ghost, it is clearly a person who has been severely injured!

The next moment, Liu Tianniu no longer cared about Qian Shu, he quickly ran towards the direction where he swung his sword just now!

This scene was too fast, which made my complexion change in shock.

Because even I felt that it was Hou Qianshu's daughter who came out of the mist just now, and it must be cooperating with him.

But I didn't expect that it was an ordinary person who was bumpy?townspeople?

I stared at Hou Qianshu, he let Liu Tianniu kill someone with his little thought? !

At this moment, Liu Huayan's face also became extremely ugly.

While raising her legs, she also rushed into the courtyard to chase Liu Tianniu.

He Zhi moved, she stepped forward suddenly, and swung down the mourning stick held high in her hand.

"A blow to the head!" A cold scolding voice burst out of her mouth.

This scolding sound was ruthless and decisive, with murderous intent!

I didn't stop He Zhi, because I knew that Qian Shu would definitely not be so easily recruited at this time!

Now that we have started, we can only take down the waiting money book with He Zhi, and then let him submit!

In the blink of an eye, I also stepped forward quickly, and at the same time drew out the divination knife of the corpse hunter in my hand!

He Zhi moved too fast, that one blow was about to hit Zhonghou Qianshu on the forehead.

But at this moment, He Zhi suddenly let out a cry of pain, twisted her waist, and she lost all weight, and fell directly to the ground!

With a bang, the mourning stick hit the ground, followed by another muffled bang, and He Zhi fell heavily to the ground!

I was startled, but the movement in my hand didn't stop, and the divination knife directly pierced Hou Qianshu's shoulder!

A strange scene happened.

Hou Qianshu suddenly stared straight into my eyes, his cloudy eyeballs seemed to be tinged with blue.

Originally, he had round eyes, but in the strange change, those eyes seemed to have become willow eyes, or single eyelids.

He pursed his mouth tightly, and took the divination knife directly towards me with one hand!

His two fingers caught the divination knife at once, and pulled it vigorously. I couldn't resist it at all, and the divination knife was snatched by him.

The next moment, Hou Qianshu drew the knife with his backhand, and the blade cut directly towards my neck!

Cold words burst out from Hou Qianshu's lips.

"You are not good people. If you want to separate us, father and daughter, you both deserve to die!" This voice was completely different from the smoky voice of Hou Qianshu just before!More like the sharp words of a childish girl!

In the blink of an eye, I backed away abruptly, and at the same time took out the dagger of yin, and quickly parried it.

There was a crisp clang, and sparks burst out when the blades collided!

"He crashed!" He Zhi got up from the ground in pain, his face was pale, and he reminded me in a stern tone.

"Li Yinyang, be careful! This man and the dead body in this courtyard are very weird!"

My heart was full of chills, of course I knew he was weird, Liu Tianniu stumbled, He Zhi flinched, these were all too abnormal!

And at this moment, on the side of the main room, the big yellow ox that came in just now suddenly raised its hooves with a moo, and rushed towards a direction in the courtyard!

Its posture, with its head tilted forward!Obviously it saw something in the fog and wanted to hit it? !

There are folk rumors that ghosts can be seen in the tears of a cow, this old scalper is too old, and he is already a psychic!

Could it be that what it saw was the daughter of Hou Qianshu? !

Hou Qianshu's expression suddenly became extremely stern, he drew his knife, and threw himself at the big ox!

The blade directly pierced the neck of the big ox!

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