"She was really like a corpse before, her breath and this house were integrated." The second half of Liu Tianniu's sentence refers to the corpse on the ground.

I suddenly thought of Fu Qi...

At that time, Qian was already extremely fierce, and she might look like a green corpse.

In addition, the Fu Qi classifies this place as the realm of the dead, so Liu Tianniu was deceived?

Originally, with Jiang Yihong's warning, I shouldn't let Liu Tianniu and the others come in, and I shouldn't do anything in the land with a contract.

It's too late to regret now...

"Take her back, it's just dawn, find out where she lives, we will send the body, and I will give an explanation." Liu Tianniu and Liu Huayan ordered in a deep voice.

Liu Huayan nodded lightly, and took out a large white cloth to restrain and wrap the corpse.

He Zhi cast me a questioning look.

Liu Tianniu also looked at me deeply.

I felt a great pressure, because at this moment, I really can't think of any way to find out the waiting money book...

It seems that he is lame, and it seems that he has borrowed the haunted house, the murderous corpse, and even the talisman.

But he really fought with us, and he didn't lose the wind in the slightest!

This is the first Mr. Yin Yang I have met besides Jiang Yihong.

Although he has no skill, his courage and calculation are too strong.

"Temporarily... there is no way." At this point in my thoughts, I still shook my head.

After hesitating for a moment, I said again: "But he will definitely not leave...he will not let the people in this town go."

I felt an indescribable sense of powerlessness in my heart, although I could recognize his feng shui skills, I could guess that his yin skills were definitely not as good as Zhai Jing.

But I really don't have the skills to play games with him, and I don't even know how to fight him...

Liu Tianniu's face was cloudy and uncertain, he lowered his head, as if he was also thinking.

Suddenly, He Zhi said softly: "There is another way, Daoist Liu, Li Yinyang, you all ignored it."

Liu Tianniu's eyes fell on He Zhi, and he said in a deep voice: "What method, tell me." The daughter was arrested, but the root cause of it was that he made a fortune teller, and was dissatisfied and retaliated against."

"But why, he didn't go to the official master Ge Guang said? He didn't want to kill the enemy directly to avenge his hatred?"

"The official's status is not low. If something happened to him recently, Ge Guang would definitely mention it yesterday, but obviously he didn't."

"Hou Qianshu is afraid of that person! He doesn't even dare to take revenge in public, but if that person appears in Xuanhu Town, Hou Qianshu will definitely come out!" He Zhi's words were well-founded and well-organized.

She lowered her voice again and continued: "I can't find Hou Qianshu, so let Hou Qianshu come to us. Fishing needs bait." After listening to her words, I frowned tightly.

What He Zhi said really gave me a hint.

The grievance has its head, and the debt has its owner, but Hou Qianshu did transfer all his grievances to the villagers...

The reason is very simple.

It must be out of fear that he could do so ruthlessly but not look for the official.

That person can indeed lure Hou Qianshu out...

But the risk is not small, first we have to find someone.

In addition, using human life as bait is itself a kind of taboo...

It's okay if things are done, but if they fail, a person will be killed.

Although that person has a grudge against Hou Qianshu, his fate is not up to us to decide.

In addition, Hou Qianshu dare not look for him, so can we find him?

In my thoughts, I glanced at Liu Tianniu again.

Liu Tianniu frowned even more, and after a while, he shook his head and said, "This plan is over."

But He Zhi stomped his feet and said again: "You want to save people, but things happen for a reason. Is it true that Hou Qianshu is all wrong? Now he is blaming the villagers. If one person dies today, what if ten more die tomorrow? ?”

"It was originally caused by a villain, but you want to save that person's life in a pedantic way. You are trapped in this so-called taboo and rules, and you kill more people. Are you satisfied? Make you feel comfortable? "He Zhi's words themselves were clearly a bit sharp.

Liu Tianniu's complexion darkened a bit, and my complexion also changed. He Zhi's words also stung me.

"If you have a way, come up with it. If there is no way, this is the best way."

"A wicked person's life, he may not die, but he has the chance to change the lives of all the people in this town. I don't understand why you say no." After He Zhi finished her last sentence, she walked out of the compound.

Liu Tianniu stood up, his complexion was even more uncertain.

I was also struggling and tormenting in my heart. For a while, He Zhi's sharp question really stumped me...

During this period, Liu Huayan had already wrapped up the female corpse.

She picked up the corpse, went to the big ox, and tied the body to the back of the big ox.

Liu Tianniu turned around and walked out of the courtyard.

Liu Huayan pulled the big yellow ox forward, and I limped along.

Out of the courtyard, I saw He Zhi kicking a stone on the side of the road. The stone hit the wall, bounced back, and was finally kicked away by He Zhi...

She looked up at us, then turned her head away without looking at us.

"One old cow has a pedantic nose, and the other has just become a gentleman and has also become pedantic. The two together are a perfect match." He Zhi muttered in a low voice.

Liu Huayan's expression was obviously embarrassing.

Liu Tianniu's expression was cold and hard.

At this moment, from the direction of the town entrance, someone suddenly staggered towards us.

Take a closer look, isn't it Zhang Quan who is here? !

At this moment, Zhang Quan's face was panicked, and there was fear in his eyes.

I frowned, and I asked Zhang Quan to go back before entering the hospital just now.

What is he doing here again?Could it be that something else happened?

After a while, Zhang Quan rushed to us. He grabbed my wrist and said anxiously: "Mr. Li...a lot of men from the town have gone to the back mountain. The mayor met with many people last night. Everyone has said that Mr. Hou is back, and he is causing trouble!"

"They are now going to dig out the coffin of Mr. Hou's wife, and the mayor has entered the city himself. He is going to invite the officials in the city to come."

My face immediately changed.

Liu Tianniu's face sank like water, and the vertical pattern of Sichuan characters between his brows became deeper.

A pensive look flashed in He Zhi's eyes, and then she narrowed her eyes and glanced at me and Liu Tianniu, the eyes were very meaningful!

I didn't know how to speak for a while.

The official, by accident, was brought to Xuanhu Town, isn't this fate?

But Ge Guang actually asked the townspeople to dig Qian Shu's wife's grave? !

The disaster is not as good as the family, hurting people does not hurt children, they hurt!

Now they have to dig people's graves, this is to force Hou Qianshu to live forever!

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